Interface ILcdAirspaceCorridor

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ILcdBounded, ILcdCloneable, ILcdCurve, ILcdDataObject, ILcdGenericAirspace, ILcdGeoBuffer, ILcdGeoPath, ILcdPointList, ILcdShape, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdAirspaceCorridor, TLcdFeaturedAirspaceCorridor

public interface ILcdAirspaceCorridor extends ILcdGeoBuffer, ILcdPointList, ILcdGeoPath, ILcdGenericAirspace, ILcdCurve
This interface represents an airspace corridor and provides methods for retrieving its geometry and relationships. An airspace corridor is considered to be a buffer, constructed from a centreline and a width. It has the same aeronautical meaning as a regular airspace, but its geometry better fits specific needs to define airspaces around centrelines like climbing routes, flight paths, etc.

The centreline or axis is represented by a set of ILcdAirspaceSegment objects, of which the last segment needs to be of the leg type ILcdAirspaceSegment.POINT. This segment represents the last point of the axis. Before the contour of the airspace is calculated, the segments are discretized to a point list. The discretized axis points can be retrieved individually through the methods available in ILcdPointList, or as a polyline shape through the method getBaseShape(). The methods of ILcdCurve uses the discretized axis points representation exposed by the methods in ILcdPointList.

The contour of the airspace corridor can be retrieved via getContour(). It is modeled as a complex polygon (i.e., a composite polygon consisting of one or more polygons that each define an edge of the contour). In the simplest form, the contour is represented by a single polygon. In cases where the airspace corridor intersects with itself, multiple polygons are used to define the contour.

The height information of the airspace corridor is stored in features, see ILcdAirspaceFeature and TLcdFeaturedAirspaceCorridor.

Attributes and relationships in AIS domain objects can be required or optional. When unspecified, an attribute or relationship is optional. Note that most optional attributes are modeled using features.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getSegmentBySegmentNumber

      ILcdAirspaceSegment getSegmentBySegmentNumber(int aSegmentNumber)
      Returns the ILcdAirspaceSegment object with the given segment number. If no ILcdAirspaceSegment object is found with the number, null is returned.
      aSegmentNumber - the segment number to look for.
      the ILcdAirspaceSegment with the given segment number, or null if no segment is found.
    • getSegment

      ILcdAirspaceSegment getSegment(int aIndex)
      Returns the ILcdAirspaceSegment object with the given index.
      aIndex - the segment number to look for
      the ILcdAirspaceSegment with the given index.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= getSegmentCount()).
    • getSegmentCount

      int getSegmentCount()
      Returns the number of ILcdAirspaceSegment objects that construct the airspace corridor axis.
      the number of ILcdAirspaceSegment objects.
    • getWidth

      double getWidth()
      Returns the width of the airspace corridor, expressed in meters and measured from the axis to the border.
      Specified by:
      getWidth in interface ILcdGeoBuffer
      the width of the airspace corridor.
    • getEndCapStyle

      int getEndCapStyle()
      Returns the end cap style of the airspace corridor.
      Specified by:
      getEndCapStyle in interface ILcdGeoBuffer
      the end cap style of the airspace corridor.
    • getJoinStyle

      int getJoinStyle()
      Returns the join style of the airspace corridor.
      Specified by:
      getJoinStyle in interface ILcdGeoBuffer
      the join style of the airspace corridor.
    • getContour

      ILcdComplexPolygon getContour()
      Returns the contour of the airspace corridor.
      the contour of the airspace corridor.
    • getBaseShape

      ILcdShape getBaseShape()
      Returns the discretized axis of the airspace corridor.
      Specified by:
      getBaseShape in interface ILcdGeoBuffer
      the discretized axis of the airspace corridor.
    • getPointCount

      int getPointCount()
      Returns the number of points in the discretized axis.
      Specified by:
      getPointCount in interface ILcdPointList
      the number of points in the discretized axis.
    • getPoint

      ILcdPoint getPoint(int aIndex)
      Returns the point of the axis at the given index.
      Specified by:
      getPoint in interface ILcdPointList
      aIndex - the index of the point to be retrieved.
      the point of the axis at the given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range (index < 0 || index >= getPointCount()).