Interface ILcdRemoteOWSModelDecoderFactory

public interface ILcdRemoteOWSModelDecoderFactory
Interface defining the method to create a new ILcdRemoteOWSModelDecoder for a given user-defined layer.
  • Method Details

    • createModelDecoder

      ILcdRemoteOWSModelDecoder createModelDecoder(TLcdSLDUserLayer aUserLayer, TLcdWMSRequestContext aWMSRequestContext) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Creates a new ILcdRemoteOWSModelDecoder that can decode the specified user-defined layer.
      aUserLayer - the user-defined layer to obtain a ILcdRemoteOWSModelDecoder for.
      aWMSRequestContext - the WMS request context, which gives access to the original HttpServletRequest that was sent to the WMS and several other parameters.
      a new ILcdRemoteOWSModelDecoder that can decode the specified user-defined layer.
      IllegalArgumentException - if there is no ILcdRemoteOWSModelDecoder known for this user-defined layer.