Class TLcdDMEFeatureClassMapper

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdDMEFeatureClassMapper extends TLcdNavaidFeatureClassMapper
This class defines a feature class mapper for DMEs.

For each feature defined in the ILcdDMEFeature interface, it keeps track of a Class object.

Since this class inherits from the TLcdNavaidFeatureClassMapper class, users can access navaid features as well.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdDMEFeatureClassMapper

      protected TLcdDMEFeatureClassMapper()
      Constructs a new TLcdDMEFeatureClassMapper object.

      The new instance will contain a feature class mapping for each feature in the ILcdDMEFeature interface.

      This protected constructor was added to allow users to make extensions of this class.

  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static ILcdFeatureClassMapper getInstance()
      Returns a TLcdDMEFeatureClassMapper object.

      This method will always return the same instance. The returned instance will contain a feature class mapping for each feature in the ILcdDMEFeature interface.

      a TLcdDMEFeatureClassMapper object