Interface ILcdRemoteOWSModelProvider

public interface ILcdRemoteOWSModelProvider
Interface defining implementations that can provide models corresponding to some user-defined layer.
  • Method Details

    • getModel

      ILcdModel[] getModel(TLcdSLDUserLayer aUserLayer, TLcdWMSRequestContext aWMSRequestContext) throws IOException
      Returns the ILcdModel corresponding to a user-defined layer. Whether to return one or more ILcdModel objects depends on the contents of the user-defined layer. If this layer combines multiple coverages (WCS) or feature types (WFS), it may be necessary to decode each coverage or feature type into a single ILcdModel. This is especially needed when these coverages or feature types have multiple model references, because an ILcdModel can be associated with only one model reference.
      aUserLayer - the user-defined layer.
      aWMSRequestContext - the WMS request context, which gives access to the original HttpServletRequest that was sent to the WMS and several other parameters.
      the ILcdModel(s) corresponding to a user-defined layer.
      IOException - if the model can not be returned (because decoding fails).