Class TLcdWMSGetLegendGraphicRequestContext


public class TLcdWMSGetLegendGraphicRequestContext extends Object
This class contains all relevant information that might be useful when generating legends.

There are four possibilities for the arguments:

  • The client has specified a WMS named layer without an SLD and the WMS named layer is not linked to an SLD on the server side: in this case, only the ALcdWMSLayer is defined; the ALcdSLDLayer and TLcdSLDFeatureTypeStyle[] arguments are null.
  • The client has specified a WMS named layer without an SLD and the WMS named layer is linked to an SLD on the server side: in this case, the ALcdWMSLayer and TLcdSLDFeatureTypeStyle[] arguments are defined; the ALcdSLDLayer is null.
  • The client has specified a WMS named layer with an SLD: in this case, both the ALcdWMSLayer and ALcdSLDLayer are defined, the TLcdSLDFeatureTypeStyle[] is null.
  • The client has specified an SLD user-defined layer: in this case, only the ALcdSLDLayer is defined; the ALcdWMSLayer and TLcdSLDFeatureTypeStyle[] are null.
  • Method Details

    • getWidth

      public int getWidth()
      An optional argument which specifies the size in pixels of the graphic which will be produced.
      A positive integer specifying a size in pixels.
    • getHeight

      public int getHeight()
      An optional argument which specifies the size in pixels of the graphic which will be produced.
      A positive integer specifying a size in pixels.
    • getScale

      public float getScale()
      The optional scale parameter of the request.
      Double which is a standardized scale denominator
    • getRule

      public String getRule()
      The optional rule of style parameter of the request.
      String corresponding to a rule of style.
    • getFeatureType

      public String getFeatureType()
      The feature type for which a legend graphic should be created This parameter only needs to be set if the layer is a WMS layer and contains more than one feature type.
      A String corresponding to a feature type which is displayed in the layer.
    • getWMSLayer

      public ALcdWMSLayer getWMSLayer()
      the Web Map Server layer for which a legend graphic shall be created (the server's point of view). Note that this argument can be null if the layer specified by the client is a user-defined SLD layer.
    • getSLDLayer

      public ALcdSLDLayer getSLDLayer()
      The named or user-defined SLD layer for which a legend graphic shall be created (the client's point of view). Note that this argument can be null if the user didn't specify an SLD.
    • getSLDStyledLayerDescriptor

      public TLcdSLDStyledLayerDescriptor getSLDStyledLayerDescriptor()
      The SLD styled layer descriptor. Note that this argument can be null if the user didn't specify an SLD.
    • getSLDFeatureTypeStyles

      public TLcdSLDFeatureTypeStyle[] getSLDFeatureTypeStyles()
      The SLD feature styles configured on the server side which a legend graphic shall be created (the client's point of view). Note that this argument can be null if the user didn't specify any SLD feature styles on the server side.
    • getModelSupplier

      public Supplier<ILcdModel[]> getModelSupplier()
      Provides a way to retrieve the models linked to the Web Map Server Layer, the named or user-defined SLD layer that are part of the context.