Package com.luciad.ais.shape

package com.luciad.ais.shape
Everything related to representing three-dimensional shapes that are domain independent.
  • Class
    A base class for discretized GeoPaths.
    An editable extension of ILcdGeoPath.
    An editable extension of ILcdGeoPathLeg.
    An ILcdGeoPath is a shape consisting of multiple ILcdGeoPathLegs.
    An ILcdGeoPathLeg is a geometric shape defined by a point and, depending on the type of the leg, a number of other parameters.
    An generic arc band class that delegates to another ILcd2DEditableArcBand instance.
    An generic point class that delegates to another ILcd3DEditablePoint instance.
    A polygon that delegates to an internal polygon.
    A polyline that delegates to an internal polyline.
    An implementation of ALcdDiscretizedGeoPath which performs the discretization in geodetic coordinates.
    An implementation of the ILcdGeoPath interface.
    An implementation of the ILcdGeoPathLeg interface.