Package com.luciad.format.arinc.decoder

package com.luciad.format.arinc.decoder
This package contains a decoder that can handle the ARINC 424 format. The implementation supports version 15, 17 and 18 of the ARINC 424 specification.
  • Class
    This ILcdModelDecoder extension specifies the interface for ARINC data source decoders.
    A support class for accumulating error messages.
    An ILcdARINCHandler expects Arinc data record per record.
    This extension of the ALcdARINCHandler interface deals with aerodrome records (Airport Primary Records, section code P, subsection code A).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCHandler interface deals with aerodrome communication records (Airport Communications Records, section code A, subsection code V).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCHandler interface deals with Controlled Airspace records (Controlled Airspace Primary Records, section code U, subsection code C).
    The default implementation of ILcdARINCDecoder.
    This extension of the ALcdARINCVHFNavaidHandler class deals with DME records (VHF Navaid Primary Records, section code D, subsection code D).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCHandler interface deals with enroute airway records (Enroute Airways Records, section code E, subsection code R).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCHandler interface deals with enroute communication records (Enroute Communications Records, section code E, subsection code V).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCHandler interface deals with FIR/UIR records (FIR/UIR Primary Records, section code U, subsection code F).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCHandler interface deals with heliport communication records (Heliport Communications Records, section code H, subsection code V).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCHandler interface deals with aerodrome records (Heliport Primary Records, section code H, subsection code A).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCHandler interface deals with enroute holding patterns (Enroute Holding Pattern Records, section code E, subsection code P).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCHandler class deals with Localizer and Glide Slope records (Airport and Heliport Localizer and Glide Slope Records, section code P, subsection code I).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCHandler class deals with Marker records (Airport and Heliport Localizer Marker Records, section code P, subsection code M).
    This implementation of ILcdARINCHandler decodes Minimum Sector Altitude records (Airport MSA Primary Records, section code P, subsection code S, and Heliport MSA Primary Records, section code H, subsection code S).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCHandler interface deals with MORA records (MORA Primary Records, section code A, subsection code S).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCHandler class deals with NDB navaid records (NDB Navaid and Terminal NDB Records, section and subsection codes DB, PN).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCHandler interface deals with airport SID, STAR, Approach (IAP) procedures (Airport SID/STAR/Approach Records, section and subsection codes PD, PE and PF).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCHandler interface deals with Restrictive Airspace records (Restrictive Airspace Primary Records, section code U, subsection code R).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCHandler interface deals with runway records (Runway Primary Records, section code P, subsection code G).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCVHFNavaidHandler class deals with TACAN records (VHF Navaid Primary Records, section code D subsection code T).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCVHFNavaidHandler class deals with VOR records (VHF Navaid Primary Records, section code D, subsection code V).
    This extension of the ALcdARINCHandler interface deals with enroute waypoints (Enroute Waypoint Primary Records, section code E, subsection code A), and with terminal airport/heliport waypoints (Airport/Heliport Terminal Waypoint Primary Records, section and subsection codes PC and HC).