
* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


1. Minefields - Search tag in interface com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.model.ILcdMS2525bCoded
M - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.nitf.ELcdNITFBandRepresentation
M - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureRouteType
Microwave Landing System (IAP) (key = M).
M - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeEmissionBand
M - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeRouteDesignatorLetter
M - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeUpperAlpha
M - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomDistance
M - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomDistanceVertical
M - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdLightingSystemType
M_MIN - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomSpeed
M_SEC - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomSpeed
m00 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 0 and column 0.
m01 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 0 and column 1.
m02 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 0 and column 2.
m10 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 1 and column 0.
m11 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 1 and column 1.
m12 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 1 and column 2.
m20 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 2 and column 0.
m21 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 2 and column 1.
m22 - Variable in class com.luciad.geometry.cartesian.TLcd3DMatrix
Element at row 2 and column 2.
m2525bType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15DataTypes
MA - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeAltitudeAdjustment
MA - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeObstacleAssessmentSurface
MA_1_NET - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEngageDevice
MA_1A_HOOK_CABLE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEngageDevice
MAC - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdRunwaySurfaceType
Macadam (key = MAC).
MACADAM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeSurfaceComposition
Mach - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdSpeedUnit
Constant defining speed relative the speed of sound (at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius and at sea level).
MACH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomSpeed
MAG - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeBearing
MAG - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeNorthReference
MAG_BRG - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeCourse
MAG_TRACK - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeCourse
MAGENTA - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeColour
MAGNETIC - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.util.TLcdBearingType
Bearing compared to the Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_BEARING - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMLocalizerFeature
The magnetic bearing of the localizer beam, towards the localizer antenna.
MAGNETIC_BEARING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMLocalizerDataProperties
The magnetic bearing of the localizer beam, towards the localizer antenna.
MAGNETIC_BEARING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureLegCourseType
Magnetic bearing (key = MBRG).
MAGNETIC_BEARING_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51LocalizerTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticBearingAccuracy element.
MAGNETIC_BEARING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.runway.TLcdAIXM51RunwayDirectionTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticBearing element.
MAGNETIC_BEARING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51AzimuthTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticBearing element.
MAGNETIC_BEARING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51LocalizerTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticBearing element.
MAGNETIC_BEARING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51SDFTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticBearing element.
MAGNETIC_HEADING - Static variable in interface com.luciad.ais.model.aerodrome.ILcdRunwayDirectionFeature
The magnetic heading of the runway direction.
MAGNETIC_HEADING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMRunwayDirectionDataProperties
The magnetic heading of the runway direction.
MAGNETIC_HEADING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.aerodrome.TLcdARINCRunwayDirectionDataProperties
The magnetic heading of the runway direction.
MAGNETIC_HEADING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.aerodrome.TLcdDAFIFRunwayDirectionDataProperties
The magnetic heading of the runway direction.
MAGNETIC_HEADING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.aerodrome.TLcdDAFIFTRunwayDirectionDataProperties
The magnetic heading of the runway direction.
MAGNETIC_NORTH_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.magneticnorth.TLcyMagneticNorthAddOn
MAGNETIC_TRACK - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureLegCourseType
Magnetic Track (key = MT).
MAGNETIC_TRACK_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteSegmentTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticTrack element.
MAGNETIC_TRUE_INDICATOR - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.aerodrome.ILcdARINCAerodromeFeature
A single character (M or T) indicating whether all detail and procedure data for the aerodrome are with respect to Magnetic North or True North.
MAGNETIC_TRUE_INDICATOR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.aerodrome.TLcdARINCAerodromeDataProperties
A single character (M or T) indicating whether all detail and procedure data for the aerodrome are with respect to Magnetic North or True North.
MAGNETIC_TRUE_INDICATOR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.aerodrome.TLcdARINCHeliportDataProperties
A single character (M or T) indicating whether all detail and procedure data for the aerodrome are with respect to Magnetic North or True North.
MAGNETIC_TRUE_INDICATOR - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.sector.ILcdARINCMinimumSectorAltitudeFeature
A single character (M or T) indicating whether the Minimum Sector Altitude data is with respect to Magnetic North or True North.
MAGNETIC_TRUE_INDICATOR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.sector.TLcdARINCMinimumSectorAltitudeDataProperties
A single character (M or T) indicating whether the Minimum Sector Altitude data is with respect to Magnetic North or True North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.ais.model.aerodrome.ILcdAerodromeFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMAerodromeDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMLocalizerFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMNDBFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMTACANFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMVORFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMLocalizerDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMNDBDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMTACANDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMVORDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.aerodrome.TLcdARINCAerodromeDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.aerodrome.TLcdARINCHeliportDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.communication.ILcdARINCCommunicationFeature
The Magnetic Variation field specifies the angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location defined in the record.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.communication.TLcdARINCAerodromeCommunicationDataProperties
The Magnetic Variation field specifies the angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location defined in the record.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.communication.TLcdARINCEnrouteCommunicationDataProperties
The Magnetic Variation field specifies the angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location defined in the record.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.ILcdARINCMarkerFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.ILcdARINCNDBFeature
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.ILcdARINCWayPointFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North derived with a computer model that takes into consideration the location and the date.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.TLcdARINCMarkerDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.TLcdARINCNDBDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.TLcdARINCWayPointDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North derived with a computer model that takes into consideration the location and the date.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.aerodrome.TLcdDAFIFAerodromeDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.aerodrome.TLcdDAFIFHeliportDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.ILcdDAFIFGlidePathFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.ILcdDAFIFLocalizerFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.ILcdDAFIFMarkerFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.ILcdDAFIFNavaidFeature
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.ILcdDAFIFWayPointFeature
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFDMEDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFGlidePathDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFILSDMEDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFLocalizerDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFMarkerDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFNDBDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTACANDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFVORDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFWayPointDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.aerodrome.TLcdDAFIFTAerodromeDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.aerodrome.TLcdDAFIFTHeliportDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North at the location of the aerodrome.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTDMEDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTGlidePathDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTILSDMEDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTLocalizerDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTMarkerDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTNDBDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTTACANDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTVORDataProperties
The angular difference between the True North and the Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTWayPointDataProperties
The angular difference between True North and Magnetic North.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.airportheliport.TLcdAIXM51AirportHeliportTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariationAccuracy element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51AzimuthTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariationAccuracy element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51DirectionFinderTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariationAccuracy element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51DMETimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariationAccuracy element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51ElevationTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariationAccuracy element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51GlidepathTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariationAccuracy element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51LocalizerTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariationAccuracy element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51MarkerBeaconTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariationAccuracy element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51NDBTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariationAccuracy element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51SDFTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariationAccuracy element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51TACANTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariationAccuracy element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51VORTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariationAccuracy element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51PrecisionApproachRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariationAccuracy element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51PrimarySurveillanceRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariationAccuracy element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_ACCURACY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51SecondarySurveillanceRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariationAccuracy element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_CHANGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.airportheliport.TLcdAIXM51AirportHeliportTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariationChange element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_CHANGE_RATE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMAerodromeFeature
The annual rate of change of the magnetic variation.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMAerodromeFeature
The date on which the magnetic variation had this value.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMAerodromeDataProperties
The date on which the magnetic variation had this value.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMLocalizerFeature
The year the magnetic variation was measured.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMNDBFeature
The year the magnetic variation was measured.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMTACANFeature
The year the magnetic variation was measured.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMVORFeature
The year the magnetic variation was measured.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMLocalizerDataProperties
The year the magnetic variation was measured.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMNDBDataProperties
The year the magnetic variation was measured.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMTACANDataProperties
The year the magnetic variation was measured.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_DATE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMVORDataProperties
The year the magnetic variation was measured.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.airportheliport.TLcdAIXM51AirportHeliportTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariation element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51AzimuthTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariation element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51DirectionFinderTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariation element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51DMETimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariation element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51ElevationTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariation element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51GlidepathTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariation element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51LocalizerTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariation element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51MarkerBeaconTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariation element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51NDBTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariation element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51SDFTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariation element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51TACANTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariation element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51VORTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariation element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51PrecisionApproachRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariation element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51PrimarySurveillanceRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariation element.
MAGNETIC_VARIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51SecondarySurveillanceRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the magneticVariation element.
magneticNorthMap(ILcdMagneticNorthMap) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.swing.navigationcontrols.TLspNavigationControlsBuilder
Lets the compass point to the magnetic north instead of true north, using the given magnetic north map.
MagneticNorthShapeType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdMagneticNorthDataTypes
Contains information about the shape contained in a Magnetic North domain object.
MagneticNorthType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdMagneticNorthDataTypes
Represents the model element data type for Magnetic North models.
MAGNIFIER_CONTROLLER - Static variable in class
The ID for the TLcyLspMapComponentFactory.createController(int, method, representing the magnifier controller for the view.
MAGNIFIER_CONTROLLER - Static variable in class
Constant for an ILcdGXYController to magnify a small area of an ILcdGXYView.
The ID for the TLcyLspMapComponentFactory.createActiveSettable(int, ALcyProperties) method, representing an active settable for activating the magnifier controller on an ILspView.
Constant for an active settable to enable the magnifier controller on an ILcdGXYView.
MAH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeAltitudeAdjustment
Mahe_1971_to_WGS84_Mahe_Island - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Mahe 1971 to WGS84 Mahe Island .
MAHF - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeProcedureFixRole
main(String[]) - Static method in class
Configures the dataPreparator and starts the data preparing process.
main(String[]) - Static method in class
Configures the data preparator and starts the data preparing process.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.luciad.lucy.TLcyMain
Creates a new TLcyMain instance and invokes setActive( true ).
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.TLcdLicenseServer
The server's main method.
main(String[], String...) - Static method in class com.luciad.lucy.TLcyMain
Convenience method to make it easy to programmatically append additional arguments to the main method.
MAIN_GXYVIEW - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintableComponentFactory
The id for creating the gxyview of the current map component.
MAIN_PANEL - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.swing.TLcdColorMapCustomizer
Constant that represents the main panel, containing the color bar and the arrows.
MAIN_PANEL - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing.gui.ALcyDrawingToolBarFactory
The only panel of the drawing toolbar containing all the default components, actions and active settables which are included in the drawing config file.
MAIN_VIEW - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.lightspeed.TLcyLspPrintableMapComponentFactory
The id for creating the view of the current map component.
MAINT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeApronElement
MAINTENANCE_AND_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.maintenance.TLcdISO19115MaintenanceInformation
Data property that maps to the maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency element.
MAINTENANCE_NOTE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.maintenance.TLcdISO19115MaintenanceInformation
Data property that maps to the maintenanceNote element.
Main workflow - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.controller.manipulation.TLspCreateController
MAJOR_AXIS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspArcEditor.HandleIdentifier
Indicates the major radius corner of the arc.
MAJOR_AXIS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspEllipseEditor.HandleIdentifier
Indicates the major radius corner of the ellipse.
MAJOR_AXIS_OPPOSITE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspArcEditor.HandleIdentifier
Indicates the major radius opposite corner of the arc.
MAJOR_AXIS_OPPOSITE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspEllipseEditor.HandleIdentifier
Indicates the major radius opposite corner of the ellipse.
MAJOR_RADIUS_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdArc
Specifies the end point of the major radius axis (at the rotation angle).
MAJOR_RADIUS_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdEllipse
Specifies the end point of the major radius axis (at the rotation angle).
MAJOR_RADIUS_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the end point of the major axis of the arc is touched.
MAJOR_RADIUS_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYEllipsePainter
Constant value indicating that the end point of the major axis of the ellipse is touched.
MAJOR_RADIUS_OPPOSITE_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdArc
Specifies the end point of the major radius axis at the rotation angle (at the rotation angle + 180 degrees).
MAJOR_RADIUS_OPPOSITE_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdEllipse
Specifies the end point of the major radius axis at the rotation angle (at the rotation angle + 180 degrees).
MAJOR_RADIUS_OPPOSITE_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the opposite end point of the major axis of the arc is touched.
MAJOR_RADIUS_OPPOSITE_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYEllipsePainter
Constant value indicating that the opposite end point of the major axis of the ellipse is touched.
Makassar_Jakarta_to_Makassar_Indonesia_south_west_Sulawesi - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Makassar Jakarta to Makassar Indonesia south west Sulawesi .
MAKE_OVERVIEW - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
make2DEditableBoundsSFCT(ILcdPoint[], ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Static method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYBounds
make2DEditableBoundsSFCT(ILcdPoint[], ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Static method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYFloatBounds
makeColor(int) - Static method in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdColor
Returns a Color based on the given RGB integer.
makeCompatible(Buffer) - Method in class com.luciad.view.opengl.binding.TLcdGLNIOBufferFactory
makeDefaultValueInvisible(ILcdModel, TLcdColorMap) - Static method in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdColorModelFactory
Creates a new TLcdColorMap based on the given input color map that ensures that the default raster value is invisible.
makeIndexedModel() - Method in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder
makeModelDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.luciad.format.pol.TLcdPOLModelDecoder
Creates a display name for the model descriptor based on the data source name.
makeModelPoint() - Method in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.modelreference.TLcyGeodeticReference
makeModelPoint() - Method in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModelReference
Creates a model point that is compatible with this model reference.
makeModelPoint() - Method in class com.luciad.reference.TLcdCartesianReference
makeModelPoint() - Method in class com.luciad.reference.TLcdGeocentricReference
makeModelPoint() - Method in class com.luciad.reference.TLcdGeodeticReference
makeModelPoint() - Method in class com.luciad.reference.TLcdGeoidReference
makeModelPoint() - Method in class com.luciad.reference.TLcdGridReference
makeModelPoint() - Method in class com.luciad.reference.TLcdTopocentricReference
makeModelPoint() - Method in class com.luciad.reference.TLcdXYModelReference
makeNewInstanceForGXYLayer(ILcdGXYLayer, ILcdGXYView) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYNewControllerModel
Delegates the creation of a new Object to be initialized with Mouse interactions on aGXYView and after inserted in aGXYLayer.
makeNewInstanceForGXYLayer(ILcdGXYLayer, ILcdGXYView) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ILcdGXYNewControllerModel
When calling this method, a TLcdGXYNewController asks to get a new instance of the Object to initialize with Mouse interactions.
makeTransparentColor(int) - Static method in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdColor
Returns a Color based on the given ARGB integer.
makeVectorModel() - Method in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder
Creates a TLcdVectorModel, sets a model reference, adds all the SHP Objects in the TLcdVectorModel and closes the inputStream.
Making a layer paint itself asynchronously - Search tag in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.asynchronous.ILcdGXYAsynchronousLayerWrapper
Making use of it - Search tag in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGXYLayerFactory
Malongo_1987_to_Mhast_Angola_Cabinda - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Malongo 1987 to Mhast Angola Cabinda .
Malongo_1987_to_WGS84_Angola_Cabinda - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Malongo 1987 to WGS84 Angola Cabinda .
MALS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeApproachLighting
MALSR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeApproachLighting
MANAGED - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeObstacleArea
MANAGING_ORGANISATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.aerialrefuelling.TLcdAIXM51AerialRefuellingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the managingOrganisation element.
MANDATORY - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataextension.ELcdISO19115ObligationCode
MANDATORY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeFlightRestriction
MANDATORY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataextension.TLcdISO19115ObligationCode
Element is always required.
MANDATORY_RVR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.approachprocedure.minima.TLcdAIXM51Minima
Data property that maps to the mandatoryRVR element.
mandatoryAttributes(ILcdExpression...) - Method in class com.luciad.lidar.lightspeed.TLspLIDARLayerBuilder
Set a list of attributes that should always be loaded, regardless of what is necessary for styling and filtering.
mandatoryAttributes(ILcdExpression...) - Method in class com.luciad.realtime.lightspeed.plots.TLspPlotLayerBuilder
mandatoryAttributes(ILcdExpression...) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.plots.TLspPlotLayerBuilder
Set a list of attributes that should always be loaded, regardless of what is necessary for styling and filtering.
mandatoryOrientation(boolean) - Method in class com.luciad.realtime.lightspeed.plots.TLspPlotLayerBuilder
mandatoryOrientation(boolean) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.plots.TLspPlotLayerBuilder
Indicates that orientation information should always be loaded, regardless of styling and filtering.
ManifestType - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSDataTypes
Manoca_to_WGS84_Cameroon - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Manoca to WGS84 Cameroon .
ManoeuvringAreaAvailabilityPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
ManoeuvringAreaAvailabilityType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
ManoeuvringAreaUsagePropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
ManoeuvringAreaUsageType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
Manual - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.xml.bind.xlink.ILcdXLinkExpression.Actuate
Indicates that this expression should be resolved only when the application explicitly invokes resolve.
Manual filter configuration - Search tag in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.metadata.TLfnVectorCoverageMetadata
map(TLcdDataType) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.TLcdDataPropertyBuilder
Marks the property to be built as a TLcdDataProperty.CollectionType.MAP with the type as key type.
map(TLcdDataTypeBuilder) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.TLcdDataPropertyBuilder
Marks the property to be built as a TLcdDataProperty.CollectionType.MAP with the type of the given type builder as key type.
map(ILcdExpression<I>, ILcdExpression<T>[], ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that maps an index onto an expression.
map(ILcdExpression<I>, T[], T) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that maps an index onto a value.
map(String) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.TLcdDataPropertyBuilder
Marks the property to be built as a TLcdDataProperty.CollectionType.MAP with the type with the given name as key type.
MAP - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.datamodel.TLcdDataProperty.CollectionType
Values for properties of this CollectionType must implement java.util.Map.
MAP - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeProcedureDistance
MAP - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
MAP_2D_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the TLcdIconFactory.create(String) method.
MAP_3D_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the TLcdIconFactory.create(String) method.
MAP_BACKGROUND_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the TLcdIconFactory.create(String) method.
MAP_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.TLcdMapScale.ScaleLocation
A map scale ratio at the center of the current view extents.
MAP_COLOR_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class
MAP_COMBO_BOX_COMPONENT - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.previewer.view.TLcyPreviewAddOnCustomizerFactory
createComponent for this ID returns null.
MAP_COMPONENT_ADDED - Static variable in class
Indicates that a ILcyGenericMapComponent was added.
MAP_COMPONENT_ADDED - Static variable in class
Indicates that a ILcyMapComponent was added.
MAP_COMPONENT_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing.format.TLcyDrawingFormat
Key used for the mapcomponent property in the ALcyProperties object used in the ALcyDrawingToolBarFactory.createGUI( method.
MAP_COMPONENT_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing.lightspeed.TLcyLspDrawingFormat
Key used for the map component property in the ALcyProperties object used in the TLcyLspDrawingToolBarFactory#createGUI method.
MAP_COMPONENT_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.kml22.TLcyKML22GUIFactory
A constant that is used to retrieve a map component from a ALcyProperties instance.
MAP_COMPONENT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class
The name of the property, containing the map component.
MAP_COMPONENT_REMOVED - Static variable in class
Indicates that a ILcyGenericMapComponent was removed.
MAP_COMPONENT_REMOVED - Static variable in class
Indicates that a ILcyMapComponent was removed.
MAP_DIGITAL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.citation.TLcdISO19115PresentationFormCode
Map represented in raster or vector form.
MAP_EXTENTS_PANEL - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.lightspeed.TLcyLspPrintPreviewFactory
The id for the panel containing navigation actions affecting what part of the map is printed.
MAP_FORMAT_ID - Static variable in class com.luciad.fusion.engine.format.ALfnFormat
The name of the default format responsible for MAP data
MAP_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class
MAP_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class
MAP_HARDCOPY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.citation.TLcdISO19115PresentationFormCode
Map printed on paper, photographic material, or other media for use directly by the human user.
MAP_HELP_ID - Static variable in class
The help id for the map.
MAP_LAYER_CONTROL_COMPONENT - Static variable in class
MAP_LAYER_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the TLcdIconFactory.create(String) method.
MAP_MENU - Static variable in class
The map menu.
MAP_OVERVIEW_HELP_ID - Static variable in class
The help ID for map overviews.
MAP_PANE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.lucy.gui.ILcyApplicationPaneFactory
Application pane type for maps.
MAP_ROTATION_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class
MAP_SCALE_LABEL_COMPONENT - Static variable in class
Constant for a Component to choose the scale of an ILcdGXYView.
MAP_SCALE_RANGE_CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.TLspLayerStateEvent.Type
Type indicating that a layer's map scale range property has changed.
MAP_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class
The properties passed to this factory should contain the map type as well.
mapBoundaryEdge(E, long) - Method in interface
Reports that the specified boundary edge from the source graph is mapped on the specified long value in the destination numeric graph.
mapBounds(ILcdBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.wms.client.model.TLcdWMSGetMapContext.Builder
Specifies the area of interest, specified in the map reference of the map to be returned.
MAPCANVAS16 - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdGUIIcon

   ILcdIcon icon = TLcdIconFactory.create(TLcdIconFactory.GRID_ICON);
MAPCANVAS32 - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdGUIIcon

   ILcdIcon icon = TLcdIconFactory.create(TLcdIconFactory.GRID_ICON);
mapChanged(TLcdMapEvent<K, V>) - Method in interface com.luciad.util.collections.ILcdMapListener
This method gets called when a change in a map occurs.
mapDataModel(TLcdDataModel, TLcdDataModel...) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataModelMapping
Maps a source data model on one or more target data models.
mapEdge(E, long) - Method in interface
Reports that the specified edge from the source graph is mapped on the specified long value in the destination numeric graph.
mapGraph(ILcdGraph<N, E>, long) - Method in interface
Reports that the specified graph (partition or boundary graph) from the source graph is mapped on the specified long value in the destination numeric graph.
MapItemType - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.sld.model.TLcdSEDataTypes
mapManagerChanged(TLcyGenericMapManagerEvent<? extends S, ? extends T>) - Method in interface
This method will be invoked whenever the ILcyGeneralMapManager changes.
mapManagerChanged(TLcyMapManagerEvent) - Method in interface
This method will be invoked whenever the ILcyMapManager changes.
mapMatrixValue(short, double, TLcdCoverageFillMode) - Method in interface com.luciad.tea.ILcdMatrixRasterValueMapper
Returns a raster value that is the result of a comparison between the given matrix value and the current raster value for a raster pixel.
mapNode(N, long) - Method in interface
Reports that the specified node from the source graph is mapped on the specified long value in the destination numeric graph.
MAPPED_INTEGER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXDataTypes
Indicates a primitive ASTERIX mapped integer type.
mappedInterval(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.util.TLcdLookupTable.Builder
Sets the the interval of values that should be mapped on the table data.
mappedInterval(ILcdInterval) - Method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.util.TLcdLookupTable.Builder
Sets the the interval of values that should be mapped on the table data.
Mapping Java class hierarchies onto XML substitution groups - Search tag in package com.luciad.format.xml.bind.schema
MappingRuleType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
Mapping XML substitution groups onto Java class hierarchies - Search tag in package com.luciad.format.xml.bind.schema
mapPointBackward(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.projection.TLcdRectifiedPolynomialProjection
Applies the inverse of the polynomial transformation to the target point, to obtain the source point.
mapPointBackward(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.projection.TLcdRectifiedProjectiveProjection
Applies the inverse of the projective transformation to the target point, to obtain the source point.
mapPointBackward(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.projection.TLcdRectifiedRationalProjection
Applies the inverse of the rational transformation to the target point, to obtain the source point.
mapPointForward(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.projection.TLcdRectifiedPolynomialProjection
Applies the polynomial transformation to the source point to obtain the target point.
mapPointForward(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.projection.TLcdRectifiedProjectiveProjection
Applies the projective transformation to the source point, to obtain the target point.
mapPointForward(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.projection.TLcdRectifiedRationalProjection
Applies the rational transformation to the source point, to obtain the target point.
mapProperty(TLcdDataProperty, TLcdDataProperty) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataTypeMapping
Maps the given source property on the target property.
mapProperty(TLcdDataProperty, TLcdDataProperty, ILcdObjectTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataTypeMapping
Maps the given source property on the given target property.
mapProperty(TLcdDataProperty, ILcdDataPropertyTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataTypeMapping
Maps the given source property using the given transformation on the target object.
mapProperty(String, ILcdDataPropertyTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataTypeMapping
Maps the given source property using the given transformation on the target object.
mapProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataTypeMapping
Maps the source property with the given name on the target property with the given name.
mapProperty(String, String, ILcdObjectTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataTypeMapping
Maps the source property with the given name on the target property with the given name.
mapReference(ILcdXYWorldReference) - Method in class com.luciad.wms.client.model.TLcdWMSGetMapContext.Builder
Specifies the reference in which the map content should be returned.
mapRotation(Double) - Method in class com.luciad.wms.client.model.TLcdWMSGetMapContext.Builder
Specifies the rotation to use for the map.
mapScaleProvider(ILspMapScaleProvider) - Method in class com.luciad.wms.client.lightspeed.TLspWMSLayerBuilder
Sets the map scale provider of the layer.
mapScaleRange(TLcdDimensionInterval<TLcdMapScale>) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.raster.TLspRasterLayerBuilder
Sets the scale range of the layer in unitless map scale ratios.
mapStyle(ELcdBingMapsMapStyle) - Method in class com.luciad.format.bingmaps.TLcdBingMapsDataSourceBuilder
Sets the map style property.
MAPT - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureLegIAPFixRole
MAPF: Missed Approach Point.
MAPT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeProcedureFixRole
mapTargetProperty(TLcdDataProperty, ILcdObjectTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataTypeMapping
Maps the given target property using the given transformation.
mapTargetProperty(String, ILcdObjectTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataTypeMapping
Maps the given target property using the given transformation.
mapType(TLcdDataType) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataModelMapping
Maps the given source type on a type with the same name in the target data models.
mapType(TLcdDataType, TLcdDataType) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataModelMapping
Maps the source type on the target type (and vice versa) using a TLcdDataTypeMapping.
mapType(TLcdDataType, TLcdDataType, ILcdObjectTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataModelMapping
Maps the source type on the target type using the given transformation.
MAR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeNDBUsage
MAR_BCN - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeGroundLighting
MARINE_BEACON - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.type.TLcdNDBType
Marine beacon (key = M).
MARINERS_OTHER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.s52.ILcdS52Style
MARINERS_STANDARD - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.s52.ILcdS52Style
mark() - Method in interface com.luciad.view.opengl.binding.ILcdGLBuffer
mark(int) - Method in class
Marks the current position in this input stream.
MARKED_APRON_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51ApronMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markedApron element.
MARKED_DEICING_AREA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51DeicingAreaMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markedDeicingArea element.
MARKED_ELEMENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TaxiwayMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markedElement element.
MARKED_GUIDANCE_LINE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51GuidanceLineMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markedGuidanceLine element.
MARKED_PROTECTION_AREA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51AirportProtectionAreaMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markedProtectionArea element.
MARKED_RUNWAY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51RunwayMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markedRunway element.
MARKED_STAND_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51StandMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markedStand element.
MARKED_TAXI_HOLD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TaxiHoldingPositionMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markedTaxiHold element.
MARKED_TAXIWAY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TaxiwayMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markedTaxiway element.
MARKED_TOUCH_DOWN_LIFT_OFF_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TouchDownLiftOffMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markedTouchDownLiftOff element.
Marker - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.TLcdAISDataTypes
Basic AIS type for Marker.
Marker - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.TLcdAIXMDataTypes
AIXM type for Marker.
Marker - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.TLcdARINCDataTypes
ARINC type for Marker.
Marker - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.TLcdDAFIFDataTypes
DAFIF type for Marker.
Marker - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.TLcdDAFIFTDataTypes
DAFIFT type for Marker.
MARKER_POSITION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51NavaidComponent
Data property that maps to the markerPosition element.
MARKER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.obstacle.TLcdAIXM51VerticalStructureTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the marker element.
MARKER_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.ais.model.navaid.ILcdMarkerFeature
The type of this marker.
MARKER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.TLcdARINCMarkerDataProperties
The type of this marker.
MARKER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFMarkerDataProperties
The type of this marker.
MARKER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.navaid.TLcdDAFIFTMarkerDataProperties
The type of this marker.
MarkerBeaconPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MarkerBeaconTimeSlicePropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MarkerBeaconTimeSliceType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MarkerBeaconType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MARKERS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeVerticalStructureMarking
MARKERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.navaid.TLcdILS
The Markers property of the ILS type.
MarkerType - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.TLcdAISDataTypes
Primitive type for MarkerType.
markForReplication() - Method in class com.luciad.fusion.engine.replication.TLfnReplicationResource
Calling this method indicates that this resource should be replicated.
MARKING - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMRunwayFeature
A textual description of the runway marking.
MARKING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMRunwayDataProperties
A textual description of the runway marking.
MARKING_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.obstacle.TLcdAIXMObstacleDataProperties
Description of the visual marking.
MARKING_FIRST_COLOUR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.obstacle.TLcdAIXM51VerticalStructurePart
Data property that maps to the markingFirstColour element.
MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51AirportProtectionAreaMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markingICAOStandard element.
MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51ApronMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markingICAOStandard element.
MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51DeicingAreaMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markingICAOStandard element.
MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51GuidanceLineMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markingICAOStandard element.
MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51RunwayMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markingICAOStandard element.
MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51StandMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markingICAOStandard element.
MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TaxiHoldingPositionMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markingICAOStandard element.
MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TaxiwayMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markingICAOStandard element.
MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TouchDownLiftOffMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markingICAOStandard element.
MARKING_ICAO_STANDARD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.obstacle.TLcdAIXM51VerticalStructureTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markingICAOStandard element.
MARKING_LOCATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51AirportProtectionAreaMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markingLocation element.
MARKING_LOCATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51ApronMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markingLocation element.
MARKING_LOCATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51RunwayMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markingLocation element.
MARKING_LOCATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TaxiwayMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markingLocation element.
MARKING_LOCATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.markings.TLcdAIXM51TouchDownLiftOffMarkingTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the markingLocation element.
MARKING_PATTERN_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.obstacle.TLcdAIXM51VerticalStructurePart
Data property that maps to the markingPattern element.
MARKING_SECOND_COLOUR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.obstacle.TLcdAIXM51VerticalStructurePart
Data property that maps to the markingSecondColour element.
MarkingBuoyPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MarkingBuoyTimeSlicePropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MarkingBuoyTimeSliceType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MarkingBuoyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MarkingElementPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MarkingElementType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MarkingPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
markSupported() - Method in class
Tests if the data stream supports the mark and reset methods.
MarkType - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.sld.model.TLcdSEDataTypes
marshal(T, XMLStreamWriter, ILcdXMLDocumentContext) - Method in interface com.luciad.format.xml.bind.ILcdXMLMarshaller
Marshals (serializes) the specified Java object or content tree to an XML element via the specified XMLStreamWriter.
marshal(T, XMLStreamWriter, ILcdXMLDocumentContext) - Method in interface com.luciad.format.xml.bind.schema.ILcdXMLDatatypeMarshaller
Converts a Java class instance to a lexical representation of the corresponding XML value.
marshal(T, XMLStreamWriter, ILcdXMLDocumentContext) - Method in class com.luciad.format.xml.bind.schema.TLcdXMLMarshallerAdapter
Marshalling - Search tag in package com.luciad.format.xml.bind
Marshalling - Search tag in package com.luciad.format.xml.bind.schema
marshalType(T, XMLStreamWriter, ILcdXMLDocumentContext) - Method in interface com.luciad.format.xml.bind.schema.ILcdXMLTypeMarshaller
Partially marshals (serializes) he specified Java object or content tree to an XML element via the specified XMLStreamWriter.
MASK_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdMedianOp
Height of the median filter.
MASK_MASK - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Constants
MASK constant indicating the edge should be masked (not rendered).
MASK_NOT_APPLICABLE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Constants
MASK constant indicating that a mask is not applicable for the edge.
MASK_SHOW - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Constants
MASK constant indicating the edge should be rendered normally.
MASK_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdMedianOp
Width of the median filter.
MASKCHARACTER - Static variable in class com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.model.TLcdMS2525bCode2HierarchyMap
Mask character to denote that the character at this position should not be taken into account.
MASONRY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeVerticalStructureMaterial
Massawa_to_WGS84_Ethiopia_Eritrea - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Massawa to WGS84 Ethiopia Eritrea .
MASTER - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeSpecialNavigationStation
MASTER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.s57.ILcdS57Relationship
MASTER_TRANSPARENCY_PANEL - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.swing.TLcdColorMapCustomizer
Constant that represents the panel containing the master transparency slider, see TLcdColorMap.setMasterOpacity(int).
matches(ILcdIntersectionMatrix) - Method in interface com.luciad.geometry.topology.ILcdIntersectionMatrixPattern
Checks whether the topological relationship defined by this matrix pattern holds for the given intersection matrix.
Mathematical comparison checks - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.filter.evaluator.TLcdOGCFilterEvaluator
MATRIX - Static variable in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdPixelTransformOp
The matrix to apply to the input pixel values.
MATRIX_CODES - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.bci.TLcdBCIRasterModelDescriptor
A matrix with codes.
MATRIX_VALUES - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.bci.TLcdBCIRasterModelDescriptor
A matrix with values.
MATS - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdRunwaySurfaceType
Landing mat portable system, usually made of aluminium (key = MAT).
MATS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeSurfaceComposition
max(ALcdBasicImage) - Method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.ALcdImageOperatorChain.Builder
max(ALcdBasicImage, ALcdBasicImage) - Static method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdBinaryOp
Take the maximum of two images.
max(ILcdExpression<T>, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that returns the maximum of its parameters.
max(ILcdExpression<T>, T) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that returns the maximum of its parameters.
max(T, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that returns the maximum of its parameters.
MAX - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdBinaryOp.Operation
Take the maximum value of the input images.
MAX_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LatLonAltBox
Data property that maps to the maxAltitude element.
MAX_CPU_USAGE - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
MAX_FADE_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.behavior.TLcdKML22Lod
Data property that maps to the maxFadeExtent element.
MAX_HEIGHT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.util.TLcdKML22ImagePyramid
Data property that maps to the maxHeight element.
MAX_LENGTH_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Tin
Data property that maps to the maxLength element.
MAX_LENGTH_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Tin
Data property that maps to the maxLength element.
MAX_LINES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
Data property that maps to the maxLines attribute.
MAX_LOD_PIXELS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.behavior.TLcdKML22Lod
Data property that maps to the maxLodPixels element.
MAX_PERFORMANCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.realtime.lightspeed.plots.TLspPlotPaintingHints
Predefined painting hints that set all available hints to the setting that favors higher performance over visual quality or correctness.
MAX_PERFORMANCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.plots.TLspPlotPaintingHints
Predefined painting hints that set all available hints to the setting that favors higher performance over visual quality or correctness.
MAX_PERFORMANCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.shape.TLspShapePaintingHints
Predefined painting hints that set all available hints to the setting that favors higher performance over visual quality or correctness.
MAX_PERFORMANCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.TLspViewPaintingHints
Predefined painting hints that set all available hints to the setting that favors higher performance over visual quality or correctness.
MAX_QUALITY - Static variable in class com.luciad.realtime.lightspeed.plots.TLspPlotPaintingHints
Predefined painting hints that set all available hints to the setting that favors better visual quality or correctness over performance.
MAX_QUALITY - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.plots.TLspPlotPaintingHints
Predefined painting hints that set all available hints to the setting that favors better visual quality or correctness over performance.
MAX_QUALITY - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.shape.TLspShapePaintingHints
Predefined painting hints that set all available hints to the setting that favors better visual quality or correctness over performance.
MAX_QUALITY - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.TLspViewPaintingHints
Predefined painting hints that set all available hints to the setting that favors better visual quality or correctness over performance.
MAX_RADIUS_ARC - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
Constant value denoting the maximum arc segment of the arc band.
MAX_RADIUS_END_CORNER - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspArcBandEditor.HandleIdentifier
Identifies the corner point at maximum radius and the end angle.
MAX_RADIUS_END_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdArcBand
Specifies the corner point at maximum radius and the end angle.
MAX_RADIUS_END_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
Constant value denoting the corner point at the end angle and the maximum radius of the arc band.
MAX_RADIUS_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.loscoverage.TLcyLOSCoverageBackEnd
The property name for a line-of-sight coverage's maximum radius.
MAX_RADIUS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15ArcBand
Data property that maps to the maxr attribute.
MAX_RADIUS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBand
Data property that maps to the maxr attribute.
MAX_RADIUS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBandRing
Data property that maps to the maxr attribute.
MAX_RADIUS_START_CORNER - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspArcBandEditor.HandleIdentifier
Identifies the corner point at maximum radius and the start angle.
MAX_RADIUS_START_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdArcBand
Specifies the corner point at maximum radius and the start angle.
MAX_RADIUS_START_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
Constant value denoting the corner point at the start angle and the maximum radius of the arc band.
MAX_RECORDS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.csw.model.TLcdCSWGetRecordsRequest
Data property that maps to the maxRecords attribute.
MAX_SESSION_LENGTH_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.update.TLcdKML22NetworkLinkControl
Data property that maps to the maxSessionLength element.
MAX_SNIPPET_LINES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class
Data property that maps to the maxSnippetLines element.
MAX_SPEED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.taxiway.TLcdAIXM51GuidanceLineTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the maxSpeed element.
MAX_TYRE_PRESSURE_PCN_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.airportheliport.TLcdAIXM51SurfaceCharacteristics
Data property that maps to the maxTyrePressurePCN element.
MAX_VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.content.TLcdISO19115Band
Data property that maps to the maxValue element.
MAX_VERTICAL_ANGLE_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.loscoverage.TLcyLOSCoverageBackEnd
The property name for a line-of-sight coverage's maximum vertical angle.
MAX_VERTICAL_ANGLE_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.viewshed.TLcyViewshedBackEnd
The property name for a viewshed's maximum vertical angle.
MAX_WIDTH_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.util.TLcdKML22ImagePyramid
Data property that maps to the maxWidth element.
MAX_ZOOMED_IN - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.TLcdMapScale
The value that represents a maximally zoomed in map scale (1:0 ≈ the maximum double value)
MAX_ZOOMED_OUT - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.TLcdMapScale
The value that represents a maximally zoomed out map scale (1:inf == 0)
maxFeatureCount(int) - Method in class com.luciad.wms.client.model.TLcdWMSGetFeatureInfoParameters.Builder
Sets the maximum number of features returned when doing a query.
maxHeight(double) - Method in class
Sets the maximum height of the rectangle, relative to the base line.
maximalEdgeLength(double) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.geometry.discretization.TLspShapeDiscretizationParameters.Builder
Sets the maximum edge length for non-straight outlines of the TLspShapeDiscretizationParameters to build.
maximalFillEdgeLength(double) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.geometry.discretization.TLspShapeDiscretizationParameters.Builder
Sets the maximum edge length for fills of the TLspShapeDiscretizationParameters to build.
MAXIMUM - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.fusion.engine.TLfnEngineFactory.TileCombiningStrategy
This strategy takes the maximum of 4 values.
MAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIBModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the maximum value of the corners of each GRIB sample cell.
MAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIBTileDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the maximum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
MAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDMEDModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the maximum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
MAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDDirectoryModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the maximum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
MAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the maximum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
MAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDTileDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the maximum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
MAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.swissdhm.TLcdSwissDHMMatrixModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the maximum value of the corners of each DHM sample cell.
MAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdCoverageFillMode
Constant indicating the coverage should be filled with values that are the maximum of all computed samples for that point.
MAXIMUM_ALTITUDE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.ILcdARINCATSRouteSegmentFeature
The maximum allowed altitude for the route segment.
MAXIMUM_ALTITUDE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.TLcdARINCATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The maximum allowed altitude for the route segment.
MAXIMUM_ALTITUDE_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.ILcdARINCATSRouteSegmentFeature
The unit of measurement of the maximum altitude.
MAXIMUM_ALTITUDE_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.TLcdARINCATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The unit of measurement of the maximum altitude.
MAXIMUM_AUTHORIZED_ALTITUDE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.route.ILcdDAFIFATSRouteSegmentFeature
The highest altitude on a ATS route segment which has MFA designated at which adequate reception of navigational aid signals is assured.
MAXIMUM_AUTHORIZED_ALTITUDE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.route.TLcdDAFIFATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The highest altitude on a ATS route segment which has MFA designated at which adequate reception of navigational aid signals is assured.
MAXIMUM_AUTHORIZED_ALTITUDE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.route.TLcdDAFIFTATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The highest altitude on a ATS route segment which has MFA designated at which adequate reception of navigational aid signals is assured.
MAXIMUM_AUTHORIZED_ALTITUDE_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.route.ILcdDAFIFATSRouteSegmentFeature
The unit of measurement of the maximum authorized altitude.
MAXIMUM_AUTHORIZED_ALTITUDE_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.route.TLcdDAFIFATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The unit of measurement of the maximum authorized altitude.
MAXIMUM_AUTHORIZED_ALTITUDE_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.route.TLcdDAFIFTATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The unit of measurement of the maximum authorized altitude.
MAXIMUM_AVAILABLE_LOCATIONS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYLabelPainterAdapter
Maximum number of available locations.
MAXIMUM_AVAILABLE_LOCATIONS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYOffsetIconPainter
Maximum number of available locations.
MAXIMUM_AVAILABLE_LOCATIONS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYMultiFontLabelPainter
Maximum number of available locations.
MAXIMUM_AVAILABLE_LOCATIONS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYStampLabelPainter
Maximum number of available locations.
MAXIMUM_CROSSING_AT_END_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.departureprocedure.TLcdAIXM51DepartureArrivalCondition
Data property that maps to the maximumCrossingAtEnd element.
MAXIMUM_CROSSING_AT_END_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteSegmentTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the maximumCrossingAtEnd element.
MAXIMUM_CROSSING_AT_END_REFERENCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.departureprocedure.TLcdAIXM51DepartureArrivalCondition
Data property that maps to the maximumCrossingAtEndReference element.
MAXIMUM_CROSSING_AT_END_REFERENCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteSegmentTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the maximumCrossingAtEndReference element.
MAXIMUM_ELEVATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdElevationUtil
MAXIMUM_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspBoundsEditor.HandleIdentifier
Control point that modifies the maximum height.
MAXIMUM_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspExtrudedShapeEditor.HandleIdentifier
Identifies the handle that edits the maximum extrusion height.
MAXIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.ILcdAIXMAirspaceFeature
The numerical value of the maximum limit of the airspace.
MAXIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceCorridorDataProperties
The numerical value of the maximum limit of the airspace.
MAXIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceDataProperties
The numerical value of the maximum limit of the airspace.
MAXIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAssociationBasedAirspaceDataProperties
The numerical value of the maximum limit of the airspace.
MAXIMUM_LIMIT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airspace.TLcdAIXM51AirspaceVolume
Data property that maps to the maximumLimit element.
MAXIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.ILcdAIXMAirspaceFeature
A code indicating the convention of calculating the maximum limit.
MAXIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceCorridorDataProperties
A code indicating the convention of calculating the maximum limit.
MAXIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceDataProperties
A code indicating the convention of calculating the maximum limit.
MAXIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAssociationBasedAirspaceDataProperties
A code indicating the convention of calculating the maximum limit.
MAXIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airspace.TLcdAIXM51AirspaceVolume
Data property that maps to the maximumLimitReference element.
MAXIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.ILcdAIXMAirspaceFeature
The unit of measurement for the maximum limit.
MAXIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceCorridorDataProperties
The unit of measurement for the maximum limit.
MAXIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceDataProperties
The unit of measurement for the maximum limit.
MAXIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAssociationBasedAirspaceDataProperties
The unit of measurement for the maximum limit.
MAXIMUM_OCCURRENCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataextension.TLcdISO19115ExtendedElementInformation
Data property that maps to the maximumOccurrence element.
MAXIMUM_VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.extent.TLcdISO19115VerticalExtent
Data property that maps to the maximumValue element.
MAXIMUM_VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSRange
Data property that maps to the MaximumValue element.
MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Corridor
Data property that maps to the maxaltitude attribute.
MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBand
Data property that maps to the maxaltitude attribute.
MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20AreaContent
Data property that maps to the maxaltitude attribute.
MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Circle
Data property that maps to the maxaltitude attribute.
MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Ellipse
Data property that maps to the maxaltitude attribute.
MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polygon
Data property that maps to the maxaltitude attribute.
MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Rectangle
Data property that maps to the maxaltitude attribute.
MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Corridor
Data property that maps to the maxaltitude attribute.
MAXIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Orbit
Data property that maps to the maxaltitude attribute.
maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.swing.TLcdOverlayLayout
maxLevel(int) - Method in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.metadata.TLfnVectorCoverageMetadata.Builder
Sets the maximum level (most detailed level).
MAXRADIUS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.svg.ILcdSVGConstants
Maximum radius of an arcband ( non SVG ).
maxScaleDenominator(double) - Method in class com.luciad.ogc.sld.model.TLcdSLDRule.Builder
Sets the maximum scale denominator necessary for which the rule still applies.
maxScaleDenominator(int) - Method in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.metadata.ALfnAssetMetadata.Builder
Sets the denominator of the maximum scale at which this asset should be used.
maxSubpathLength() - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdAWTPath
maxSubpathLength() - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGeneralPath
maxValue(Number) - Method in class com.luciad.imaging.TLcdBandMeasurementSemanticsBuilder
Set the maximum allowed value, can be null.
maxZ(int, int, int) - Method in class
maxZ(int, int, int) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdVVTerrainProfileModel
maxZ(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.vertical.ILcdVVModel
MBZ - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.communication.type.TLcdCommunicationType
Mandatory Broadcast Zone ( key = MBZ )
MD_11 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdLandingAreaAircraftType
MD_AggregateInformation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_AggregateInformation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Band_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Band_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_BrowseGraphic_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_BrowseGraphic_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_CellGeometryCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_CharacterSetCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ClassificationCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Constraints_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Constraints_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ContentInformation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_CoverageContentTypeCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_CoverageDescription_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_CoverageDescription_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_DataIdentification_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_DataIdentification_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_DatatypeCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_DigitalTransferOptions_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_DigitalTransferOptions_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Dimension_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Dimension_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_DimensionNameTypeCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Distribution_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Distribution_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_DistributionUnits_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Distributor_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Distributor_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ExtendedElementInformation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ExtendedElementInformation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Format_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Format_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_GeometricObjects_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_GeometricObjects_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_GeometricObjectTypeCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Georectified_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Georectified_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Georeferenceable_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Georeferenceable_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_GridSpatialRepresentation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_GridSpatialRepresentation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Identification_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Identifier_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Identifier_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ImageDescription_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ImageDescription_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ImagingConditionCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Keywords_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Keywords_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_KeywordTypeCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_LegalConstraints_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_LegalConstraints_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_MaintenanceInformation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_MaintenanceInformation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Medium_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Medium_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_MediumFormatCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_MediumNameCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Metadata_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Metadata_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_MetadataExtensionInformation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_MetadataExtensionInformation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ObligationCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ObligationCode_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_PixelOrientationCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_PixelOrientationCode_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_PortrayalCatalogueReference_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_PortrayalCatalogueReference_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ProgressCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_RangeDimension_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_RangeDimension_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ReferenceSystem_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ReferenceSystem_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_RepresentativeFraction_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_RepresentativeFraction_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Resolution_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Resolution_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_RestrictionCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ScopeCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ScopeDescription_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ScopeDescription_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_SecurityConstraints_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_SecurityConstraints_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ServiceIdentification_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_ServiceIdentification_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_SpatialRepresentation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_StandardOrderProcess_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_StandardOrderProcess_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_TopicCategoryCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_TopicCategoryCode_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_TopologyLevelCode_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Usage_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_Usage_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_VectorSpatialRepresentation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD_VectorSpatialRepresentation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMDDataTypes
MD80 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdLandingAreaAircraftType
MDA - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeMinimumAltitude
MDH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeMinimumHeight
MDH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gdf.TLcdGDFDataUnit
GDF Data unit: Month,day,hour.
MEANING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSUnNamedDomain
Data property that maps to the Meaning element.
MEASURE_CARTESIAN - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.controller.ruler.TLspRulerController.MeasureMode
The controller measures the Cartesian distance between points in the world reference of the view.
MEASURE_DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.dataquality.TLcdISO19115Element
Data property that maps to the measureDescription element.
MEASURE_GEODETIC - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.controller.ruler.TLspRulerController.MeasureMode
The controller measures the geodesic (shortest) distance between points.
MEASURE_GEODETIC - Static variable in class
Geodetic measure mode.
MEASURE_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the TLcdIconFactory.create(String) method.
MEASURE_IDENTIFICATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.dataquality.TLcdISO19115Element
Data property that maps to the measureIdentification element.
MEASURE_PROJECTION_PLANE - Static variable in class
Projection plane measure mode.
Measure_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGCODataTypes
MEASURE_RHUMB - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.controller.ruler.TLspRulerController.MeasureMode
The controller measures the shortest rhumbline distance between points.
MEASURE_RHUMBLINE - Static variable in class
Rhumbline measure mode.
MeasureListType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
MeasureListType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
MEASUREMENT_POINT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.approachprocedure.approach.TLcdAIXM51ApproachAltitudeTable
Data property that maps to the measurementPoint element.
measurementChanged(EventObject) - Method in interface
Invoked whenever the measurement is changed.
MeasureOrNilReasonListType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
MeasureOrNullListType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
measuresRetrieved(TLcdISO19103Measure[]) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.measure.TLcdGXYViewMeasureProvider.Callback
This method is called by the retrieveMeasuresAt method when it has completed retrieving measures.
MeasureType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
MeasureType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
MEASURING_SYSTEM_AIRCRAFT_MARKINGS_HOLIDAYS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeRuleProcedureTitle
median(int, int) - Method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.ALcdImageOperatorChain.Builder
Corresponds to TLcdMedianOp.median(com.luciad.imaging.ALcdImage, int, int), but the input image is passed in via the operator chain.
median(ALcdImage, int, int) - Static method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdMedianOp
Applies a median filter to the given image.
MEDIAN_FILTER_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdMedianOp
Input data type of the operator.
MEDIAN_POINT - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYPointListPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen at the location of the point with index ( ( getPointCount() - 1 ) / 2 ).
mediate() - Method in class com.luciad.lucy.gui.TLcyActionBarMediatorBuilder
Starts the actual mediation between the two action bars with the specified settings of this object.
mediate(ILcyActionBar, ILcyActionBar) - Static method in class com.luciad.lucy.gui.TLcyActionBarUtil
The recommended way to mediate between two action bars is to use the TLcyActionBarMediatorBuilder class
mediate(ILcyActionBar, ILcyActionBar, boolean) - Static method in class com.luciad.lucy.gui.TLcyActionBarUtil
The recommended way to mediate between two action bars is to use the TLcyActionBarMediatorBuilder class
mediate(ILcyActionBar, String, boolean, TLcyActionBarManager) - Static method in class com.luciad.lucy.gui.TLcyActionBarUtil
The recommended way to mediate between two action bars is to use the TLcyActionBarMediatorBuilder class
mediate(ILcyActionBar, String, Object, TLcyActionBarManager) - Static method in class com.luciad.lucy.gui.TLcyActionBarUtil
The recommended way to mediate between two action bars is to use the TLcyActionBarMediatorBuilder class
mediateAcceleratorKeys(ILcyActionBar, JComponent) - Static method in class com.luciad.lucy.gui.TLcyActionBarUtil
Mediates the accelerator keys between the ILcyActionBar and the JComponent.
MEDIATOR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.dc.model.TLcdDCElemSimpleLiteral
MEDIC - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodePassengerService
MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.realtime.lightspeed.radarvideo.TLspRadarVideoStyle.AntialiasingHint
Medium antialiasing, medium performance impact.
MEDIUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeFrictionEstimate
MEDIUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeWakeTurbulence
MEDIUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.dc.model.TLcdDCElemSimpleLiteral
MEDIUM_FORMAT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.distribution.TLcdISO19115Medium
Data property that maps to the mediumFormat element.
MEDIUM_GOOD - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeFrictionEstimate
MEDIUM_NOTE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.distribution.TLcdISO19115Medium
Data property that maps to the mediumNote element.
MEDIUM_POOR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeFrictionEstimate
MediumDotted - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.nvg.model.ELcdNVGFillPattern
MEETS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31RelatedTime.RelativePosition
MEETS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32RelatedTime.RelativePosition
MEETS - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.filter.model.capabilities.TLcdOGCTemporalFilterCapabilities
Meets temporal operator name
MEETS - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.filter.model.TLcdOGCBinaryTemporalOperator
The end time of the property is equal to the expression begin time.
MEM - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdRunwaySurfaceType
Membrane - pastic or other fiber material (key = MEM).
MEMBER - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeOrganisationHierarchy
MEMBER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Bag
Data property that maps to the member element.
MemberName_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGCODataTypes
MemberName_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGCODataTypes
MEMBERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Array
Data property that maps to the members element.
MEMBERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Bag
Data property that maps to the members element.
MEMBRANE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeSurfaceComposition
Memory-mapped files - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder2
memoryMode(TLcdLOSOptions.MemoryMode) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdLOSOptions.Builder
Set the memory mode for the LOS Options
MEMPHIS_CENTER - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIFacility
MEMPHIS_TRACON - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIFacility
MENU_BAR_COMPONENT - Static variable in class
MER - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.geodesy.TLcdDefaultAISGeodeticDatumProvider
Merchich_to_WGS84_Morocco - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Merchich to WGS84 Morocco .
merge(TLcdValidationResult) - Method in class com.luciad.util.TLcdValidationResult
Merges this validation result with another validation result.
MERGE_GROUP_KEY - Static variable in class
Key used to store the merge group property.
MERGE_KEY - Static variable in class
Key used to store the merge property.
mergeLabelInfoList(TLcdCollectedLabelInfoList) - Method in class com.luciad.view.labeling.algorithm.TLcdCollectedLabelInfoList
This method merges the given TLcdCollectedLabelInfoList into this object.
mergePaintBlocksSFCT(ALcdGXYAsynchronousPaintQueueManager.PaintBlock, ALcdGXYAsynchronousPaintQueueManager.PaintBlock) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.asynchronous.manager.ALcdGXYAsynchronousPaintQueueManager
Merge the layers of aPaintBlockSFCT and aAdjacentPaintBlock into aPaintBlockSFCT.
mergeUniqueFeatures(TLcdAIXM51AbstractAIXMMessage) - Static method in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.util.TLcdAIXM51MessageUtil
Looks up feature instances in aMessage that have the same gml:identifier and merges them into a single new feature, with the same gml:identifier.
MERIDIAN - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.ILspLonLatGridLine.Category
MERIDIAN - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.TLspLonLatGridStyler
MERIDIAN_DOMAIN_OBJECT_ID - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.drawing.format.TLcyDrawingFormat
Unique ID of the domain object supplier, capable of handling meridians.
MERIDIAN_NAME - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Code
The name by which this prime meridian is identified.
meridionalArcDistance(double) - Method in interface com.luciad.geodesy.ILcdEllipsoid
Calculates the meridional arc distance in meters.
meridionalArcDistance(double) - Method in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdEllipsoid
Calculates the meridional arc distance in meters.
meridionalArcDistance(double, double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.geodesy.ILcdEllipsoid
Calculates the meridional arc distance in meters.
meridionalArcDistance(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdEllipsoid
Calculates the meridional arc distance in meters.
MESH - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelMetadata.DataCategory
The data contains raw 3D meshes.
MESH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.dc.model.TLcdDCTermDataTypes
meshCompression(ELcdOGC3DTilesMeshCompressionType) - Method in class com.luciad.meshup.TLcd3DTilesProcessorBuilder
Sets the mesh compression algorithm to use in the OGC 3D Tiles encoding.
message(String, int, Object, Component) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.awt.dialogs.TLcdDialogManager
message(String, int, Object, Component) - Method in interface com.luciad.gui.ILcdDialogManager
message(String, int, Object, Component) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.swing.TLcdDialogManagerSW
message(String, int, Object, Component) - Static method in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdUserDialog
Pops up a window with an informational message.
message(String, Object, Component) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.awt.dialogs.TLcdDialogManager
MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.service.ELcdISO19119OperationModel
MESSAGE - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdStatusEvent
Indicates that the event contains a message.
MESSAGE_DATE_SF - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.asdi.ILcdASDIMessageFeatures
Name of the feature indicating the message header date.
MESSAGE_FACILITY_SF - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.asdi.ILcdASDIMessageFeatures
Name of the feature indicating the message header facility.
MESSAGE_METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.abstractfeature.TLcdAIXM51AbstractAIXMMessageBase
Data property that maps to the messageMetadata element.
MESSAGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.update.TLcdKML22NetworkLinkControl
Data property that maps to the message element.
MESSAGE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_SF - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.asdi.ILcdASDIMessageFeatures
Name of the feature indicating the message header sequence number.
MESSAGE_TYPE_SF - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.asdi.ILcdASDIMessageFeatures
Name of the feature indicating the message type.
messageDigestAlgorithm(String) - Method in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.metadata.ALfnCoverageMetadata.Builder
Sets a message digest algorithm on the coverage, to be used for corruption checking on the server.
MessageMetadataPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MET - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeUnit
MET_BY - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31RelatedTime.RelativePosition
MET_BY - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32RelatedTime.RelativePosition
MET_BY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.filter.model.TLcdOGCBinaryTemporalOperator
The begin time of the property is equal to the end time of the expression.
META_CLASS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataextension.TLcdISO19115DatatypeCode
Class whose instances are classes.
META_DATA_PROPERTY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31AbstractGML
Data property that maps to the metaDataProperty element.
META_DATA_PROPERTY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32AbstractGML
Data property that maps to the metaDataProperty element.
METADATA_CONSTRAINTS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataentityset.TLcdISO19115Metadata
Data property that maps to the metadataConstraints element.
METADATA_EXTENSION_INFO_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataentityset.TLcdISO19115Metadata
Data property that maps to the metadataExtensionInfo element.
METADATA_FILENAME - Static variable in class
Defines the name of the (optional) file which contains the asset metadata of a tile repository.
METADATA_MAINTENANCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataentityset.TLcdISO19115Metadata
Data property that maps to the metadataMaintenance element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.abstractfeature.TLcdAIXM51FeatureMetadataProperty
Data property that maps to the MD_Metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.abstractfeature.TLcdAIXM51FeatureTimeSliceMetadataProperty
Data property that maps to the MD_Metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.abstractfeature.TLcdAIXM51MessageMetadataProperty
Data property that maps to the MD_Metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Model
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15DataObject
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arc
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBand
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20AreaContent
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arrow
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Circle
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Composite
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Content
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Corridor
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Ellipse
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Group
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20MultiPoint
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Orbit
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Point
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polygon
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polyline
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Rectangle
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20SymbolizedContent
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Text
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Model
Data property that maps to the metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSOperation
Data property that maps to the Metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSBasicIdentification
Data property that maps to the Metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSDatasetDescriptionSummaryBase
Data property that maps to the Metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSReference
Data property that maps to the Metadata element.
METADATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSUnNamedDomain
Data property that maps to the Metadata element.
METADATA_STANDARD_NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataentityset.TLcdISO19115Metadata
Data property that maps to the metadataStandardName element.
METADATA_STANDARD_VERSION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.metadataentityset.TLcdISO19115Metadata
Data property that maps to the metadataStandardVersion element.
Metadata decoding - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.xml.TLcdAIXM51ModelDecoder
Metadata discovery - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.metadata.xml.TLcdISO19139MetadataDecoder
metadataMapper(ILcd3DTilesProcessorMetadataMapper) - Method in class com.luciad.meshup.TLcd3DTilesProcessorBuilder
Adds a metadata provider to this builder.
MetaDataPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DataTypes
MetaDataPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DataTypes
MetadataType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.TLcdKML22DataTypes
MetadataType - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSDataTypes
MetadataWithSource(TLcdISO19115Metadata, TLcdModelMetadata.Source) - Constructor for class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.ILcdMetadataDecoder.MetadataWithSource
Creates a new MetadataWithSource instance for the given metadata and source file.
MetadataWithSource(TLcdISO19115Metadata, List<TLcdModelMetadata.Source>) - Constructor for class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.ILcdMetadataDecoder.MetadataWithSource
Creates a new MetadataWithSource instance for the given metadata and source file(s).
METAL - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdRunwaySurfaceType
Metal - Steel, Aluminium (key = MET).
METAL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeSurfaceComposition
METAL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeVerticalStructureMaterial
METAR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeServiceInformation
METBY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.filter.model.capabilities.TLcdOGCTemporalFilterCapabilities
MetBy temporal operator name
METEOROLOGICAL_GEOGRAPHICAL_FEATURES - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.ogc.csw.server.profile.TLcdCSWInspireProfile.GEMETKeyword
Weather conditions and their measurements; precipitation, temperature, evapotranspiration, wind speed and direction.
MeteorologyPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MeteorologyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
METER - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYIconPainter.ScalingMode
The icon size is defined as getScale * ( original icon size in pixels ) * 1 meter/pixel.
METER - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20UnitOfMeasure
METERPERSECOND - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20UnitOfMeasure
metersToArcDegrees(double, double) - Static method in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdSphereUtil
Converts the given distance in meters into a distance in arc degrees, using the given sphere radius.
METHOD_NAME - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Code
The name by which this operation method is identified.
metre() - Method in class com.luciad.ogc.sld.model.TLcdSLDLineSymbolizer.Builder
Sets the unit of measure for this symbolizer to metre.
metre() - Method in class com.luciad.ogc.sld.model.TLcdSLDPointSymbolizer.Builder
Sets the unit of measure for this symbolizer to metre.
metre() - Method in class com.luciad.ogc.sld.model.TLcdSLDPolygonSymbolizer.Builder
Sets the unit of measure for this symbolizer to metre.
METRE - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdAltitudeUnit
Altitude unit for meters.
METRE_AMSL - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdAltitudeUnit
This constant is an alias for TLcdAltitudeUnit.METRE. It has been renamed because the "AMSL" qualifier is inappropriate here.
METRE_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdDistanceUnit
Distance unit for meters.
MGI_Ferro_to_MGI_Austria - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for MGI Ferro to MGI Austria .
MGI_to_WGS84_MEAN - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for MGI to WGS84 MEAN .
MGRS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.text.mgrs.TLcdMGRSFormat.FormatType
MGRS format type.
MGRS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20UnitOfMeasure
MH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.navaid.type.TLcdRadioClass
Non-directional radio beacon (homing), powerless than 50 Watts.
Mhast_to_WGS84_Angola_Cabinda - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Mhast to WGS84 Angola Cabinda .
MHZ - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomFrequency
MHZ_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.util.TLcdFrequencyUnit
MI - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomDistance
MI2MTR_US - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdConstant
US Survey miles to meters.
MIAMI_CENTER - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIFacility
MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMAerodromeFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMRunwayClinePointFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMRunwayDirectionFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMRunwayFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMAerodromeDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMRunwayClinePointDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMRunwayDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMRunwayDirectionDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.ILcdAIXMAirspaceFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceCorridorDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAssociationBasedAirspaceDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.geoborder.ILcdAIXMGeoborderFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.geoborder.TLcdAIXMGeoborderDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMILSFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMNavaidFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.ILcdAIXMWayPointFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMDMEDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMILSDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMMarkerDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMNDBDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMTACANDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMVORDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.TLcdAIXMWayPointDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.obstacle.TLcdAIXMObstacleDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.procedure.ILcdAIXMProcedureFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.procedure.TLcdAIXMProcedureDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.ILcdAIXMATSRouteFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.ILcdAIXMRouteSegmentFeature
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.TLcdAIXMATSRouteDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.TLcdAIXMRouteSegmentDataProperties
An artificial unique identifier in a given context.
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeRunwayPointRole
MID - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeRVRReading
MIDDLE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.nvg.model.ELcdNVGVerticalAlignment
Middle text alignment element.
MIDDLE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.navaid.type.TLcdPositionType
Middle position (key = M).
MIDDLE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodePositionInILS
MIDDLE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.svg.ILcdSVGConstants
Horizontal alignment for text ( part of style attribute ).
MIDDLE_BOTH_ARROW_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.ALcdGXYPen
constant representing an arrow in the middle of the line pointing to both the start and the end of the line
MIDDLE_MARKER - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.navaid.type.TLcdMarkerType
Middle marker.
MIDDLE_OF_ARC - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen on the arc, at half of its length.
MIDDLE_OF_ARCBAND - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the arcband itself.
MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Enum constant in enum class
The pin connects to the label at the middle of the label bounds.
MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the arcband's bounds, calculated by boundsSFCT.
MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the arc's bounds, calculated by boundsSFCT.
MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCircleBy3PointsPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the bounds, calculated by boundsSFCT.
MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCirclePainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the bounds, calculated by boundsSFCT.
MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCircularArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the arc's bounds, calculated by boundsSFCT.
MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCompositeCurvePainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the bounds, calculated by boundsSFCT.
MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCompositeRingPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the bounds, calculated by boundsSFCT.
MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYEllipsePainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the bounds, calculated by boundsSFCT.
MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYGeoBufferPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the buffer's bounds, calculated by boundsSFCT.
MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYPointListPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the bounds, calculated by boundsSFCT.
MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYShapeListPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the bounds, calculated by boundsSFCT.
MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYSurfacePainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the bounds, calculated by boundsSFCT.
MIDDLE_OF_BOUNDS_ON_EDGE - Enum constant in enum class
The pin connects to the label at the middle of the label bounds.
MIDDLE_OF_BUFFER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYGeoBufferPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the buffer's middle segment.
MIDDLE_OF_CHORD - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen in the middle of the chord determined by the start and end points.
MIDDLE_OF_CURVE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen at the middle of the curve if ILcdCurve is implemented.
MIDDLE_OF_CURVE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCircleBy3PointsPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen at the middle of the curve if ILcdCurve is implemented.
MIDDLE_OF_CURVE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCircularArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen at the middle of the curve if ILcdCurve is implemented.
MIDDLE_OF_CURVE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCompositeCurvePainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen at the middle of the curve.
MIDDLE_OF_CURVE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYPointListPainter
Constant value indicating that the anchor point should be chosen at the middle of the curve if ILcdCurve is implemented.
MIDDLE_TO_BEGIN_ARROW_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.ALcdGXYPen
constant representing an arrow in the middle of the line pointing to the start of the line
MIDDLE_TO_END_ARROW_TYPE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.ALcdGXYPen
constant representing an arrow in the middle of the line pointing to the end of the line
middleMouseButton() - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.controller.TLspAWTEventFilterBuilder
Adds a middle mouse button filter.
middleMouseButton() - Method in class com.luciad.view.TLcdAWTEventFilterBuilder
Adds a middle mouse button filter.
middleMouseButton() - Method in class com.luciad.view.TLcdFXEventFilterBuilder
Adds a middle mouse button filter.
MIF_FORMAT_ID - Static variable in class com.luciad.fusion.engine.format.ALfnFormat
The name of the default format responsible for MIF data
MIL - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.airspace.type.TLcdAirspaceType
Military Training/Exercise Area.
MIL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeMilitaryOperations
MIL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeMilitaryStatus
MIL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeUnit
MIL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.communication.type.TLcdCommunicationType
Military Frequency ( key = MIL )
MIL - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdAngleUnit
Constant defining the angle in angular mils as defined by NATO (1/6400 of a circle).
MIL_STD_2525b - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.model.ELcdMS2525Standard
The MIL-STD 2525b symbology standard.
MIL_STD_2525c - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.model.ELcdMS2525Standard
The MIL-STD 2525c symbology standard.
MIL_STD_2525d - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.model.ELcdMS2525Standard
The MIL-STD 2525d symbology standard.
MILE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20UnitOfMeasure
MILE_US_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.util.TLcdDistanceUnit
Distance unit for miles (US).
MILEAGE_LIMIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.sector.ILcdDAFIFSectorFeature
The limit mileage of a sector, expressed in nautical miles.
MILEAGE_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.sector.TLcdDAFIFTSectorDataProperties
The limit mileage of a sector, expressed in nautical miles.
MILEAGE_START - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.sector.ILcdDAFIFSectorFeature
The start mileage of a sector, expressed in nautical miles.
MILEAGE_START - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.sector.TLcdDAFIFTSectorDataProperties
The start mileage of a sector, expressed in nautical miles.
MILITARY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdAerodromeOperationsType
Military operations only.
MILITARY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.route.type.TLcdATSRouteSegmentType
MILITARY - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.ILcdAIXMAirspaceFeature
A code indicating whether the airspace is under the responsibility of a military organisation.
MILITARY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceCorridorDataProperties
A code indicating whether the airspace is under the responsibility of a military organisation.
MILITARY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceDataProperties
A code indicating whether the airspace is under the responsibility of a military organisation.
MILITARY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAssociationBasedAirspaceDataProperties
A code indicating whether the airspace is under the responsibility of a military organisation.
MILITARY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.type.TLcdRouteOperationsType
Military (key = M).
MILITARY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeApronElement
MILITARY_HEIGHT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.approachprocedure.minima.TLcdAIXM51Minima
Data property that maps to the militaryHeight element.
MILITARY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.organisation.TLcdAIXM51OrganisationAuthorityTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the military element.
MILITARY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.organisation.TLcdAIXM51UnitTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the military element.
MILITARY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.shared.aircraftandflight.TLcdAIXM51FlightCharacteristic
Data property that maps to the military element.
MILITARY_SYMBOL_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the TLcdIconFactory.create(String) method.
MILITARY_TRAINING_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the militaryTrainingType element.
MILITARY_USE_ONLY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51PrecisionApproachRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the militaryUseOnly element.
MILITARY_USE_ONLY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51PrimarySurveillanceRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the militaryUseOnly element.
MILITARY_USE_ONLY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51SecondarySurveillanceRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the militaryUseOnly element.
MILITARY_USE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the militaryUse element.
MILITARY_VISIBILITY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.approachprocedure.minima.TLcdAIXM51Minima
Data property that maps to the militaryVisibility element.
militarySymbolStyle(TLcdMilitarySymbolStyle) - Method in class com.luciad.symbology.app6a.view.lightspeed.TLspAPP6ASymbolStyle.Builder
Sets the TLcdMilitarySymbolStyle containing the styling settings.
militarySymbolStyle(TLcdMilitarySymbolStyle) - Method in class com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.view.lightspeed.TLspMS2525bSymbolStyle.Builder
Sets the TLcdMilitarySymbolStyle containing the styling settings.
MilitaryTrainingRoute - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.TLcdAISDataTypes
Basic AIS type for MilitaryTrainingRoute.
MilitaryTrainingRoute - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.TLcdDAFIFDataTypes
DAFIF type for MilitaryTrainingRoute.
MilitaryTrainingRoute - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.TLcdDAFIFTDataTypes
DAFIFT type for MilitaryTrainingRoute.
MilitaryTrainingRoutePoint - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.TLcdAISDataTypes
Basic AIS type for MilitaryTrainingRoutePoint.
MilitaryTrainingRoutePoint - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.TLcdDAFIFDataTypes
DAFIF type for MilitaryTrainingRoutePoint.
MilitaryTrainingRoutePoint - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.TLcdDAFIFTDataTypes
DAFIFT type for MilitaryTrainingRoutePoint.
MilitaryTrainingRouteSegment - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.TLcdAISDataTypes
Basic AIS type for MilitaryTrainingRouteSegment.
MilitaryTrainingRouteSegment - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.TLcdDAFIFDataTypes
DAFIF type for MilitaryTrainingRouteSegment.
MilitaryTrainingRouteSegment - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.TLcdDAFIFTDataTypes
DAFIFT type for MilitaryTrainingRouteSegment.
MILOPS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.type.TLcdAirspaceActivityType
Military operations (key = MILOPS).
MILOPS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeAirspaceActivity
MILOPS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeUnit
MILOVRN - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeApproachLighting
MIME_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31File
Data property that maps to the mimeType element.
MIME_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32File
Data property that maps to the mimeType element.
MimeFileType_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
MimeFileType_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
MimeType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.atom.model.TLcdAtomDataTypes
MimeType - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSDataTypes
min(ALcdBasicImage) - Method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.ALcdImageOperatorChain.Builder
min(ALcdBasicImage, ALcdBasicImage) - Static method in class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdBinaryOp
Take the minimum of two images.
min(ILcdExpression<T>, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that returns the minimum of its parameters.
min(ILcdExpression<T>, T) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that returns the minimum of its parameters.
min(T, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that returns the minimum of its parameters.
MIN - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.imaging.operator.TLcdBinaryOp.Operation
Take the minimum value of the input images.
MIN - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomDuration
MIN - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gdf.TLcdGDFDataUnit
GDF Data unit: Minute (of time).
MIN_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LatLonAltBox
Data property that maps to the minAltitude element.
MIN_BOUNDS_SIZE_FUNCTION_NAME - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.filter.model.TLcdOGCVendorSpecificFunctions
The "minBoundsSize" function evaluates a minimum size filter on geometries, excluding point geometries.
MIN_EYE_HEIGHT_OVER_TRESHOLD - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMRunwayDirectionFeature
The cockpit height over the threshold given the type of VASIS as specified in the VASIS_TYPE feature.
MIN_EYE_HEIGHT_OVER_TRESHOLD_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.ILcdAIXMRunwayDirectionFeature
The unit of measurement for the cockpit height over the threshold.
MIN_FADE_EXTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.behavior.TLcdKML22Lod
Data property that maps to the minFadeExtent element.
MIN_LOD_PIXELS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.behavior.TLcdKML22Lod
Data property that maps to the minLodPixels element.
MIN_RADIUS_ARC - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
Constant value denoting the minimum arc segment of the arc band.
MIN_RADIUS_END_CORNER - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspArcBandEditor.HandleIdentifier
Identifies the corner point at minimum radius and the end angle.
MIN_RADIUS_END_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdArcBand
Specifies the corner point at minimum radius and the end angle.
MIN_RADIUS_END_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
Constant value denoting the corner point at the end angle and the minimum radius of the arc band.
MIN_RADIUS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15ArcBand
Data property that maps to the minr attribute.
MIN_RADIUS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBand
Data property that maps to the minr attribute.
MIN_RADIUS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBandRing
Data property that maps to the minr attribute.
MIN_RADIUS_START_CORNER - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspArcBandEditor.HandleIdentifier
Identifies the corner point at minimum radius and the start angle.
MIN_RADIUS_START_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdArcBand
Specifies the corner point at minimum radius and the start angle.
MIN_RADIUS_START_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
Constant value denoting the corner point at the start angle and the minimum radius of the arc band.
MIN_REFRESH_PERIOD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.update.TLcdKML22NetworkLinkControl
Data property that maps to the minRefreshPeriod element.
MIN_VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.content.TLcdISO19115Band
Data property that maps to the minValue element.
MIN_VERTICAL_ANGLE_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.loscoverage.TLcyLOSCoverageBackEnd
The property name for a line-of-sight coverage's minimum vertical angle.
MIN_VERTICAL_ANGLE_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.viewshed.TLcyViewshedBackEnd
The property name for a viewshed's minimum vertical angle.
MIN1 - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
MIN10 - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
MIN2 - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
MIN30 - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
MIN5 - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
minBoundsSize(double, double) - Static method in class com.luciad.ogc.filter.model.TLcdOGCFilterFactory
Creates a condition that passes objects that have a minimum bounds size.
MINERAL_RESOURCES - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.ogc.csw.server.profile.TLcdCSWInspireProfile.GEMETKeyword
Mineral resources (including metal ores, industrial minerals) where relevant including depth/height information on the extent of the resource.
minHeight(double) - Method in class
Sets the minimum height of the rectangle, relative to the base line.
MINIMAL_DISTANCE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.ais.model.procedure.TLcdProcedureGeometryCalculator.CFBehavior
The length of the calculated procedure leg will be minimal.
MINIMAL_MOVEMENT - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.realtime.gxy.labeling.TLcdGXYContinuousLabelingAlgorithm.LabelMovementBehavior
Use this to avoid moving labels as much as possible.
MINIMAL_MOVEMENT - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.realtime.lightspeed.labeling.TLspContinuousLabelingAlgorithm.LabelMovementBehavior
Use this to avoid moving labels as much as possible.
MinimaPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MinimaType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIBModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the minimum value of the corners of each GRIB sample cell.
MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIBTileDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the minimum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDMEDModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the minimum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDDirectoryModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the minimum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the minimum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDTileDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the minimum value of the corners of each DTED sample cell.
MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.swissdhm.TLcdSwissDHMMatrixModelDecoder
The sampling strategy that returns the minimum value of the corners of each DHM sample cell.
MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdCoverageFillMode
Constant indicating the coverage should be filled with values that are the minimum of all computed samples for that point.
MINIMUM_ALTITUDE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.route.ILcdDAFIFATSRouteSegmentFeature
The minimum altitude of the ATS route segment.
MINIMUM_ALTITUDE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.route.TLcdDAFIFATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The minimum altitude of the ATS route segment.
MINIMUM_ALTITUDE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.route.TLcdDAFIFTATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The minimum altitude of the ATS route segment.
MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_1 - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.ILcdARINCATSRouteSegmentFeature
The MEA or MFA if the altitude is the same for both directions of flight.
MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_1 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.TLcdARINCATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The MEA or MFA if the altitude is the same for both directions of flight.
MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_1_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.ILcdARINCATSRouteSegmentFeature
The unit of measurement of the minimum altitude.
MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_2 - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.ILcdARINCATSRouteSegmentFeature
Empty if the MEA/MFA is the same for both directions of flight.
MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_2 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.TLcdARINCATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
Empty if the MEA/MFA is the same for both directions of flight.
MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_2_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.ILcdARINCATSRouteSegmentFeature
The unit of measurement of the minimum altitude.
MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.shared.surfaceassessment.TLcdAIXM51Obstruction
Data property that maps to the minimumAltitude element.
MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.dafif.model.route.ILcdDAFIFATSRouteSegmentFeature
The unit of measurement of the minimum altitude.
MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.route.TLcdDAFIFATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The unit of measurement of the minimum altitude.
MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.route.TLcdDAFIFTATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The unit of measurement of the minimum altitude.
MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_UNIT_1 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.TLcdARINCATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The unit of measurement of the minimum altitude.
MINIMUM_ALTITUDE_UNIT_2 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.route.TLcdARINCATSRouteSegmentDataProperties
The unit of measurement of the minimum altitude.
MINIMUM_BARO_VNAV_TEMPERATURE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.procedureoverview.TLcdAIXM51FinalLegTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the minimumBaroVnavTemperature element.
MINIMUM_CEILING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.departureprocedure.TLcdAIXM51NavigationAreaTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the minimumCeiling element.
MINIMUM_CROSSING_AT_END_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.departureprocedure.TLcdAIXM51DepartureArrivalCondition
Data property that maps to the minimumCrossingAtEnd element.
MINIMUM_CROSSING_AT_END_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteSegmentTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the minimumCrossingAtEnd element.
MINIMUM_CROSSING_AT_END_REFERENCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.departureprocedure.TLcdAIXM51DepartureArrivalCondition
Data property that maps to the minimumCrossingAtEndReference element.
MINIMUM_CROSSING_AT_END_REFERENCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteSegmentTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the minimumCrossingAtEndReference element.
MINIMUM_ELEVATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdElevationUtil
MINIMUM_ENROUTE_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.departureprocedure.TLcdAIXM51DepartureArrivalCondition
Data property that maps to the minimumEnrouteAltitude element.
MINIMUM_ENROUTE_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteSegmentTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the minimumEnrouteAltitude element.
MINIMUM_EYE_HEIGHT_OVER_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airportheliport.runway.TLcdAIXM51VisualGlideSlopeIndicatorTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the minimumEyeHeightOverThreshold element.
MINIMUM_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspBoundsEditor.HandleIdentifier
Control point that modifies the minimum height.
MINIMUM_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspExtrudedShapeEditor.HandleIdentifier
Identifies the handle that edits the minimum extrusion height.
MINIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.ILcdAIXMAirspaceFeature
The numerical value of the minimum limit of the airspace.
MINIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceCorridorDataProperties
The numerical value of the minimum limit of the airspace.
MINIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceDataProperties
The numerical value of the minimum limit of the airspace.
MINIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAssociationBasedAirspaceDataProperties
The numerical value of the minimum limit of the airspace.
MINIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.ILcdAIXMRouteSegmentFeature
The numerical value of the minimum limit.
MINIMUM_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.TLcdAIXMRouteSegmentDataProperties
The numerical value of the minimum limit.
MINIMUM_LIMIT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airspace.TLcdAIXM51AirspaceVolume
Data property that maps to the minimumLimit element.
MINIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.ILcdAIXMAirspaceFeature
A code indicating the convention of calculating the minimum limit.
MINIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceCorridorDataProperties
A code indicating the convention of calculating the minimum limit.
MINIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceDataProperties
A code indicating the convention of calculating the minimum limit.
MINIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAssociationBasedAirspaceDataProperties
A code indicating the convention of calculating the minimum limit.
MINIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.ILcdAIXMRouteSegmentFeature
A code indicating the convention of calculating the minimum limit.
MINIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.TLcdAIXMRouteSegmentDataProperties
A code indicating the convention of calculating the minimum limit.
MINIMUM_LIMIT_REFERENCE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.airspace.TLcdAIXM51AirspaceVolume
Data property that maps to the minimumLimitReference element.
MINIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.ILcdAIXMAirspaceFeature
The unit of measurement for the minimum limit.
MINIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceCorridorDataProperties
The unit of measurement for the minimum limit.
MINIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAirspaceDataProperties
The unit of measurement for the minimum limit.
MINIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.TLcdAIXMAssociationBasedAirspaceDataProperties
The unit of measurement for the minimum limit.
MINIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.ILcdAIXMRouteSegmentFeature
The unit of measurement for the minimum limit.
MINIMUM_LIMIT_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.route.TLcdAIXMRouteSegmentDataProperties
The unit of measurement for the minimum limit.
MINIMUM_OBSTACLE_CLEARANCE_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.procedureoverview.TLcdAIXM51DepartureLegTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the minimumObstacleClearanceAltitude element.
MINIMUM_OBSTACLE_CLEARANCE_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.routes.enroute.TLcdAIXM51RouteSegmentTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the minimumObstacleClearanceAltitude element.
MINIMUM_PATTERN - Static variable in class com.luciad.text.TLcdDurationFormat
This pattern only displays the items with a value above 0.
d {d } h {h } m {m } s.f {s}
MINIMUM_RECEPTION_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.pointreference.TLcdAIXM51AngleIndicationTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the minimumReceptionAltitude element.
MINIMUM_RECEPTION_ALTITUDE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.pointreference.TLcdAIXM51DistanceIndicationTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the minimumReceptionAltitude element.
MINIMUM_SET_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.approachprocedure.approach.TLcdAIXM51ApproachCondition
Data property that maps to the minimumSet element.
MINIMUM_VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.extent.TLcdISO19115VerticalExtent
Data property that maps to the minimumValue element.
MINIMUM_VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.ows.model.TLcdOWSRange
Data property that maps to the MinimumValue element.
MINIMUM_VISIBILITY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.departureprocedure.TLcdAIXM51NavigationAreaTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the minimumVisibility element.
MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Corridor
Data property that maps to the minaltitude attribute.
MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBand
Data property that maps to the minaltitude attribute.
MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20AreaContent
Data property that maps to the minaltitude attribute.
MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Circle
Data property that maps to the minaltitude attribute.
MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Ellipse
Data property that maps to the minaltitude attribute.
MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polygon
Data property that maps to the minaltitude attribute.
MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Rectangle
Data property that maps to the minaltitude attribute.
MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Corridor
Data property that maps to the minaltitude attribute.
MINIMUM_Z_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Orbit
Data property that maps to the minaltitude attribute.
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.swing.TLcdOverlayLayout
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdListLayout
minimumObjectSizeForPainting(double) - Method in class com.luciad.fusion.client.view.lightspeed.TLspFusionVectorLayerBuilder
Sets the minimum size of an object in the view for it to be painted and handled otherwise.
minimumObjectSizeForPainting(double) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.density.TLspDensityLayerBuilder
Sets the minimum size of an object in the view for it to be painted and handled otherwise.
minimumObjectSizeForPainting(double) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.shape.TLspShapeLayerBuilder
Sets the minimum size of an object in the view for it to be painted and handled otherwise.
minimumPixelSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the minimum icon pixel size.
minimumPixelSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the minimum icon pixel size.
minimumPixelSize(ILcdExpression<Integer>) - Method in class
Sets the expression that determines the minimum icon pixel size.
minimumPoints(int) - Method in class com.luciad.model.transformation.clustering.TLcdClusteringTransformer.Builder.ClassificationSpecificBuilder
Sets the minimum number of points required to form a cluster.
MinimumSectorAltitude - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.TLcdAISDataTypes
Basic AIS type for MinimumSectorAltitude.
MinimumSectorAltitude - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.TLcdARINCDataTypes
ARINC type for MinimumSectorAltitude.
MinimumSectorAltitude - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafift.model.TLcdDAFIFTDataTypes
DAFIFT type for MinimumSectorAltitude.
minimumSize() - Method in class com.luciad.gui.awt.TLcdOutputFrame
Defines the minimum size of the dialog box.
MINIMUN_EYE_HEIGHT_OVER_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMRunwayDirectionDataProperties
The cockpit height over the threshold given the type of VASIS as specified in the VASIS_TYPE feature.
MINIMUN_EYE_HEIGHT_OVER_THRESHOLD_UNIT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.aerodrome.TLcdAIXMRunwayDirectionDataProperties
The unit of measurement for the cockpit height over the threshold.
Minna_to_WGS84_Cameroon - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Minna to WGS84 Cameroon .
Minna_to_WGS84_Nigeria - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Minna to WGS84 Nigeria .
MINNEAPOLIS_CENTER - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIFacility
MINNEAPOLIS_TRACON - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIFacility
MINOR_AXIS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspArcEditor.HandleIdentifier
Indicates the major radius corner of the arc.
MINOR_AXIS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspEllipseEditor.HandleIdentifier
Indicates the minor radius corner of the ellipse.
MINOR_AXIS_BEARING - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.ILcdARINCMarkerFeature
The true bearing of the minor axis of the marker beacon.
MINOR_AXIS_BEARING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.navaid.TLcdARINCMarkerDataProperties
The true bearing of the minor axis of the marker beacon.
MINOR_AXIS_OPPOSITE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspArcEditor.HandleIdentifier
Indicates the major radius opposite corner of the arc.
MINOR_AXIS_OPPOSITE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.TLspEllipseEditor.HandleIdentifier
Indicates the minor radius opposite corner of the ellipse.
MINOR_RADIUS_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdArc
Specifies the corner point of the minor radius axis (at the rotation angle + 90 degrees).
MINOR_RADIUS_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdEllipse
Specifies the corner point of the minor radius axis (at the rotation angle + 90 degrees).
MINOR_RADIUS_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the end point of the minor axis of the arc is touched.
MINOR_RADIUS_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYEllipsePainter
Constant value indicating that the end point of the minor axis of the ellipse is touched.
MINOR_RADIUS_OPPOSITE_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdArc
Specifies the corner point of the minor radius axis (at the rotation angle - 90 degrees).
MINOR_RADIUS_OPPOSITE_CORNER - Static variable in interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdEllipse
Specifies the corner point of the minor radius axis (at the rotation angle - 90 degrees).
MINOR_RADIUS_OPPOSITE_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
Constant value indicating that the opposite end point of the minor axis of the arc is touched.
MINOR_RADIUS_OPPOSITE_CORNER - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYEllipsePainter
Constant value indicating that the opposite end point of the minor axis of the ellipse is touched.
minorRadius(double) - Method in class
Sets the minor radius of the arc, in pixels.
MINRADIUS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.svg.ILcdSVGConstants
Minimum radius of an arcband ( non SVG ).
minScaleDenominator(double) - Method in class com.luciad.ogc.sld.model.TLcdSLDRule.Builder
Sets the minimum scale denominator necessary for the rule to apply.
minScaleDenominator(int) - Method in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.metadata.ALfnAssetMetadata.Builder
Sets the denominator of the minimum scale at which this asset should be used.
MINUS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.ELcdGML31Sign
MINUS - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.ELcdGML32Sign
MINUS_X_MINUS_Y - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.ELcdGML31IncrementOrder
MINUS16 - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdGUIIcon

   ILcdIcon icon = TLcdIconFactory.create(TLcdIconFactory.REMOVE_ITEM_ICON);
MINUTE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31TimeUnit
MINUTE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32TimeUnit
MINUTES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DMSAngle
Data property that maps to the minutes element.
minValue(Number) - Method in class com.luciad.imaging.TLcdBandMeasurementSemanticsBuilder
Set the minimum allowed value, can be null.
minZ(int, int, int) - Method in class
minZ(int, int, int) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdVVTerrainProfileModel
minZ(int, int, int) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.vertical.ILcdVVModel
MIRL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdLightingSystemType
MISC - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.model.communication.type.TLcdCommunicationType
Miscellaneous (key = MISC)
MISSED - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeProcedurePhase
MISSED_APPROACH - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureLegRouteType
Missed approach.
MISSED_APPROACH - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureSubType
Missed Approach
MISSED_APPROACH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeHoldingUse
MISSED_INSTRUCTION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.procedure.approachprocedure.approach.TLcdAIXM51InstrumentApproachProcedureTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the missedInstruction element.
MISSED_P - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeProcedurePhase
MISSED_S - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeProcedurePhase
MissedApproachGroupPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MissedApproachGroupType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MissedApproachLegPropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MissedApproachLegTimeSlicePropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MissedApproachLegTimeSliceType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MissedApproachLegType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.TLcdAIXM51DataTypes
MISSILES - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm.model.airspace.type.TLcdAirspaceActivityType
Flight of guided missiles (key = MISSILES).
MISSILES - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeAirspaceActivity
MISSING - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.ELcdGML2Null
MISSING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31NullEnumeration
MISSING - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32NilReasonEnumeration
MISSING_DIMENSION_VALUE - Static variable in exception class com.luciad.wms.server.TLcdWMSServiceException
The value of a sample dimension is missing and no default value is set.
MISSING_PARAMETER_VALUE - Static variable in exception class com.luciad.ogc.csw.server.TLcdCSWServiceException
MISSING_PARAMETER_VALUE - Static variable in exception class com.luciad.ogc.wfs.TLcdWFSServiceException
MISSING_PARAMETER_VALUE_STR - Static variable in exception class com.luciad.ogc.csw.server.TLcdCSWServiceException
MissingTargetType(TLcdDataType) - Constructor for class com.luciad.datamodel.transformation.TLcdDataModelMappingValidator.MissingTargetType
MISSION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.identification.TLcdISO19115InitiativeTypeCode
Specific operation of a data collection system.
MISSION_ID - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.util.language.TLcyLang
MITER - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdStrokeLineStyleBuilder.Join
Joins line segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
mix(ILcdExpression<R>, ILcdExpression<R>, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that calculates an interpolated or extrapolated result between aFrom and aTo based on the given fraction.
mix(R, R, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that calculates an interpolated or extrapolated result between aFrom and aTo based on the given fraction.
MIX - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.aerodrome.type.TLcdRunwaySurfaceType
Mix (key = MIX).
MIXED - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.service.TLcdISO19119CouplingTypeCode
Denotes a service that is both loosely and tightly coupled.
MIXED - Static variable in interface com.luciad.lucy.model.ILcyModelContentType
MIXED - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYZoomController
MIXED_DATA_STRUCTURES - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.bci.TLcdBCIRasterModelDescriptor
Mixed data structures.
MIXED_OR_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class
A generic shape type for use when the coverage has heterogenous or unknown contents.
mixmap(ILcdExpression<Float>, float[], R[]) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that creates in interpolated value (mix) based on two table lookups (map).
mixmap(ILcdExpression<Float>, TLcdColorMap) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that behaves as a color map.
mixmap(ILcdExpression<Float>, R[]) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that creates in interpolated value (mix) based on two table lookups (map).
MKR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeNavaidService
ML_AffineCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_AffineCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_BaseUnit_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_BaseUnit_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_CartesianCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_CartesianCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_CodeDefinition_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_CodeDefinition_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_CodeListDictionary_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_CodeListDictionary_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_CompoundCRS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_CompoundCRS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_ConcatenatedOperation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_ConcatenatedOperation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_ConventionalUnit_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_ConventionalUnit_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_Conversion_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_Conversion_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_CoordinateSystemAxis_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_CoordinateSystemAxis_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_CylindricalCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_CylindricalCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_DerivedCRS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_DerivedCRS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_DerivedUnit_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_DerivedUnit_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_Ellipsoid_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_Ellipsoid_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_EllipsoidalCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_EllipsoidalCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_EngineeringCRS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_EngineeringCRS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_EngineeringDatum_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_EngineeringDatum_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_GeodeticCRS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_GeodeticCRS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_GeodeticDatum_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_GeodeticDatum_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_ImageCRS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_ImageCRS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_ImageDatum_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_ImageDatum_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_LinearCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_LinearCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_OperationMethod_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_OperationMethod_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_OperationParameter_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_OperationParameter_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_OperationParameterGroup_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_OperationParameterGroup_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_PassThroughOperation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_PassThroughOperation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_PolarCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_PolarCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_PrimeMeridian_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_PrimeMeridian_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_ProjectedCRS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_ProjectedCRS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_SphericalCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_SphericalCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_TemporalCRS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_TemporalCRS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_TemporalDatum_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_TemporalDatum_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_TimeCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_TimeCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_Transformation_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_Transformation_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_UnitDefinition_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_UnitDefinition_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_UserDefinedCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_UserDefinedCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_VerticalCRS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_VerticalCRS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_VerticalCS_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_VerticalCS_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_VerticalDatum_PropertyType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
ML_VerticalDatum_Type - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.TLcdGMXDataTypes
MLS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeApproach
MLS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeFinalGuidance
MLS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeNavaidService
MLS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeNavigationEquipment
MLS_A_APPROACH - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureSubType
Microwave Landing System (MLS), Type A Approach
MLS_APPROACH - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureSubType
Microwave Landing System (MLS) Approach
MLS_B_C_APPROACH - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.procedure.type.TLcdProcedureSubType
Microwave Landing System (MLS), Type B and C Approach
MLS_DME - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.navaid.type.TLcdNavaidType
MLS_DME - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeApproach
MLS_DME - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeFinalGuidance
MLS_DME - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeNavaidService
MLS_PRECISION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeApproachGuidance
MM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeProcedureDistance
MM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51UomDepth
MM_HG - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20UnitOfMeasure
MNPSA - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.airspace.type.TLcdAirspaceType
Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications Area.
MNPSA_P - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.airspace.type.TLcdAirspaceType
Part of MNPSA.
MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51AzimuthTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the mobile element.
MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51DirectionFinderTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the mobile element.
MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51DMETimeSlice
Data property that maps to the mobile element.
MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51ElevationTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the mobile element.
MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51GlidepathTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the mobile element.
MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51LocalizerTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the mobile element.
MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51MarkerBeaconTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the mobile element.
MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51NDBTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the mobile element.
MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51SDFTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the mobile element.
MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51TACANTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the mobile element.
MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51VORTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the mobile element.
MOBILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.obstacle.TLcdAIXM51VerticalStructurePart
Data property that maps to the mobile element.
MOBILROTARY_HYDRAULIC_WATER - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
MOBILROTARY_M21 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
MOBILROTARY_MAAS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
MOBILROTARY_MAG_I - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
MOBILROTARY_MAG_II - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
MOBILROTARY_MAG_III - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
MOBILROTARY_MAG_IV - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
MOBILROTARY_MAG_IX - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
MOBILROTARY_MAG_VI - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
MOBILROTARY_MAG_VII - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
MOBILROTARY_MAG_VIII - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
MOBILROTARY_MAG_X - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeArrestingGearEnergyAbsorb
mod(ILcdExpression<T>, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that finds the modulus of its left parameter with respect to the right parameter.
mod(ILcdExpression<T>, T) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that finds the modulus of its left parameter with respect to the right parameter.
mod(T, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that finds the modulus of its left parameter with respect to the right parameter.
MODE - Static variable in class
Constant for mode property.
MODE_1 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeTransponder
MODE_2 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeTransponder
MODE_3A - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeTransponder
MODE_4 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeTransponder
MODE_5 - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeTransponder
MODE_C - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.airspace.type.TLcdAirspaceType
Mode C defined areas.
MODE_C - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeTransponder
MODE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.service.TLcdAIXM51RadioCommunicationChannelTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the mode element.
MODE_S - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeTransponder
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.aixm.view.lightspeed.TLspAIXMLayerBuilder
Sets the model used by the layer.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.arinc.view.lightspeed.TLspARINCLayerBuilder
Sets the model used by the layer.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.bufr.lightspeed.TLspBUFRLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.dafif.lightspeed.TLspDAFIFLayerBuilder
Sets the model used by the layer.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.grib.lightspeed.TLspGRIBLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.view.lightspeed.TLspKML22LayerBuilder
Sets a model for the layer to be built.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.mbtiles.view.lightspeed.TLspMBTilesVectorLayerBuilder
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.netcdf.lightspeed.TLspNetCDFLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.lightspeed.TLspNVGLayerBuilder
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.s52.lightspeed.TLspS52LayerBuilder
Sets the model the layer should be created for.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.lightspeed.TLsp3DTileLayerBuilder
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.vpf.lightspeed.TLspVPFLayerBuilder
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.fusion.client.view.lightspeed.TLspFusionVectorLayerBuilder
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.imaging.TLcdRasterImageBuilder
Set the fallback model to derive unavailable parameters from.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.lidar.lightspeed.TLspLIDARLayerBuilder
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.realtime.lightspeed.plots.TLspPlotLayerBuilder
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.realtime.lightspeed.radarvideo.TLspRadarVideoLayerBuilder
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.symbology.app6a.view.lightspeed.TLspAPP6ALayerBuilder
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.symbology.milstd2525b.view.lightspeed.TLspMS2525bLayerBuilder
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.symbology.view.lightspeed.TLspMilitarySymbologyLayerBuilder
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.lightspeed.hypsometry.TLspHypsometricShadingLayerBuilder
Sets the elevation model that will be used for the hypsometric computations.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.ALspLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.density.TLspDensityLayerBuilder
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.imageprojection.TLspImageProjectionLayerBuilder
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.plots.TLspPlotLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.raster.TLspRasterLayerBuilder
Sets the model.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.shape.TLspShapeLayerBuilder
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.cgrs.TLspCGRSGridLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.cgrs.TLspCGRSGridOverlayLabelBuilder
The model containing a CGRSGrid.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.gars.TLspGARSGridLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.mgrs.TLspMGRSGridLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.TLspGeorefGridLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.TLspLonLatGridLayerBuilder
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.TLspXYGridLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
model(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.wms.client.lightspeed.TLspWMSLayerBuilder
Sets the model of the layer.
MODEL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.maintenance.TLcdISO19115ScopeCode
Information applies to a copy or imitation of an existing or hypothetical object.
MODEL - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.vertical.TLcdVVJPanel
This property change will be thrown When a new ILcdVVModel is set to this TLcdVVJPanel When the ILcdVVModel throws a change event
MODEL_ABSOLUTE - Enum constant in enum class
Mode indicating that the texture coordinates correspond to the object's model coordinates.
MODEL_ADDED - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.gui.TLcdDAFIFLoaderEvent
ID used to describe the addition of a DAFIF model.
MODEL_ADDED - Static variable in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelContainerEvent
Part of the event ID when an object has been added to the container.
MODEL_ALASKA_WATERS_REGIONAL__WAVE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_ANALYSIS_PRODUCT_FROM_NCEP_AWC - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_AVIATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_BACKUP_FROM_PREVIOUS_RUN - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_BIAS_CORRECTED_MEDIUM_RANGE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_CAC_ENSEMBLE_FORECASTS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_COASTAL_OCEAN_CIRCULATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_CONTENT_TREE - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.kml22.TLcyKML22GUIFactory
MODEL_CONTENT_TREE_CELL_RENDERER - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.kml22.TLcyKML22GUIFactory
The ID for the cell renderer of the KML content tree, used by the TLcyKML22GUIFactory.createTreeCellRenderer(int, method.
MODEL_CONTENT_TREE_MODEL - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.kml22.TLcyKML22GUIFactory
The ID for the model of the KML content tree, used by the TLcyKML22GUIFactory.createTreeModel(int, ALcyProperties) method.
MODEL_CPC_MANUAL_FORECAST_PRODUCT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_CURRENT_ICING_POTENTIAL_FROM_NCEP_AWC - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_DATA_FLAVOR - Static variable in class
DataFlavor that represents a single ILcdModel.
MODEL_DIGITAL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.citation.TLcdISO19115PresentationFormCode
Multi-dimensional digital representation of a feature, process, etc.
MODEL_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in class
The display name of a model descriptor of an area of interest layer.
MODEL_DISPLAY_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.ALcyTEABackEnd
Model display property name for the back-end properties arguments.
MODEL_DOWNSCALED_GFS_FROM_ETA_EXTENSION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_EASTERN_NORTH_PACIFIC_REGIONAL__WAVE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_EPA_AIR_QUALITY_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_ETA - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_ETA_GENERIC_RESOLUTION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_FOG_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_FORECAST_PRODUCT_FROM_NCEP_AWC - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_FORECASTER_GENERATED_FIELD - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_GLOBAL_FORECAST_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_GLOBAL_OCEAN_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_GLOBAL_OPTIMUM_INTERPOLATION_ANALYSIS_FROM_FINAL_RUN - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_GLOBAL_OPTIMUM_INTERPOLATION_ANALYSIS_FROM_GFS_MODEL - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_GLOBAL_WIND_WAVE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_GULF_OF_ALASKA_WIND_WAVE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_GULF_OF_MEXICO_WIND_WAVE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_HARDCOPY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.citation.TLcdISO19115PresentationFormCode
3-dimensional, physical model.
MODEL_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.luciad.model.TLcdMultilevelRegularTiledModelDecoder
Name of the property corresponding to the height of the bounds of the model to decode.
MODEL_ICE_CONCENTRATION_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_LAKE_ICE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_LAND_DATA_ASSIMILATION_AND_FORECAST_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_LFM_FOURTH_ORDER_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_LIMITED_AREA_FINE_MESH_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_LIST_COMPONENT - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.previewer.view.TLcyPreviewAddOnCustomizerFactory
createComponent for this ID returns null.
MODEL_MERGE_FROM_RUC_ETA_SPECTRAL - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_MESO_ETA - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_NATIONAL_CONVECTIVE_WEATHER_DIAGNOSTIC_FROM_NCEP_AWC - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_NCEP_ARL_TRANSPORT_AND_DISPERSION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_NCEP_OPC_AUTOMATED_PRODUCT - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_NDFD_PRODUCT_GENERATED_BY_NCEP_HPC - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_NESTED_GRID_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_NON_HYDROSTATIC_MESO - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_NORTH_AMERICAN_REGIONAL_REANALYSIS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_NORTH_ATLANTIC_HURRICANE_WAVE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_NORTH_PACIFIC_HURRICANE_WAVE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_NWS_FLASH_FLOOD_GUIDANCE_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_NWS_RIVER_FORECAST_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_NWW3_OCEAN_WAVE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_OBJECT_EXTENSION_GROUP_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML223DModel
Data property that maps to the ModelObjectExtensionGroup element.
MODEL_OZONE_ANALYSIS_FROM_NIMBUS_7_OBSERVATIONS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_OZONE_ANALYSIS_FROM_TIROS_OBSERVATIONS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_PRODUCED - Static variable in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelProducerEvent
MODEL_PRODUCTS_FROM_NCEP_SREF_PROCESSING - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51RadarSystemTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the model element.
MODEL_QUANTITATIVE_PRECIPITATION_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_QUASI_LAGRANGIAN_HURRICANE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_REFERENCE_CLASS - Static variable in class com.luciad.model.TLcdMultilevelRegularTiledModelDecoder
Name of the property corresponding to the ILcdModelReference class to be instantiated and initialized for the decoded model.
MODEL_REFERENCE_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.modelreference.TLcyModelReferenceAddOn
MODEL_REFERENCE_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.ALcyTEABackEnd
Model reference property name for the back-end properties arguments.
MODEL_REGIONAL_OPTIMUM_INTERPOLATION_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_REMOVED - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.dafif.gui.TLcdDAFIFLoaderEvent
ID used to describe the removal of a DAFIF model.
MODEL_REMOVED - Static variable in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelContainerEvent
Part of the event ID when an object has been deleted from the container.
MODEL_RIVER_FORECAST_CENTER_QUANTITATIVE_PRECIPITATION_ESTIMATE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_RIVER_FORECAST_CENTER_QUANTITATIVE_PRECIPITATION_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_RUC - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_RUC_FROM_FSL - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_RUC_SURFACE_ANALYSIS_SCALE_40KM_40N - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_RUC_SURFACE_ANALYSIS_SCALE_60KM_40N - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_SATELLITE_DERIVED_PRECIPITATION_AND_TEMPERATURES - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_SEA_ICE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_SEA_SURFACE_TEMPERATURE_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_SIMPLE_EXTENSION_GROUP_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML223DModel
Data property that maps to the ModelSimpleExtensionGroup element.
MODEL_SNOW_COVER_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_SPECTRAL_STATISTICAL_INTERPOLATION_ANALYSIS_FROM_FINAL_RUN - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_SPECTRAL_STATISTICAL_INTERPOLATION_ANALYSIS_FROM_GFS_MODEL - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_T126_L42_GLOBAL_SPECTRAL_FROM_MRF_RUN - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_T170_L42_GLOBAL_SPECTRAL_FROM_MRF_RUN - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_TYPE - Static variable in class
MODEL_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class
The type name of a model descriptor of an area of interest layer.
MODEL_ULTRA_VIOLET_INDEX - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_VALUE_ADDED_POST_PROCESSED_FIELD - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_WAVE_126_TRIANGULAR_28_LAYER_SPECTRAL_FROM_GFS_MODEL - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_WAVE_126_TRIANGULAR_28_LAYER_SPECTRAL_FROM_MEDIUM_RANGE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_WAVE_62_TRIANGULAR_28_LAYER_SPECTRAL_EXT_OF_GFS_MODEL - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_WAVE_62_TRIANGULAR_28_LAYER_SPECTRAL_EXT_OF_MEDIUM_RANGE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_WAVE_62_TRIANGULAR_28_LAYER_SPECTRAL_FROM_MEDIUM_RANGE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_WAVE_62_TRIANGULAR_28_LAYER_SPECTRAL_FROM_T62_GDAS_OF_MEDIUM_RANGE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_WAVE_62_TRIANGULAR_28_LAYER_SPECTRALFROM_MEDIUM_RANGE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_WAVE_80_TRIANGULAR_18_LAYER_SPECTRAL_FROM_GFS_MODEL - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_WAVE_80_TRIANGULAR_18_LAYER_SPECTRAL_FROM_MEDIUM_RANGE_FORECAST - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_WESTERN_NORTH_ATLANTIC_REGIONAL_WAVE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.luciad.model.TLcdMultilevelRegularTiledModelDecoder
Name of the property corresponding to the width of the bounds of the model to decode.
MODEL_WRF_GENERIC_RESOLUTION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_WSR_88D_STAGE_2_PRECIPITATION_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
MODEL_WSR_88D_STAGE_3_PRECIPITATION_ANALYSIS - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.grib.ILcdGRIBConstants
modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in interface com.luciad.transformation.ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation
Transforms model bounds into world bounds.
modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdDefaultModelXYWorldTransformation
modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGeocentric2Grid
modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGeodetic2Grid
modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGeoid2Grid
modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGrid2Grid
modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdIdentityModelXYWorldTransformation
modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdModelXYWorldTransformation
modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd2DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdTopocentric2Grid
modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd3DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdRasterOffsetModelXYZWorldTransformation
modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd3DEditableBounds) - Method in interface com.luciad.transformation.ILcdModelXYZWorldTransformation
Transforms model bounds into world bounds.
modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd3DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdCompositeModelXYZWorldTransformation
modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd3DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdDefaultModelXYZWorldTransformation
modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd3DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGeodetic2Geocentric
modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd3DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGrid2Geocentric
modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd3DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdIdentityModelXYZWorldTransformation
modelBounds2worldSFCT(ILcdBounds, ILcd3DEditableBounds) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdModelXYZWorldTransformation
modelChanged(TLcdModelChangedEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.model.ALcdWeakModelListener
Notifies this model listener that a model has changed.
modelChanged(TLcdModelChangedEvent) - Method in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModelListener
Notifies this model listener that a model has changed.
modelChangedImpl(T, TLcdModelChangedEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.model.ALcdWeakModelListener
This method is called each time a TLcdModelChangedEvent is received by this listener, and the short-living object to modify passed in the constructor of this listener is not yet GC-ed.
modelContainerStateChanged(TLcdModelContainerEvent) - Method in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModelContainerListener
Notify this ILcdModelContainerListener that the state of an ILcdModelContainer has changed.
modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2AbstractFeatureCollection
modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31AbstractFeatureCollection
modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Model
modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32AbstractFeatureCollection
modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Model
modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.feature.TLcdKML22AbstractContainer
modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.feature.TLcdKML22NetworkLink
modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.TLcdKML22DynamicModel
modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.TLcdKML22Kml
modelCount() - Method in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModelContainer
Returns the number of ILcdModel objects contained in this ILcdModelContainer.
modelCount() - Method in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModelTreeNode
Returns the number of child models of this model node.
modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcd2DBoundsIndexedModelTreeNode
modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelContainer
modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelList
modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelTreeNode
modelCount() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelTreeNodeSupport
modelDecoder(ILcdWFSModelDecoder) - Method in class com.luciad.ogc.wfs.client.TLcdWFSProxyModel.Builder
Specifies the WFS model decoder that will be used to decode the response from the WFS server
modelDecoder(String, ILcdWFSModelDecoder) - Method in class com.luciad.ogc.wfs.client.TLcdWFSProxyModel.Builder
Specifies the WFS model decoder that will be used to decode the response from the WFS server when this response is in the specified output format.
Model decoders - Search tag in package com.luciad.format.raster
Model descriptor - Search tag in class
Model descriptor - Search tag in class
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm.decoder.TLcdAIXMModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.xml.TLcdAIXM51ModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.arinc.TLcdARINCModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.arinc.decoder.TLcdARINCDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXLiveModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bci.TLcdBCIRasterModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bingmaps.TLcdBingMapsModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.binz.TLcdBinzModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bufr.TLcdBUFRModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.cadrg.TLcdCADRGDirectoryModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.cadrg.TLcdCADRGModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.coverage.TLcdCoverageModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.csv.TLcdCSVModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dafif.TLcdDAFIFModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.db2.spatial.TLcdDB2SpatialModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dgn.TLcdDGNModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dimap.TLcdDIMAPModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dwg.TLcdDWGModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.e57.TLcdE57ModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ecrg.TLcdECRGModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ecw.TLcdECWModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gdal.TLcdGDALModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gdf.TLcdGDFModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gee.TLcdGEEModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geojson.TLcdGeoJsonModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geospatialpdf.TLcdGeospatialPDFModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geospot.TLcdGeoSPOTModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml2.xml.TLcdGML2ModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml31.xml.TLcdGML31ModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml32.xml.TLcdGML32ModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gmlcommon.xml.TLcdGMLModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIB1ModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIB2ModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ifc.TLcdIFCModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.informix.geodetic.TLcdInformixGeodeticModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.informix.spatial.TLcdInformixSpatialModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.jpeg2000.TLcdJPEG2000ModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.jpeg2000.TLcdJPIPModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.kml22.xml.TLcdKML22ModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.las.TLcdLASModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdIGRFModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdWMMModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mbtiles.TLcdMBTilesModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mgcp.TLcdMGCPModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mif.TLcdMAPModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mif.TLcdMIFModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mrsid.TLcdMrSIDModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mssql.TLcdMSSQLModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.netcdf.TLcdNetCDFModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nitf.TLcdNITFModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nvg.xml.TLcdNVGModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nwd.TLcdNWDModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class
Model descriptor - Search tag in class
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.pegasus.TLcdPegasusModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.postgresql.TLcdPostGISModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdArcInfoASCIIGridModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdBILModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDEMModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDMEDModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDDirectoryModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdETOPOModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdGeoTIFFModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdJAIRasterModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdRasterModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdTABRasterModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdTFWRasterModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.revit.TLcdRevitModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57CatalogueModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57DirectoryModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57ModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57UnifiedModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s63.TLcdS63UnifiedModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder2
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.geopackage.TLcdGeoPackageModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.lrdb.TLcdLRDBModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.lvdb.TLcdLVDBModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.spatialite.TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.swissdhm.TLcdSwissDHMMatrixModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.lpc.TLcdPointCloudModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.ogc3dtiles.TLcdOGC3DTilesModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.osgb.TLcdOSGBModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.usrp.TLcdUSRPModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.vpf.TLcdVPFModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.model.TLfnTileStoreModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wcs.client.TLcdWCSCoverageModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wfs.client.TLcdWFSModelDecoderDecorator
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wmts.client.TLcdWMTSModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in class com.luciad.wms.client.model.TLcdOGCWMSProxyModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in interface com.luciad.format.dgn.ILcdDGNModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in interface com.luciad.format.dwg.ILcdDWGModelDecoder
Model descriptor - Search tag in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModel
modelDistance(double, double, double, double, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGXYPen
Calculates the model distance between the two given points expressed in AWT coordinates.
modelDistance(double, double, double, double, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYPen
modelDistance(double, double, double, double, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) - Method in class
modelDistance(double, double, double, double, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) - Method in class
modelDistance(double, double, double, double, ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation, ILcdGXYViewXYWorldTransformation) - Method in class
Model elements - Search tag in class
Model elements - Search tag in class
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm.decoder.TLcdAIXMModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.xml.TLcdAIXM51ModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.arinc.TLcdARINCModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.arinc.decoder.TLcdARINCDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXLiveModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bci.TLcdBCIRasterModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bingmaps.TLcdBingMapsModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.binz.TLcdBinzModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bufr.TLcdBUFRModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.cadrg.TLcdCADRGDirectoryModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.cadrg.TLcdCADRGModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.coverage.TLcdCoverageModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.csv.TLcdCSVModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dafif.TLcdDAFIFModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.db2.spatial.TLcdDB2SpatialModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dgn.TLcdDGNModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dimap.TLcdDIMAPModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dwg.TLcdDWGModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.e57.TLcdE57ModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ecrg.TLcdECRGModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ecw.TLcdECWModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gdal.TLcdGDALModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gdf.TLcdGDFModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gee.TLcdGEEModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geojson.TLcdGeoJsonModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geospatialpdf.TLcdGeospatialPDFModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geospot.TLcdGeoSPOTModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml2.xml.TLcdGML2ModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml31.xml.TLcdGML31ModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml32.xml.TLcdGML32ModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gmlcommon.xml.TLcdGMLModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIB1ModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIB2ModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ifc.TLcdIFCModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.informix.geodetic.TLcdInformixGeodeticModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.informix.spatial.TLcdInformixSpatialModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.jpeg2000.TLcdJPEG2000ModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.jpeg2000.TLcdJPIPModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.kml22.xml.TLcdKML22ModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.las.TLcdLASModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdIGRFModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdWMMModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mbtiles.TLcdMBTilesModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mgcp.TLcdMGCPModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mif.TLcdMAPModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mif.TLcdMIFModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mrsid.TLcdMrSIDModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mssql.TLcdMSSQLModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.netcdf.TLcdNetCDFModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nitf.TLcdNITFModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nvg.xml.TLcdNVGModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nwd.TLcdNWDModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class
Model elements - Search tag in class
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.pegasus.TLcdPegasusModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.postgresql.TLcdPostGISModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdArcInfoASCIIGridModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdBILModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDEMModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDMEDModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDDirectoryModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdETOPOModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdGeoTIFFModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdJAIRasterModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdRasterModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdTABRasterModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdTFWRasterModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.revit.TLcdRevitModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57ModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57UnifiedModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s63.TLcdS63UnifiedModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder2
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.geopackage.TLcdGeoPackageModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.lrdb.TLcdLRDBModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.lvdb.TLcdLVDBModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.spatialite.TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.swissdhm.TLcdSwissDHMMatrixModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.lpc.TLcdPointCloudModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.ogc3dtiles.TLcdOGC3DTilesModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.osgb.TLcdOSGBModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.usrp.TLcdUSRPModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.vpf.TLcdVPFModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.model.TLfnTileStoreModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wcs.client.TLcdWCSCoverageModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wfs.client.TLcdWFSModelDecoderDecorator
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wmts.client.TLcdWMTSModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in class com.luciad.wms.client.model.TLcdOGCWMSProxyModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in interface com.luciad.format.dgn.ILcdDGNModelDecoder
Model elements - Search tag in interface com.luciad.format.dwg.ILcdDWGModelDecoder
Model encoders - Search tag in package com.luciad.format.raster
Model implementations - Search tag in package com.luciad.model
Model information - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57CatalogueModelDecoder
Model information - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57DirectoryModelDecoder
Model interfaces - Search tag in package com.luciad.model
Model organization - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57CatalogueModelDecoder
Model organization - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57DirectoryModelDecoder
modelPoint2ScanPoint(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdProfileGenerator
Utility method to transform a point from the model reference of the current layer to the current scan reference.
modelPoint2viewAWTPointSFCT(ILcdPoint, Point) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGXYViewModelTransformation
Converts a ILcdPoint in model coordinates to a Point in view coordinates.
modelPoint2viewAWTPointSFCT(ILcdPoint, Point) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewModelTransformation
modelPoint2viewXYPointSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in interface com.luciad.view.gxy.ILcdGXYViewModelTransformation
modelPoint2viewXYPointSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewModelTransformation
modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in interface com.luciad.transformation.ILcdModelXYWorldTransformation
Transforms a model point into a world point.
modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdDefaultModelXYWorldTransformation
modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGeocentric2Grid
Transforms a model point into a world point.
modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGeodetic2Grid
Transforms a model point into a world point.
modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGeoid2Grid
modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGrid2Grid
modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdIdentityModelXYWorldTransformation
Transforms a model point into a world point.
modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdModelXYWorldTransformation
Transforms a model point into a world point.
modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd2DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdTopocentric2Grid
Transforms a model point into a world point.
modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdRasterOffsetModelXYZWorldTransformation
modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in interface com.luciad.transformation.ILcdModelXYZWorldTransformation
Transforms a model point into a world point.
modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdCompositeModelXYZWorldTransformation
modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdDefaultModelXYZWorldTransformation
modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGeodetic2Geocentric
modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdGrid2Geocentric
modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdIdentityModelXYZWorldTransformation
modelPoint2worldSFCT(ILcdPoint, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdModelXYZWorldTransformation
MODELPOINTATMOUSELOCATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdProfileViewJPanel
Represents the property that is thrown when the mark point has changed.
modelPointDistance2D(ILcdPoint, ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdProfileGenerator
Returns distance between two model points in the reference used for scanning.
modelPointSFCT(int, int, ILcdGXYLayer, ILcdGXYView, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileUtil
Updates the given model point to the model point corresponding to the specified screen coordinates.
modelPointSFCT(int, int, ILcdGXYView, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileUtil
Updates the given model point to the model point corresponding to the specified screen coordinates.
modelPointSFCT(MouseEvent, ILcdGXYLayer, ILcdGXYView, ILcd3DEditablePoint) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileUtil
Calls the method TLcdTerrainProfileUtil.modelPointSFCT(int, int, ILcdGXYLayer, ILcdGXYView, ILcd3DEditablePoint) and updates the given model point to the model point corresponding to the specified mouse event point.
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2AbstractFeatureCollection
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31AbstractFeatureCollection
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Model
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32AbstractFeatureCollection
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Model
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.feature.TLcdKML22AbstractContainer
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.feature.TLcdKML22NetworkLink
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.TLcdKML22DynamicModel
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.TLcdKML22Kml
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModelProducerListener
Notifies this ILcdModelProducerListener of a produced model.
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcd2DBoundsIndexedModelTreeNode
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelContainer
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelList
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelProducerEventMulticaster
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelTreeNode
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelTreeNodeSupport
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewBufferedImage
The produced model is added to the view, provided that a layer factory supporting the model is set.
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewCanvas
The produced model is added to the view, provided that a layer factory supporting the model is set.
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewJPanel
The produced model is added to the view, provided that a layer factory supporting the model is set.
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewJPanelLightWeight
The produced model is added to the view, provided that a layer factory supporting the model is set.
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewPanel
The produced model is added to the view, provided that a layer factory supporting the model is set.
modelProduced(TLcdModelProducerEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYViewPlanarImage
The produced model is added to the view, provided that a layer factory supporting the model is set.
modelQueryConfiguration(TLcdModelQueryConfiguration) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.layer.shape.TLspShapeLayerBuilder
Sets the model query configuration which defines the filters that the layer will use when querying the model during the paint operation.
modelReference(ILcdModelReference) - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelMetadata.Builder
Sets the model reference to use.
modelReference(ILcdModelReference) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.painter.grid.TLspXYGridOverlayLabelBuilder
The model reference in which the overlay label displays its coordinates.
Model reference - Search tag in class
Model reference - Search tag in class
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm.decoder.TLcdAIXMModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.xml.TLcdAIXM51ModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.arinc.TLcdARINCModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.arinc.decoder.TLcdARINCDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXLiveModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bci.TLcdBCIRasterModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bingmaps.TLcdBingMapsModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.binz.TLcdBinzModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bufr.TLcdBUFRModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.cadrg.TLcdCADRGDirectoryModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.cadrg.TLcdCADRGModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.coverage.TLcdCoverageModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.csv.TLcdCSVModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dafif.TLcdDAFIFModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.db2.spatial.TLcdDB2SpatialModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dgn.TLcdDGNModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dwg.TLcdDWGModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.e57.TLcdE57ModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ecrg.TLcdECRGModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ecw.TLcdECWModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gdal.TLcdGDALModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gdf.TLcdGDFModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gee.TLcdGEEModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geojson.TLcdGeoJsonModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geospatialpdf.TLcdGeospatialPDFModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geospot.TLcdGeoSPOTModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml2.xml.TLcdGML2ModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml31.xml.TLcdGML31ModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml32.xml.TLcdGML32ModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gmlcommon.xml.TLcdGMLModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIB2ModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ifc.TLcdIFCModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.informix.geodetic.TLcdInformixGeodeticModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.informix.spatial.TLcdInformixSpatialModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.jpeg2000.TLcdJPEG2000ModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.jpeg2000.TLcdJPIPModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.kml22.xml.TLcdKML22ModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.las.TLcdLASModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdIGRFModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdWMMModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mbtiles.TLcdMBTilesModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mgcp.TLcdMGCPModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mrsid.TLcdMrSIDModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mssql.TLcdMSSQLModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.netcdf.TLcdNetCDFModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nitf.TLcdNITFModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nvg.xml.TLcdNVGModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nwd.TLcdNWDModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class
Model reference - Search tag in class
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.pegasus.TLcdPegasusModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.postgresql.TLcdPostGISModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdArcInfoASCIIGridModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdBILModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDEMModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDMEDModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDDirectoryModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdETOPOModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdGeoTIFFModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdJAIRasterModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdRasterModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdTABRasterModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdTFWRasterModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.revit.TLcdRevitModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57UnifiedModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s63.TLcdS63UnifiedModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder2
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.geopackage.TLcdGeoPackageModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.lrdb.TLcdLRDBModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.lvdb.TLcdLVDBModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.spatialite.TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.swissdhm.TLcdSwissDHMMatrixModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.lpc.TLcdPointCloudModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.ogc3dtiles.TLcdOGC3DTilesModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.osgb.TLcdOSGBModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.usrp.TLcdUSRPModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.vpf.TLcdVPFModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.model.TLfnTileStoreModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.meshup.TLcd3DTilesProcessorBuilder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wcs.client.TLcdWCSCoverageModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wfs.client.TLcdWFSModelDecoderDecorator
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wmts.client.TLcdWMTSModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in class com.luciad.wms.client.model.TLcdOGCWMSProxyModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in interface com.luciad.format.dwg.ILcdDWGModelDecoder
Model reference - Search tag in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModel
modelReferenceDecoder(ILcdModelReferenceDecoder) - Method in class com.luciad.meshup.TLcd3DTilesProcessorBuilder
Set a model reference decoder that returns a reference for a given filepath.
Model reference decoder priority - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.e57.TLcdE57ModelDecoder
Model reference decoder priority - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.las.TLcdLASModelDecoder
Model reference decoder priority - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdGeoTIFFModelDecoder
modelReferenceParser(ILcdModelReferenceParser) - Method in class com.luciad.ogc.wfs.client.TLcdWFSProxyModel.Builder
Specifies the reference parser that will be used by the proxy model.
ModelReferenceWithSource(ILcdModelReference) - Constructor for class com.luciad.model.ILcdModelReferenceDecoder.ModelReferenceWithSource
Creates a new model reference with an empty source, indicating that it is unknown or does not exist.
ModelReferenceWithSource(ILcdModelReference, TLcdModelMetadata.Source) - Constructor for class com.luciad.model.ILcdModelReferenceDecoder.ModelReferenceWithSource
Creates a new model reference with source.
modelRemovedExternally(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.dafif.gui.TLcdDAFIFLoader
Signals that the given model has been removed by an external cause and that the current status of all DAFIF loaders should be updated.
modelRemovedExternally(ILcdModel) - Method in class com.luciad.format.dafif.gui.TLcdDAFIFTypeLoader
Signals that the given model has been removed by an external cause and that the current status of the loader should be updated.
models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2AbstractFeatureCollection
models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31AbstractFeatureCollection
models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Model
models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32AbstractFeatureCollection
models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Model
models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.feature.TLcdKML22AbstractContainer
models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.feature.TLcdKML22NetworkLink
models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.TLcdKML22DynamicModel
models() - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.TLcdKML22Kml
models() - Method in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModelContainer
Returns an Enumeration of the ILcdModel objects contained in this ILcdModelContainer.
models() - Method in interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModelTreeNode
Returns an Enumeration of the child models of this ILcdModelTreeNode.
models() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcd2DBoundsIndexedModelTreeNode
models() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelContainer
models() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelList
models() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelTreeNode
models() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdModelTreeNodeSupport
models() - Method in class com.luciad.model.TLcdTiled2DBoundsIndexedModel
Returns an enumeration of all the submodels contained in this model.
MODELS_DATA_FLAVOR - Static variable in class
DataFlavor that represents multiple ILcdModels.
MODELS_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.tea.viewshed.TLcyViewshedBackEnd
The property name of the models which will be used to calculate the viewshed.
Model structure - Search tag in class
Model structure - Search tag in class
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm.decoder.TLcdAIXMModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.xml.TLcdAIXM51ModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.arinc.TLcdARINCModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.arinc.decoder.TLcdARINCDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXLiveModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bci.TLcdBCIRasterModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bingmaps.TLcdBingMapsModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.binz.TLcdBinzModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.bufr.TLcdBUFRModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.cadrg.TLcdCADRGDirectoryModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.cadrg.TLcdCADRGModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.coverage.TLcdCoverageModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.csv.TLcdCSVModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dafif.TLcdDAFIFModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.db2.spatial.TLcdDB2SpatialModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dgn.TLcdDGNModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dimap.TLcdDIMAPModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.dwg.TLcdDWGModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.e57.TLcdE57ModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ecrg.TLcdECRGModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ecw.TLcdECWModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gdal.TLcdGDALModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gdf.TLcdGDFModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gee.TLcdGEEModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geojson.TLcdGeoJsonModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geospatialpdf.TLcdGeospatialPDFModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.geospot.TLcdGeoSPOTModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml2.xml.TLcdGML2ModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml31.xml.TLcdGML31ModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gml32.xml.TLcdGML32ModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.gmlcommon.xml.TLcdGMLModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIB1ModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIB2ModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIBModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.ifc.TLcdIFCModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.informix.geodetic.TLcdInformixGeodeticModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.informix.spatial.TLcdInformixSpatialModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.jpeg2000.TLcdJPEG2000ModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.jpeg2000.TLcdJPIPModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.kml22.xml.TLcdKML22ModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.las.TLcdLASModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdIGRFModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.TLcdWMMModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mbtiles.TLcdMBTilesModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mgcp.TLcdMGCPModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mif.TLcdMAPModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mif.TLcdMIFModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mrsid.TLcdMrSIDModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.mssql.TLcdMSSQLModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.netcdf.TLcdNetCDFModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nitf.TLcdNITFModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nvg.xml.TLcdNVGModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.nwd.TLcdNWDModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class
Model structure - Search tag in class
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.pegasus.TLcdPegasusModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.postgresql.TLcdPostGISModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdArcInfoASCIIGridModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdBILModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDEMModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDMEDModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDDirectoryModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdDTEDModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdETOPOModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdGeoTIFFModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdJAIRasterModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdRasterModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdTABRasterModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdTFWRasterModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.revit.TLcdRevitModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57ModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57UnifiedModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s63.TLcdS63UnifiedModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPModelDecoder2
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.geopackage.TLcdGeoPackageModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.lrdb.TLcdLRDBModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.lvdb.TLcdLVDBModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.sqlite.spatialite.TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.swissdhm.TLcdSwissDHMMatrixModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.lpc.TLcdPointCloudModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.ogc3dtiles.TLcdOGC3DTilesModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.tiled3d.osgb.TLcdOSGBModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.usrp.TLcdUSRPModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.vpf.TLcdVPFModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.fusion.tilestore.model.TLfnTileStoreModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wcs.client.TLcdWCSCoverageModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wfs.client.TLcdWFSModelDecoderDecorator
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.ogc.wmts.client.TLcdWMTSModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in class com.luciad.wms.client.model.TLcdOGCWMSProxyModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in interface com.luciad.format.dgn.ILcdDGNModelDecoder
Model structure - Search tag in interface com.luciad.format.dwg.ILcdDWGModelDecoder
ModelType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.TLcdKML22DataTypes
MODELTYPE - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.svg.ILcdSVGConstants
Model type, "svg".
Model types - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57CatalogueModelDecoder
Model types - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57DirectoryModelDecoder
modelXYZWorldTransformation(ILcdModelXYZWorldTransformation) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.geometry.discretization.TLspShapeDiscretizationParameters.Builder
Sets a custom ILcdModelXYZWorldTransformation to be used by the shape discretizer.
modelZ2worldZ(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.raster.TLcdRasterOffsetZTransformation
Takes into account the value of a raster beneath the model point.
modelZ2worldZ(ILcdPoint) - Method in interface com.luciad.transformation.ILcdModelZWorldTransformation
Transforms a specified model z value to a world z value.
modelZ2worldZ(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.transformation.TLcdLinearModelZWorldTransformation
MODERATE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.bufr.sigwx.ELcdSIGWXClearAirTurbulenceDegree
MODERATE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.bufr.sigwx.ELcdSIGWXCloudTurbulenceDegree
Moderate degree of in-cloud turbulence.
MODERATE_ICING - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.bufr.sigwx.ELcdSIGWXCloudAirframeIcingDegree
Moderate icing.
MODERATE_OCCASIONAL_SEVERE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.bufr.sigwx.ELcdSIGWXClearAirTurbulenceDegree
Moderate to occasional severe.
modes(TLspShapeDiscretizationMode...) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.geometry.discretization.TLspShapeDiscretizationParameters.Builder
Sets the modes of the TLspShapeDiscretizationParameters to build.
modes(Collection<TLspShapeDiscretizationMode>) - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.geometry.discretization.TLspShapeDiscretizationParameters.Builder
Sets the modes of the TLspShapeDiscretizationParameters to build.
modeToString(int) - Static method in class com.luciad.format.vpf.TLcdVPFLayer
modeToString(int) - Static method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.TLcdGXYLayer
Utility method that provides a human readable form of the layer mode.
MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_COMPONENT - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.lightspeed.TLcyLspPrintableMapComponentFactory
The id for creating the header text component which can be altered by the user in the UI.
MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_COMPONENT - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintableComponentFactory
The id for creating the header text component which can be altered by the user in the UI.
MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_FIELD_VISIBLE_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintAddOn
Property name which represents the value of the 'header text field'.
MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_FIELD_VISIBLE_VALUE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintAddOn
MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintAddOn
Property name which controls the text to use as 'header text'.
MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_SELECTED_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintAddOn
Property name which represents the value of the 'header text' checkbox.
MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_SELECTED_VALUE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintAddOn
MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_VALUE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintAddOn
Default value for the property TLcyPrintAddOn.MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_KEY
MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_VISIBLE_KEY - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintAddOn
Property name which represents the visibility of the 'header text' checkbox.
MODIFIABLE_HEADER_TEXT_VISIBLE_VALUE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.addons.print.TLcyPrintAddOn
MODIFIED - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.dc.model.TLcdDCElemSimpleLiteral
MODIFIED_AIRY - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdDMA1987bEllipsoidFactory
MODIFIED_EVEREST - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdDMA1987bEllipsoidFactory
MODIFIED_FISCHER - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdDMA1987bEllipsoidFactory
MODIFIED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.ogc.csw.model.TLcdCSWSummaryRecord
Data property that maps to the modified element.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Arc
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15ArcBand
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Arrow
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Circle
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Corridor
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Ellipse
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15MapObject
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Multipoint
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Point
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Polygon
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Polyline
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arc
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBand
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20AreaContent
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arrow
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Circle
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Composite
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Corridor
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Ellipse
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20MultiPoint
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Orbit
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Point
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polygon
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polyline
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Rectangle
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
MODIFIERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20SymbolizedContent
Data property that maps to the modifiers attribute.
ModifiersType - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20DataTypes
MODIFY_VIEW_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class
Not used.
Modifying - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYGeoBufferPainter
Modifying a composite ring - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCompositeRingPainter
Modifying an ILcd2DEditableArc - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcPainter
Modifying an ILcd2DEditableArcBand - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYArcBandPainter
Modifying an ILcd2DEditableBounds - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYBoundsPainter
Modifying an ILcd2DEditableCircle - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCirclePainter
Modifying an ILcd2DEditableEllipse - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYEllipsePainter
Modifying an ILcd2DEditablePointList - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYPointListPainter
Modifying an ILcd2DEditableShape - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYIconPainter
Modifying an ILcd2DEditableText - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYTextPainter
Modifying an ILcdCompositeCurve - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYCompositeCurvePainter
Modifying an ILcdShapeList - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYShapeListPainter
Modifying an ILcdSurface - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYSurfacePainter
modPoint(ILcdExpression<ILcdPoint>, ILcdExpression<T>) - Static method in class com.luciad.util.expression.TLcdExpressionFactory
Returns an expression that finds the modulus of its left parameter with respect to the right parameter.
MODULATION - Static variable in interface com.luciad.format.arinc.model.communication.ILcdARINCCommunicationFeature
The Modulation field will design the type of modulation for the frequency in the Communication Frequency field.
MODULATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.communication.TLcdARINCAerodromeCommunicationDataProperties
The Modulation field will design the type of modulation for the frequency in the Communication Frequency field.
MODULATION - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.communication.TLcdARINCEnrouteCommunicationDataProperties
The Modulation field will design the type of modulation for the frequency in the Communication Frequency field.
modulationColor(ILcdExpression<Color>) - Method in class
Sets the expression that determines the modulation color to apply to the icons.
modulationColor(ILcdExpression<Color>) - Method in class
Sets the expression that determines the modulation color to apply to the icons.
modulationColor(Color) - Method in class
Sets the color that is modulated with the layer.
modulationColor(Color) - Method in class
Sets the color that is modulated with the 3D icon.
modulationColor(Color) - Method in class
Sets the color that is modulated with the 3D mesh.
modulationColor(Color) - Method in class
Sets the color that is modulated with the stroke.
modulationColor(Color) - Method in class
Sets the color that is modulated with the icon.
modulationColor(Color) - Method in class
Sets a fixed modulation color to apply to all icons.
modulationColor(Color) - Method in class
Sets the color that is modulated with the raster.
MOGAS - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeFuel
MOLE - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20UnitOfMeasure
MON - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeDay
MONCTON - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIFacility
MONITORED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51NavaidEquipmentMonitoring
Data property that maps to the monitored element.
MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51AzimuthTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the monitoring element.
MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51DirectionFinderTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the monitoring element.
MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51DMETimeSlice
Data property that maps to the monitoring element.
MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51ElevationTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the monitoring element.
MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51GlidepathTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the monitoring element.
MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51LocalizerTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the monitoring element.
MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51MarkerBeaconTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the monitoring element.
MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51NDBTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the monitoring element.
MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51SDFTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the monitoring element.
MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51TACANTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the monitoring element.
MONITORING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.navaidspoints.navaids.TLcdAIXM51VORTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the monitoring element.
MONOCHROME_RASTER - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.bci.TLcdBCIRasterModelDescriptor
A monochrome raster.
MONOCOLOUR - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeVerticalStructureMarking
MONOPULSE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.features.surveillance.TLcdAIXM51SecondarySurveillanceRadarTimeSlice
Data property that maps to the monopulse element.
Monte_Mario_Rome_to_Monte_Mario_Italy - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Monte Mario Rome to Monte Mario Italy .
Monte_Mario_to_WGS84_Sardinia - Static variable in class com.luciad.geodesy.TLcdJPLGeodeticDatumFactory
ID for Monte Mario to WGS84 Sardinia .
MONTH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32TimeUnit
MONTH - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20UnitOfMeasure
MONTHLY - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.metadata.model.maintenance.TLcdISO19115MaintenanceFrequencyCode
Data is updated each month.
MONTREAL - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.asdi.TLcdASDIFacility
MONUMENT - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeVerticalStructure
MORA - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.arinc.model.TLcdARINCDataTypes
ARINC type for MORA.
MORE_RECENT_ON_MASTER - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.fusion.engine.replication.TLfnReplicationResource.Status
The resource is present on both the master and the slave tile store, but the version on the master is more recent compared to the one on the slave.
MORE_RECENT_ON_SLAVE - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.fusion.engine.replication.TLfnReplicationResource.Status
The resource is present on both the master and the slave tile store, but the version on the slave is more recent compared to the one on the slave.
MORE_ZOOMED_IN_THAN - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.TLcdMapScale.ScaleComparison
The first scale is larger than the second scale.
MORE_ZOOMED_IN_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.TLcdMapScale.ScaleComparison
The first scale is larger than or equal to the second scale.
MORE_ZOOMED_OUT_THAN - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.TLcdMapScale.ScaleComparison
The first scale is smaller than the second scale.
MORE_ZOOMED_OUT_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.TLcdMapScale.ScaleComparison
The first scale is smaller than or equal to the second scale.
More examples - Search tag in class com.luciad.view.TLcdModelQueryConfiguration
More information - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIB2ModelDecoder
More information - Search tag in class com.luciad.format.grib.TLcdGRIBModelDecoder
morph(T) - Method in interface com.luciad.util.enumeration.ILcdMorphingFunction
Transforms a given object and returns the result.
MORTON - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.ELcdGML31SequenceRuleNames
MORTON - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.ELcdGML32SequenceRuleEnumeration
MOST_DETAILED - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.gxy.measure.TLcdGXYViewMeasureProvider.DefaultSampleDensity
USe the most detailed measure data available.
MOST_DETAILED - Enum constant in enum class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.measure.TLspViewMeasureProvider.DefaultSampleDensity
Use the most detailed measure data available.
MOUNTAIN - Static variable in class com.luciad.ais.model.obstacle.type.TLcdObstacleType
MOUSE_LOCATION_ACTIVE_SETTABLE - Static variable in class
The ID for the TLcyLspMapComponentFactory.createActiveSettable(int, method, representing an active settable for showing the mouse location on the map.
MOUSE_LOCATION_ACTIVE_SETTABLE - Static variable in class
Constant for an active settable to toggle the on-map mouse location.
MOUSE_LOCATION_COMPONENT - Static variable in class
MOUSE_LOCATION_COMPONENT - Static variable in class
Constant for a Component containing the coordinates of the current mouse location over the view.
MOUSE_MODE_CLICK - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectControllerModel2
MOUSE_MODE_DRAG - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectControllerModel2
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyCanvas
Implements MouseListener.mouseClicked.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyColor
Implements MouseListener.mouseClicked.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyCanvasSW
Implements MouseListener.mouseClicked.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyColorSW
Implements MouseListener.mouseClicked.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.grib.gxy.TLcdGRIBGXYController
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.gxy.TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController
Invoked when a mouse button has been clicked on the ILcdGXYView component.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileController
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYSmartController
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCenterRasterController
This method doesn't perform any operation.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCompositeController
Delegates to MouseListener.mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) for each added ILcdGXYController that implements MouseListener.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYInteractiveLabelsController
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYMagnifierController
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYOverviewController
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYPanController
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class
MouseEvent me is ignored.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class
MouseEvent me is ignored.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class
This implementation is empty.
mouseCursor(ILcdGXYView, ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList, Point, Point, MouseEvent, int, int, ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditControllerModel2
Returns the desired cursor for the given parameters.
mouseCursor(Object, int, Graphics, MouseEvent, ILcdGXYLayerSubsetList, ILcdGXYContext) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYNewControllerModel2
Returns the desired cursor for the given parameters, or null if no specific cursor is needed.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.grib.gxy.TLcdGRIBGXYController
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.gxy.TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.swing.TLcdBasicRangeSliderUI.DefaultMouseMotionListener
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileController
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYSmartController
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCompositeController
Delegates to MouseMotionListener.mouseDragged(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) for each added ILcdGXYController that implements MouseMotionListener.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYDragRectangleController
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController2
Handles mouse dragged events.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYInteractiveLabelsController
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYMagnifierController
When the mouse is dragged with the left-button pressed, a magnifier window is shown whose center is the location below the mouse.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController2
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYOverviewController
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYPanController
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYRotateController
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectController
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectController2
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYZoomWheelController
Stores the location to zoom in to or to zoom out from.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class
MouseEvent me is ignored.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class
MouseEvent me is ignored.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class
This implementation is empty.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyCanvas
Implements MouseListener.mouseEntered.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyColor
Implements MouseListener.mouseEntered.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyCanvasSW
Implements MouseListener.mouseEntered.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyColorSW
Implements MouseListener.mouseEntered.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.grib.gxy.TLcdGRIBGXYController
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.gxy.TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController
Invoked when the mouse enters the ILcdGXYView component.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileController
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYSmartController
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCenterRasterController
This method doesn't perform any operation.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCompositeController
Delegates to MouseListener.mouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) for each added ILcdGXYController that implements MouseListener.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYInteractiveLabelsController
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYMagnifierController
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYOverviewController
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class
MouseEvent me is ignored.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class
MouseEvent me is ignored.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class
This implementation is empty.
mouseEvents() - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.controller.TLspAWTEventFilterBuilder
A filter that only allows mouse events to pass.
mouseEvents() - Method in class com.luciad.view.TLcdAWTEventFilterBuilder
A filter that only allows mouse events to pass.
mouseEvents() - Method in class com.luciad.view.TLcdFXEventFilterBuilder
A filter that only allows mouse and scroll events to pass.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyCanvas
Implements MouseListener.mouseExited.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyColor
Implements MouseListener.mouseExited.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyCanvasSW
Implements MouseListener.mouseExited.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyColorSW
Implements MouseListener.mouseExited.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.grib.gxy.TLcdGRIBGXYController
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.gxy.TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController
Invoked when the mouse exits the ILcdGXYView component.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileController
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYSmartController
Will perform a pan depending on the values of isDragging, isPanOnMouseDragExit and isPanOnMouseMoveExit properties
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCenterRasterController
This method doesn't perform any operation.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCompositeController
Delegates to MouseListener.mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) for each added ILcdGXYController that implements MouseListener.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController2
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYInteractiveLabelsController
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYMagnifierController
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController
Only pans the view when an object is actively being created.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController2
Only pans the view when an object is actively being created.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYOverviewController
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class
MouseEvent me is ignored.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class
MouseEvent me is ignored.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class
This implementation is empty.
mouseModeAsString(int) - Static method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectControllerModel2
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.grib.gxy.TLcdGRIBGXYController
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.gxy.TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.swing.TLcdBasicRangeSliderUI.DefaultMouseMotionListener
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileController
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYSmartController
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCompositeController
Delegates to MouseMotionListener.mouseMoved(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) for each added ILcdGXYController that implements MouseMotionListener.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYDragRectangleController
No operation
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController2
Handles mouse moved events.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYInteractiveLabelsController
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYMagnifierController
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController2
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYOverviewController
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYPanController
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYZoomWheelController
Stores the location to zoom in to or to zoom out from.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
The MouseEvent me causes the properties of importance to the current mode to be updated.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
The mouse movement causes the drawing of a line between the mouse click points on the screen and the drawing of the circle spanning the distance between the last mouse clicking point and the current position.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
The MouseEvent me causes the properties of importance to the current mode to be updated.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
The mouse movement calculates and displays the new distances and calls a repaint on the view, forcing a paint of this controller.
mouseMovedOrDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController
Handles what should be done to visualize the creation of the object.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyCanvas
Implements MouseListener.mousePressed.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyColor
Implements MouseListener.mousePressed.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyCanvasSW
Implements MouseListener.mousePressed.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyColorSW
Implements MouseListener.mousePressed.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.grib.gxy.TLcdGRIBGXYController
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.gxy.TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController
Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on the ILcdGXYView component.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileController
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYSmartController
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCenterRasterController
This method doesn't perform any operation.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCompositeController
Delegates to MouseListener.mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) for each added ILcdGXYController that implements MouseListener.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYDragRectangleController
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController
This implementation calls super.mousePressed(), caches the mouse event (for future use in other mouseXXX methods) and sets the cursor.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController2
Handles mouse pressed events.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYInteractiveLabelsController
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYMagnifierController
When the left-button or right-button of the mouse is pressed, a magnifier window is shown whose center is the location below the mouse.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController2
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYOverviewController
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYPanController
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYRotateController
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectController
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectController2
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
The MouseEvent me causes the properties of importance to the current mode to be updated.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
MouseEvent me is ignored.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
The MouseEvent me causes the properties of importance to the current mode to be updated.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyCanvas
Makes a ILcdPropertyDialog visible with the set PropertyEditor.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.awt.TLcdPropertyColor
This implementation opens a Window with a choice among default Colors.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyCanvasSW
Makes a ILcdPropertyDialog visible with the set PropertyEditor.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyColorSW
Opens a Window with a choice among default Colors.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.grib.gxy.TLcdGRIBGXYController
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.format.magneticnorth.gxy.TLcdMagneticNorthGXYController
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.tea.TLcdTerrainProfileController
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.ALcdGXYSmartController
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCenterRasterController
This method triggers the centering of the view on a raster (see description above).
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCompositeController
Delegates to MouseListener.mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) for each added ILcdGXYController that implements MouseListener.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYDragRectangleController
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYEditController2
Handles mouse released events.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYInteractiveLabelsController
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYMagnifierController
When the left-button of the mouse is released, the magnifier window disappears.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYNewController2
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYOverviewController
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYPanController
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYRotateController
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectController
Implements mouseReleased.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYSelectController2
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
MouseEvent me is ignored.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
A mouse release causes the last location to be added to the list of points that are going to be linked.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
This implementation is empty.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
A mouse release causes the last location to be added to the list of points that are going to be linked.
mouseReleasedOld(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.beans.swing.TLcdPropertyColorSW
mouseWheelFilter() - Method in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.controller.TLspAWTEventFilterBuilder
A filter that only allows mouse wheel events to pass.
mouseWheelFilter() - Method in class com.luciad.view.TLcdAWTEventFilterBuilder
A filter that only allows mouse wheel events to pass.
mouseWheelFilter() - Method in class com.luciad.view.TLcdFXEventFilterBuilder
A filter that only allows mouse wheel events to pass.
mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYCompositeController
Delegates to MouseWheelListener.mouseWheelMoved(java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent) for each added ILcdGXYController that implements MouseWheelListener.
mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.controller.TLcdGXYZoomWheelController
Zooms the map in or out or stores the total mouse wheel activity depending on whether the view should be repainted continuously or not.
MOVABLE_ARM - Static variable in class com.luciad.format.aixm51.model.datatypes.TLcdAIXM51CodeLoadingBridge
move(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdVectorIcon
Move the icon over the given delta's.
MOVE - Static variable in class com.luciad.lucy.datatransfer.ALcyLayerSelectionTransferHandler
This constant indicates that the ALcyLayerSelectionTransferHandler can only move the selection.
MOVE - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.operation.TLspEditOperationType
Indicates that an object or a part of an object was moved.
MOVE_BOTTOM - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.TLcdMoveLayerAction
Constant to indicate an action that moves a layer to the bottom of the list.
MOVE_DOWN - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.TLcdMoveLayerAction
Constant to indicate an action that moves a layer one position down in the list.
MOVE_DOWN_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the TLcdIconFactory.create(String) method.
MOVE_LABEL - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.lightspeed.editor.operation.TLspEditOperationType
Indicates that the label of an object was moved.
MOVE_LAYER_BOTTOM_ACTION - Static variable in class
The ID for the createAction method that represents the action to move layers to the bottom of the view.
MOVE_LAYER_BOTTOM_ACTION - Static variable in class
The ID for the createAction method that represents the action to move the selected layers to the bottom.
MOVE_LAYER_DOWN_ACTION - Static variable in class
The ID for the createAction method that represents the action to move layers one position towards the bottom of the view.
MOVE_LAYER_DOWN_ACTION - Static variable in class
The ID for the createAction method that represents the action to move the selected layers down.
MOVE_LAYER_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class
Not used.
MOVE_LAYER_TOP_ACTION - Static variable in class
The ID for the createAction method that represents the action to move layers to the top of the view.
MOVE_LAYER_TOP_ACTION - Static variable in class
The ID for the createAction method that represents the action to move the selected layers to the top.
MOVE_LAYER_UP_ACTION - Static variable in class
The ID for the createAction method that represents the action to move layers one position towards the top of the view.
MOVE_LAYER_UP_ACTION - Static variable in class
The ID for the createAction method that represents the action to move the selected layers up.
MOVE_LEFT_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the TLcdIconFactory.create(String) method.
MOVE_RIGHT_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the TLcdIconFactory.create(String) method.
MOVE_TOP - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.TLcdMoveLayerAction
Constant to indicate an action that moves a layer to the top of the list.
MOVE_UP - Static variable in class com.luciad.view.TLcdMoveLayerAction
Constant to indicate an action that moves a layer one position up in the list.
MOVE_UP_ICON - Static variable in class com.luciad.gui.TLcdIconFactory
String identifier for one of the predefined icons which can be used as parameter for the TLcdIconFactory.create(String) method.
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISArcBand
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPoint
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolygon
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolyline
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2Box
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LinearRing
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LineString
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2Point
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Arc
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31ArcByBulge
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31ArcByCenterPoint
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Circle
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31CircleByCenterPoint
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DirectPosition
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Envelope
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31GeodesicString
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LinearRing
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineString
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineStringSegment
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Point
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Rectangle
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Triangle
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Vector
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Arc
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32ArcByBulge
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32ArcByCenterPoint
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Circle
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32CircleByCenterPoint
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DirectPosition
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Envelope
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32GeodesicString
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LinearRing
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineString
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineStringSegment
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Point
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Rectangle
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Triangle
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22AbstractGeometry
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LinearRing
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LineString
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Location
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Point
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Polygon
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Arc
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15ArcBand
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Arrow
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Circle
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Corridor
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Ellipse
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Multipoint
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Point
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Polygon
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Polyline
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Text
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arc
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBandRing
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arrow
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Circle
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20CircularRing
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Corridor
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20EllipticRing
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20LinearRing
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20MultiPoint
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Orbit
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Point
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polyline
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20RectangularRing
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Text
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Edge
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Face
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Point
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPPointM
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPPointZ
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditableFloatPolypoint
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditableLine
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditablePolypoint
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditableShape
Translates this shape so that its focus point ends up at the specified position.
move2D(double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditableBounds
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditableShape
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcd2DEditableFeaturedPoint
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatArc
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatArcBand
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatBounds
Moves the bounds.
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatBuffer
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatCircle
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatEllipse
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatFloatBounds
Moves the rectangle.
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatFloatPoint
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatGeoBuffer
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatPoint
Sets the longitude and latitude of this ILcd2DEditablePoint.
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYArc
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYBounds
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYCircle
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYEllipse
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYFloatBounds
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYFloatPoint
Changes the point to have the specified location.
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYGeoBuffer
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYPoint
Changes the point to have the specified location.
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYText
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdXYZ3DArcBand
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditableBounds
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditableFloatPolypoint
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditablePoint
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditablePolypoint
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdExtrudeShape
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeight3DArcBand
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightBuffer
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightDome
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightSphere
move2D(double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdXYZFloatPoint
Changes the point to have the specified location.
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISArcBand
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPoint
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolygon
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolyline
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2Box
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LinearRing
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LineString
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2Point
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Arc
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31ArcByBulge
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31ArcByCenterPoint
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Circle
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31CircleByCenterPoint
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DirectPosition
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Envelope
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31GeodesicString
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LinearRing
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineString
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineStringSegment
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Point
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Rectangle
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Triangle
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Vector
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Arc
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32ArcByBulge
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32ArcByCenterPoint
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Circle
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32CircleByCenterPoint
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DirectPosition
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Envelope
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32GeodesicString
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LinearRing
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineString
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineStringSegment
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Point
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Rectangle
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Triangle
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22AbstractGeometry
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LinearRing
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LineString
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Location
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Point
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Polygon
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Arc
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15ArcBand
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Arrow
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Circle
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Corridor
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Ellipse
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Multipoint
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Point
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Polygon
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Polyline
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Text
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arc
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20ArcBandRing
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arrow
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Circle
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20CircularRing
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Corridor
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20EllipticRing
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20LinearRing
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20MultiPoint
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Orbit
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Point
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polyline
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20RectangularRing
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Text
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Edge
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Face
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPPointM
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.format.shp.TLcdSHPPointZ
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditableBounds
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditablePoint
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditableShape
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditableBounds
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditableShape
Moves this ILcd2DEditableShape to the given point in the 2D space.
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcd2DEditableFeaturedPoint
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightDome
move2D(ILcdPoint) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightSphere
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolygon
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolyline
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2Coordinates
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LinearRing
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LineString
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Coordinates
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DirectPositionList
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31GeodesicString
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LinearRing
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineString
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineStringSegment
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Triangle
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Coordinates
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DirectPositionList
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32GeodesicString
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LinearRing
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineString
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineStringSegment
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Triangle
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22Coordinates
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LinearRing
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.kml22.model.geometry.TLcdKML22LineString
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Multipoint
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Polygon
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg15.model.TLcdNVG15Polyline
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Arrow
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Corridor
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20LinearRing
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20MultiPoint
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Orbit
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.nvg.nvg20.model.TLcdNVG20Polyline
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Edge
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.s57.TLcdS57Face
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditableFloatPolypoint
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditableLine
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ALcd2DEditablePolypoint
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in interface com.luciad.shape.shape2D.ILcd2DEditablePointList
Moves the specified point of this ILcd2DEditablePointList to the given point in the 2D space.
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcd2DEditablePointList
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcd2DEditablePointListLonLatFloatArray
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcd2DEditablePointListXYFloatArray
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatBuffer
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatPolygon
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdLonLatRhumbPolygon
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYFloatLine
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape2D.TLcdXYPolygon
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditableFloatPolypoint
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.ALcd3DEditablePolypoint
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcd3DEditablePointList
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdLonLatHeightBuffer
move2DPoint(int, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.shape.shape3D.TLcdXYZFloatLine
move2DPoint(ILcd2DEditablePointList, int, double, double, int, ILcdGXYContext) - Method in class com.luciad.view.gxy.painter.TLcdGXYPointListPainter
Moves the point at the given index in the specified ILcd2DEditablePointList to the given point in the 2D space.
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPoint
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolygon
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.ais.shape.TLcdAISPolyline
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.asterix.TLcdASTERIXPlot
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2Box
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LinearRing
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2LineString
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml2.model.TLcdGML2Point
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31DirectPosition
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Envelope
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31GeodesicString
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LinearRing
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineString
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31LineStringSegment
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Point
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Rectangle
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Triangle
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml31.model.TLcdGML31Vector
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32DirectPosition
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32Envelope
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32GeodesicString
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LinearRing
move3D(double, double, double) - Method in class com.luciad.format.gml32.model.TLcdGML32LineString