Class TLcdASTERIXReferenceProvider


public class TLcdASTERIXReferenceProvider extends ALcdASTERIXReferenceProvider
Default implementation of ALcdASTERIXReferenceProvider which can be used for static radar platforms. This class creates a reference based on its constructor parameters and always returns that same reference. Depending on the constructor that is used, this class can either provide azimuthal equidistant references with a given origin and rotation, or a reference which is externally supplied the user.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdASTERIXReferenceProvider

      public TLcdASTERIXReferenceProvider()
      The provider will return an azimuthal equidistant reference with the origin at (0, 0) and no rotation.
    • TLcdASTERIXReferenceProvider

      public TLcdASTERIXReferenceProvider(ILcdPoint aRadarPosition)
      The provider will return an azimuthal equidistant reference with the given origin and no rotation.
      aRadarPosition - lon/lat position of the radar, used as the origin of the reference created by this provider
    • TLcdASTERIXReferenceProvider

      public TLcdASTERIXReferenceProvider(ILcdPoint aRadarPosition, double aRadarPlatformOrientation)
      The provider will return an azimuthal equidistant reference with the given origin and rotation. The rotation is specified in degrees, increasing counterclockwise.
      aRadarPosition - lon/lat position of the radar, used as the origin of the reference created by this provider
      aRadarPlatformOrientation - rotation of the radar platform
    • TLcdASTERIXReferenceProvider

      public TLcdASTERIXReferenceProvider(ILcdModelReference aReference)
      The provider will return the given model reference.
      aReference - the model reference that will be returned by this provider
  • Method Details