Interface ILcdEarthMultivaluedProviderFactory

public interface ILcdEarthMultivaluedProviderFactory
A factory for multi-valued providers. A provider is created based on the information contained in the model. A typical example of a multi-valued model is a GRIB wind model, containing a u and v component in multi-valued raster elements.
  • Field Details


      static final String GEO_REFERENCE
      Key used for an ILcdGeoReference property. The property defines the geographic reference of the provider. Note that it is most efficient if the provider has the same geographic reference as the model.
      See Also:

      static final String PARAMETERS
      Key used for a List<TLcdEarthMultivalueDataParameter> property. The property defines the number and order of the values that will be returned by the multi-valued provider.
      See Also:

      static final String PIXEL_DENSITY
      Key used for a pixel density property. The property should be a double. Pixel density is defined as the number of values per unit of area. The area should be expressed in function of the given GEO_REFERENCE property.
      See Also:
    • LAYER

      static final String LAYER
      Key used for an ILcdLayer property. The property defines the layer from which data can be retrieved. This can for example be used to obtain the data that is currently being painted (which is cached) instead of retrieving it from the model (which may require IO).
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createMultivaluedProvider

      ILcdEarthMultivaluedProvider createMultivaluedProvider(ILcdModel aModel, Map<String,Object> aProperties)
      Creates a multi-valued provider for a given model and properties. Required properties are:
      aModel - a model to create a provider for
      aProperties - the properties to create a provider with
      a new provider, or null if the model is not supported
      TLcdMissingPropertyException - when a required property is missing
      IllegalArgumentException - when the model is not valid
    • getParameters

      Retrieves all the parameters available in a model
      aModel - model to retrieve the parameters from
      the list of parameters available in the given model, or null if the model is not supported