Introducing LuciadRIA product tiers

LuciadRIA is a software product that offers browser-based geospatial situational awareness with the fluidity and speed of a desktop application. The software components of LuciadRIA have been designed for the development of advanced and easy-to-use cross-browser-based applications, using today’s most advanced web-based technologies,including Web Assembly, Typescript, WebGL, HTML 5 and Javascript. Through a single unified API, LuciadRIA provides high-performance 2D maps and 3D globes to web application developers.

The LuciadRIA components have been organized into product tiers. Depending on the needs of your organization, you can opt for LuciadRIA Essential or LuciadRIA Pro. Each product tier combines capabilities and optional capabilities that are designed for typical use cases.

Table 1. Overview table of the LuciadRIA product tiers
Functionality Essential Pro

Core GIS Engine

Geospatial Reference Models

Transformation and Projection Engine

4D Cartesian & Geodesic Geometry Model

GPU 2D/3D Visualization Engine

Customizable Styling

2D/3D/4D Interaction Model

Vertical, Profile & Timeline Views

Visual Analytics

Raster Connectors

Vector Connectors

Point Clouds & Reality Meshes

OGC Standards

360° Panoramic Imagery

Advanced GIS Engine

Defense Symbology


= Feature included

O = Optional

= Feature unavailable

Introducing LuciadRIA Essential

LuciadRIA Essential is the first product tier forLuciadRIA. It defines a strong entry-level product baseline for internet-connected, general purpose web applications. The Essential product tier offers a broad set of default geospatial capabilities

Options for LuciadRIA Essential

There are no options available for LuciadRIA Essential.

Please contact our Support Desk Services if you would like to have more information on how to access additional capabilities of LuciadRIA.

Introducing LuciadRIA Pro

LuciadRIA Pro is the targeted towards very demanding applications, for example in terms of performance, required analytics, or specific data types. It combines a complete set of high-end geospatial capabilities with access to a number of domain-specific options.

Components of LuciadRIA Pro

LuciadRIA Pro offers access to the following components, in addition to the components included in LuciadRIA Essential:

Options for LuciadRIA Pro

LuciadRIA Pro provides access to the Defense Symbology option.

Please contact our Support Desk Services if you would like to have more information on how to access additional capabilities of LuciadRIA.

Overview of LuciadRIA components

Core GIS Engine, Geospatial Reference Models, Transformation and Projection Engine

  • Perform on-the-fly map transformations in the browser.

  • Visualize data in any EPSG map projection. Visualize accurate geodetic lines and warp raster data.

4D Cartesian & Geodesic Geometry Model

  • Model any data format.

  • Load big data sets asynchronously.

  • Represent complex geodetic object geometries with their metadata. Supported geometries include points, polylines, polygons, circles, ellipses, circular arcs, elliptical arcs, circular arc bands and buffers.

  • Benefit from support for static data, as well as dynamic data feeds.

GPU 2D/3D Visualization Engine, Customizable Styling

  • Visualize data in a multi-layered 2D or 3D view, and add a lon-lat grid.

  • Apply flexible styling (2D and 3D icons, meshes, line styles, fill styles, transparency, video) to your data and customize it using the OGC-defined Styled Layer Descriptor/Symbology Encoding (SLD/SE) standards.

  • Create versatile labels, with options for styling and decluttering.

  • Benefit from integrated high-performance imagery rendering in the view, using multi-leveling and tiling techniques.

  • Drape any data, including vector data and dynamic data, on terrain.

  • Apply lighting effects to simulate light sources realistically.

  • Dynamically display thousands of moving tracks, and generate interactive and dynamic heat maps.

2D/3D/4D Interaction Model

  • Start off with a ready-to-use controller that includes standard controls (zoom, pan, select), freehand drawing and editing, multi-touch support (including Microsoft Pointer events and Gesture events) and snapping.

  • Fine-tune navigation using the configurable 3D camera.

  • Discover changes between two data sets with the swipe and flicker visual change detection controllers.

  • Easily create other controllers for custom interaction.

Vertical, Profile & Timeline Views

  • Use cartesian views with the ability to display any kind of quantitative data (e.g., altitudes, distances, speed values, time).

  • Configure these views with a reference that displays these quantities in a certain unit of measure (e.g., flight level, meters, nautical miles).

  • Benefit from a wide range of customizing options for the annotation of the view axes. Concrete examples of cartesian views are provided in the form of a vertical view and a timeline view.

Visual Analytics

Rapidly gain a thorough understanding of your geospatial data using advanced visual analytics tools: * Configure clustering algorithms to aggregate a multitude of data objects into easily distinguishable clusters based on their properties. * Analyze trajectory information and plot information by applying filters and parameterized styles, or interactively and visually explore them simulated over time. * Create heat maps based on static and dynamic data. * Apply any expression to 3D meshes (e.g., show cross-sections of buildings).

Raster Connectors and Vector Connectors

Support for a series of raster and vector data formats. Via the API, there also is the possibility to support any georeferenced raster data.

  • Raster data: LuciadFusion Tile Service, Bing Maps, Google Maps, OGC WMS, OGC WMTS, HERE maps, Open Street Map. Direct support for georeferenced raster data

  • Vector data: GeoJSON, glTF,GML, OGC WFS, KML.

Point Clouds & Reality Meshes

  • Connect to and visualize unlimited point clouds and reality meshes.

  • Load 3D tiles optimally with support for Draco, WebP, CRN and KTX2 compressed data.

  • Style and filter point clouds and reality meshes.

  • Apply shading, depth of field, PBR and shadow effects to 3D meshes.

  • Add custom and dynamic metadata to 3D meshes data at runtime.

  • Combine 3D data with terrain, other geodata, annotations and measurements

  • Formats supported through a LuciadFusion connection: OSGB, LAS, LAZ, OGC 3D tiles, HSPC, IFC.

OGC Standards

  • Access data through the OGC data exchange standards.

  • OGC: GML, KML, filter, simple features, symbology encoding, WFS, WMS, WMTS, 3D tiles.

360° Panoramic Imagery

  • Connect to and visualize 360° panoramic image data sets.

  • Integrate with other data sources in the 3D view.

  • Load multiple panoramic data sets.

  • Measure off the panoramic image.

  • Combine with 3D data like terrain, 3D structures, meshes, and point clouds for accurate positioning and realistic transitions.

  • Formats supported through a LuciadFusion connection: E57, Leica Pegasus. Other formats can be supported via the LuciadFusion API.

Advanced GIS Engine

  • Perform constructive geometry calculations on the client-side.

  • Create and visualize the union, intersection and difference between (sets of) shapes.

Defense Symbology

  • Create, visualize and edit all unit symbols and tactical graphics from military standards on the client side, with configurable and customizable symbol styling and graphics stroking.

  • Dynamic display of a labeled MGRS grid, including support for MGRS references.

  • Supported symbology standards:
    APP-6A, APP-6B, APP-6C, APP-6D, MS2525b, MS2525c, MS2525d.

Guidelines for upgrading from a component version of LuciadRIA to a tiered LuciadRIA version

This section helps users of a component-based LuciadRIA version older than 2017 with their upgrade to a tiered LuciadRIA version.

As always, you can consult the release notes for improvements, fixes and upgrade considerations. In addition, we would like to draw your attention to the following:

Simplified distribution

After downloading the product, you will find only one zip file that conveniently bundles all components you have access to within your tier. Inside the .zip file, you will retrieve the directory structure that you are familiar with from previous LuciadRIA releases.

In addition, there will be one zip file per option that you are licensed to. The zip files for the options have names similar to the option names.

New set of LuciadRIA Pro components

The following components from LuciadRIA 2016.1 are included by default into LuciadRIA Pro 2017.0: LuciadRIA and Geometry (now called Advanced GIS Engine).

Even if you did not have access to these components before, you can now benefit from the rich set of capabilities that they add.

For more information on these components, we would like to refer you to the Luciad Developer Platform.

Furthermore, also the Options may offer you a set of components. In the next table, we provide the mapping between options and 2016.1 LuciadRIA components.

2017.0 Option 2016.1 Components

Defense symbology

Military symbology