Class TLcdSIGWXModelDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdAnnotatedElement, ILcdDataModelDescriptor, ILcdModelDescriptor, Serializable

public final class TLcdSIGWXModelDescriptor extends TLcdDataModelDescriptor
Model descriptor for models for models decoded using a TLcdBUFRModelDecoder containing SIGWX weather features. It includes the SIGWX metadata for all the weather features that are included in the BUFR subset.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getOriginatingCenter

      public ELcdSIGWXOriginatingCenter getOriginatingCenter()
      Returns the originating center of the SIGWX data in the model.
      the originating center
    • getDataDate

      public Instant getDataDate()
      Returns the date that the SIGWX data in the model was generated.
      the data date
    • getForecastDate

      public Instant getForecastDate()
      Returns the forecast date for the SIGWX data in the model.
      forecast date
    • getBaseHeight

      public Integer getBaseHeight()
      Returns the base height flight level (in meters) for the boundary of the SIGWX data in the model.
      base height
    • getTopHeight

      public Integer getTopHeight()
      Returns the top height flight level (in meters) for the boundary of the SIGWX data in the model.
      top height
    • getRegions

      public List<ILcdPolygon> getRegions()

      Returns the list of coverage areas for the SIGWX data in the model. This list is not modifiable. If no regions were specified in the SIGWX BUFR file, this returns an empty list.

      The coordinates of the region are expressed in WSG84.

      the regions of coverage
    • getSIGWXLevel

      public ELcdSIGWXLevel getSIGWXLevel()
      Returns the SIGWX level for the SIGWX data in the model. See ELcdSIGWXLevel for the possible levels.
      the SIGWX level