Package com.luciad.contour

package com.luciad.contour
This package contains utility classes for finding contours based on raster data. There are two types of shapes as result of a contour finder: polylines or complex polygons, created respectively by the TLcdPolylineContourFinder and the TLcdComplexPolygonContourFinder in combination with a ILcdContourBuilder.

These two contour finders replace the deprecated TLcdContourFinder from the package com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.

TLcdPolylineContourFinder gives open and closed contour lines (isolines) as the result. An open contour line can occur if the contour goes through the edge of the map.

TLcdComplexPolygonContourFinder gives complex polygons as a result. A complex polygon represents an area where the values on the map are lower than a value, higher than a value, or between two values, depending on the interval setting. TLcdComplexPolygonContourFinder uses complex polygons instead of simple polygons because an ILcdComplexPolygon supports holes, for example to represent a donut shaped area.

The contour finders require an ILcdContourBuilder to create shapes from the contour data. Separate implementations of ILcdContourBuilder are available for the polyline and the complex polygon contour finders. They create TLcdIntervalContour and TLcdValuedContour instances, which contain the base shape as well as an interval or a double representing the level of this contour. These created shapes are then passed to an ILcdFunction that has to be provided. No default implementation for this ILcdFunction is available, you can create this ILcdFunction to handle or store the output shapes.

Each contour finders can find contours for two types of values: level values, and special values. Level values are for example heights or other continuous data. Special values are values that cannot be sorted from low to high and have special meaning, e.g. "unknown", "visible" or "invisible".