The LuciadRIA API offers two types of raster models:

  • RasterTileSetModel instances. These models are capable of downloading multi-leveled, tiled raster data to the browser, so that the map can visualize it.

  • RasterImageModel instances. These models also download raster data to the browser for visualization, but the raster data consists of images of arbitrary sizes and scales instead of tilesets.

See the following sections for more detail about both models and their use cases.


A RasterTileSetModel is the client-side representation of a potentially large, tiled, multi-level image dataset. Each raster level offers more detail than the previous level.

This type of model is for data such as:

  • LuciadFusion coverages

  • WMS raster data

  • Bing Maps raster data


A raster image model is similar to a RasterTileSetModel. Instead of providing access to images as pre-defined tiles though, it provides access to images of arbitrary size and scale.

This type of model is for:

  • Google Maps Data

  • WMS raster data

for example.

You can’t create your own RasterImageModel.

WebGL Maps don’t support RasterImageModel instances yet.