Class TLcdDefaultVVGridRenderer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdDefaultVVGridRenderer extends Object implements ILcdVVGridRenderer
This class is a default implementation of ILcdVVGridRenderer.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdDefaultVVGridRenderer

      public TLcdDefaultVVGridRenderer()
  • Method Details

    • setGridColor

      public void setGridColor(Color aColor)
      This methods sets the Color used for painting the main-grid.
    • getFontHeight

      public int getFontHeight()
      Specified by:
      getFontHeight in interface ILcdVVGridRenderer
      the font size used for the labels of the grid.
    • getGridColor

      public Color getGridColor()
      See Also:
    • setSubGridColor

      public void setSubGridColor(Color aColor)
      This methods sets the Color used for painting the sub-grid.
    • getSubGridColor

      public Color getSubGridColor()
      See Also:
    • setGridLabelFont

      public void setGridLabelFont(Font aFont)
      Sets the Font that should be uses when painting the grid-labels.
    • getGridLabelFont

      public Font getGridLabelFont()
      See Also:
    • getGridLabelColor

      public Color getGridLabelColor()
      See Also:
    • setGridLabelColor

      public void setGridLabelColor(Color aColor)
      This methods will set theColorto use for painting the grid-label.
    • isAntiAliasing

      public boolean isAntiAliasing()
      Returns whether to use anti-aliasing when painting.
      whether to use anti-aliasing when painting
      See Also:
    • setAntiAliasing

      public void setAntiAliasing(boolean aAntiAliasing)
      Sets whether to use anti-aliasing when painting.
      aAntiAliasing - if true, uses anti-aliasing when painting
      See Also:
    • paintSubGridLine

      public void paintSubGridLine(Graphics aGraphics, int aX1, int aY1, int aX2, int aY2)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdVVGridRenderer
      Performs the rendering of a subgrid-line on the given Graphics.
      Specified by:
      paintSubGridLine in interface ILcdVVGridRenderer
    • paintGridLine

      public void paintGridLine(Graphics aGraphics, int aX1, int aY1, int aX2, int aY2)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdVVGridRenderer
      Performs the rendering of a grid-line on the given Graphics.
      Specified by:
      paintGridLine in interface ILcdVVGridRenderer
    • paintOrdinateLabel

      public void paintOrdinateLabel(double aValue, double aStep, Graphics aGraphics, int aX, int aY, int aWidth)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdVVGridRenderer
      Performs the rendering of a grid-label on the given Graphics.
      Specified by:
      paintOrdinateLabel in interface ILcdVVGridRenderer
      aValue - The value to paint.
      aStep - How big is the step between each grid-line ( model values )
      aX - The screen's X-position.
      aY - The screen's Y-position (of the grid-line).
      aWidth - The amount of width available for the label.
    • getOrdinateLabelWidth

      public int getOrdinateLabelWidth(double aMinOrdinateAlt, double aMaxOrdinateAlt, double aOrdinateStep, Graphics aGraphics)
      Returns the width that fits the ordinate labels using the given minimum and maximum altitude ordinates, ordinate step and graphics.
      Specified by:
      getOrdinateLabelWidth in interface ILcdVVGridRenderer
      aMinOrdinateAlt - the minimum altitude
      aMaxOrdinateAlt - the maximum altitude
      aOrdinateStep - the step size between the altitudes
      aGraphics - the graphics for which to paint the labels
      a width fitting the altitude ordinates
    • getAltitudeUnit

      public TLcdAltitudeUnit getAltitudeUnit()
    • setAltitudeUnit

      public void setAltitudeUnit(TLcdAltitudeUnit aAltitudeUnit)
    • isShowUnit

      public boolean isShowUnit()
    • setShowUnit

      public void setShowUnit(boolean aShowUnit)