Class TLcdATSRouteModelDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataModelDescriptor, ILcdModelDescriptor, ILcdFeaturedDescriptor, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
TLcdAIXMRouteModelDescriptor, TLcdARINCEnrouteAirwayModelDescriptor, TLcdDAFIFATSRouteModelDescriptor

public class TLcdATSRouteModelDescriptor extends TLcdHashedFeaturedModelDescriptor
An ILcdModelDescriptor implementation for models containing ILcdATSRoute objects.

This model descriptor is also an ILcdDataModelDescriptor.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdATSRouteModelDescriptor

      @Deprecated public TLcdATSRouteModelDescriptor(String aSourceName, String aTypeName, String aDisplayName, String[] aFeatureNames, Class[] aFeatureClasses)
      Constructs a new TLcdATSRouteModelDescriptor object.
      aSourceName - the name of the data source
      aTypeName - the type name of the data source
      aDisplayName - the display name of the data source
      aFeatureNames - the feature names
      aFeatureClasses - the feature classes
    • TLcdATSRouteModelDescriptor

      public TLcdATSRouteModelDescriptor(String aSourceName, String aTypeName, String aDisplayName, TLcdDataType aDataType)
      Constructs a new TLcdATSRouteModelDescriptor object.
      aSourceName - the name of the data source
      aTypeName - the type name of the data source
      aDisplayName - the display name of the data source
      aDataType - the type of the elements of this descriptor's model
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getRouteSegmentDescriptor

      public ILcdFeaturedDescriptor getRouteSegmentDescriptor()
      Returns the featured descriptor describing the featured ILcdRouteSegment objects.
      the featured descriptor describing the featured ILcdRouteSegment objects.
    • setRouteSegmentDescriptor

      public void setRouteSegmentDescriptor(ILcdFeaturedDescriptor aRouteSegmentDescriptor)
      Specifies a featured descriptor for the featured ILcdRouteSegment objects.
      aRouteSegmentDescriptor - a featured descriptor for the featured ILcdRouteSegment objects.
    • getWaypointDescriptor

      public ILcdFeaturedDescriptor getWaypointDescriptor()
      Returns the featured descriptor describing the featured ILcdWayPoint objects that can be part of a route segment. Note that this can be null (e.g. when no waypoints are used in the construction of route segments).
      the featured descriptor describing the featured ILcdWayPoint objects that can be part of a route segment. Null is returned if no featured descriptor is available.
    • setWaypointDescriptor

      public void setWaypointDescriptor(ILcdFeaturedDescriptor aWaypointDescriptor)
      Specifies a featured descriptor for the featured ILcdWayPoint objects that can be part of a route segment.
      aWaypointDescriptor - a featured descriptor for featured ILcdWayPoint objects.
    • getVORDescriptor

      public ILcdFeaturedDescriptor getVORDescriptor()
      Returns the featured descriptor describing the featured ILcdVOR objects that can be part of a route segment. Note that this can be null (e.g. when no VORs are used in the construction of route segments).
      the featured descriptor describing the featured ILcdVOR objects that can be part of a route segment. Null is returned if no featured descriptor is available.
    • setVORDescriptor

      public void setVORDescriptor(ILcdFeaturedDescriptor aVORDescriptor)
      Specifies a featured descriptor for the featured ILcdVOR objects that can be part of a route segment.
      aVORDescriptor - a featured descriptor for featured ILcdVOR objects.
    • getDMEDescriptor

      public ILcdFeaturedDescriptor getDMEDescriptor()
      Returns the featured descriptor describing the featured ILcdDME objects that can be part of a route segment. Note that this can be null (e.g. when no DMEs are used in the construction of route segments).
      the featured descriptor describing the featured ILcdDME objects that can be part of a route segment. Null is returned if no featured descriptor is available.
    • setDMEDescriptor

      public void setDMEDescriptor(ILcdFeaturedDescriptor aDMEDescriptor)
      Specifies a featured descriptor for the featured ILcdDME objects that can be part of a route segment.
      aDMEDescriptor - a featured descriptor for featured ILcdDME objects.
    • getNDBDescriptor

      public ILcdFeaturedDescriptor getNDBDescriptor()
      Returns the featured descriptor describing the featured ILcdNDB objects that can be part of a route segment. Note that this can be null (e.g. when no NDBs are used in the construction of route segments).
      the featured descriptor describing the featured ILcdNDB objects that can be part of a route segment. Null is returned if no featured descriptor is available.
    • setNDBDescriptor

      public void setNDBDescriptor(ILcdFeaturedDescriptor aNDBDescriptor)
      Specifies a featured descriptor for the featured ILcdNDB objects that can be part of a route segment.
      aNDBDescriptor - a featured descriptor for featured ILcdNDB objects.
    • getTACANDescriptor

      public ILcdFeaturedDescriptor getTACANDescriptor()
      Returns the featured descriptor describing the featured ILcdTACAN objects that can be part of a route segment. Note that this can be null (e.g. when no TACANs are used in the construction of route segments).
      the featured descriptor describing the featured ILcdTACAN objects that can be part of a route segment. Null is returned if no featured descriptor is available.
    • setTACANDescriptor

      public void setTACANDescriptor(ILcdFeaturedDescriptor aTACANDescriptor)
      Specifies a featured descriptor for the featured ILcdTACAN objects that can be part of a route segment.
      aTACANDescriptor - a featured descriptor for featured ILcdTACAN objects.
    • getMarkerDescriptor

      public ILcdFeaturedDescriptor getMarkerDescriptor()
      Returns the featured descriptor describing the featured ILcdMarker objects that can be part of a route segment. Note that this can be null (e.g. when no Markers are used in the construction of route segments).
      the featured descriptor describing the featured ILcdMarker objects that can be part of a route segment. Null is returned if no featured descriptor is available.
    • setMarkerDescriptor

      public void setMarkerDescriptor(ILcdFeaturedDescriptor aMarkerDescriptor)
      Specifies a featured descriptor for the featured ILcdMarker objects that can be part of a route segment.
      aMarkerDescriptor - a featured descriptor for featured ILcdMarker objects.