Class ALcdOGCWMSDimension


public abstract class ALcdOGCWMSDimension extends Object
Represents a dimensional parameter available for a WMS layer or a group of layers.

A dimension is an optional concept defined by the WMS specification that enables parametrisation of a WMS layer (or layer group) according to a certain data dimension.

Typical examples of data dimensions are elevation and time. For instance, an elevation dimension on a layer with temperature data could be defined by a WMS service to allow clients to request the temperature data for different heights (instead of defining separate layers for each available height). For more information on the use of dimensions, please refer to the WMS specification.

The extent of a dimension, i.e. the possible values that can be used by a client, is modeled by a TLcdOGCWMSDimensionExtent, which can be retrieved through the method getExtent().

See Also:
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the default value that will be used if a GetMap request does not specify a value.
    Returns the extent of this dimensional parameter.
    abstract String
    Returns the name of the dimensional parameter.
    abstract String
    Returns the units of the dimensional parameter.
    abstract String
    Returns the unit symbol of the dimensional parameter.
    abstract boolean
    This property is only valid for temporal extents (e.g. time), and indicates whether (a) temporal data are normally kept current and (b) whether the request parameter TIME may include the keyword 'current' instead of an ending value.
    abstract boolean
    Returns whether multiple values of the dimensional parameter may be requested.
    abstract boolean
    Returns whether the nearest value of the dimensional parameter will be returned in response to a request for a nearby value.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • ALcdOGCWMSDimension

      public ALcdOGCWMSDimension()
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public abstract String getName()
      Returns the name of the dimensional parameter.
      the name of the dimensional parameter.
    • getUnits

      public abstract String getUnits()
      Returns the units of the dimensional parameter.
      the units of the dimensional parameter.
    • getUnitSymbol

      public abstract String getUnitSymbol()
      Returns the unit symbol of the dimensional parameter.
      the unit symbol of the dimensional parameter.
    • getDefaultValue

      public abstract TLcdOGCWMSDimensionExtent getDefaultValue()
      Returns the default value that will be used if a GetMap request does not specify a value. If not specified, a service exception will be sent to the client if the request does not include a value for that dimension.
      the default value that will be used if a GetMap request does not specify a value.
    • getExtent

      public abstract TLcdOGCWMSDimensionExtent getExtent()
      Returns the extent of this dimensional parameter. The extent defines the possible values/intervals.
      the extent of this dimensional parameter.
    • isMultipleValues

      public abstract boolean isMultipleValues()
      Returns whether multiple values of the dimensional parameter may be requested.
      whether multiple values of the dimensional parameter may be requested.
    • isNearestValue

      public abstract boolean isNearestValue()
      Returns whether the nearest value of the dimensional parameter will be returned in response to a request for a nearby value.
      whether the nearest value of the dimensional parameter will be returned in response to a request for a nearby value.
    • isCurrent

      public abstract boolean isCurrent()
      This property is only valid for temporal extents (e.g. time), and indicates whether (a) temporal data are normally kept current and (b) whether the request parameter TIME may include the keyword 'current' instead of an ending value.
      Returns whether (a) temporal data are normally kept current and (b) whether the request parameter TIME may include the keyword 'current' instead of an ending value.