Class TLcdARINCProcedureDataProperties


public final class TLcdARINCProcedureDataProperties extends Object
This class provides easy access to the properties of the Procedure type.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final TLcdDataProperty DESIGNATOR
      The identifier or designator of this procedure. The designator is of the type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty AERODROME_IDENTIFIER
      The identifier of the aerodrome to which this procedure belongs. The aerodrome identifier is of the type String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty TRANSITION_IDENTIFIER
      The identifier of the type of transition to be made from the enroute environment into the terminal area and vice versa, and from the terminal area to the approach or from the runway or helipad to the terminal area. The transition identifier is of the type String.
    • TYPE

      public static final TLcdDataProperty TYPE
      The type of this procedure. The procedure type is of the type TLcdProcedureType.
    • SUB_TYPE

      public static final TLcdDataProperty SUB_TYPE
      The subtype of this procedure. This provides a wider range of subtypes than the TYPE property. For Airport and Heliport Approach Routes, beside this subtype two route type qualifiers are specified that can be found in properties SUB_TYPE_QUALIFIER1 and SUB_TYPE_QUALIFIER2. The procedure subtype is of the type TcdProcedureSubType.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty SUB_TYPE_QUALIFIER1
      The first subtype qualifier of this procedure. The first procedure subtype qualifier is of the type TLcdProcedureIAPSubTypeQualifier.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty SUB_TYPE_QUALIFIER2
      The second subtype qualifier of this procedure. The second procedure subtype qualifier is of the type TLcdProcedureIAPSubTypeQualifier.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty GNSS_FMS_INDICATOR
      The indication of whether or not the responsible government agency has authorized the overlay of a conventional, ground based approach procedure with the use of a sensor capable of processing GNSS data or if the procedure may be flown with FMS as the primary navigation equipment, also used to indicate when and RNAV procedure has been authorized for GNSS-based vertical navigation. The GNSS/FMS indicator is of the type TLcdGNSSFMSIndicator.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty CYCLE_DATE
      The calendar period in which the record was added to the file or last revised. A change in any ARINC 424 field, except Dynamic Magnetic Variation, Frequency Protection, Continuation Record Number and File Record Number, requires a cycle date change. The cycle date will not change if there is no change in the data. The first two digits of the field contain the last two digits of the year in which the addition or revision was made. The last two digits contain the numeric identity of the 28-day data update cycle during which the change occurred. Each calendar year contains 13 such cycles, however, on rare occasions 14 cycles will be encountered. The cycle date is of the type String.