Interface ILcdVVGridLineOrdinateProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdDefaultVVGridLineOrdinateProvider, TLcdVVGridLineOrdinateProviderRVSM

public interface ILcdVVGridLineOrdinateProvider

Provides information on the vertical view grid. It determines the range after snapping of the vertical view grid. It also returns the grid-line ordinates and sub grid-line ordinates for the vertical view grid.

  • Method Details

    • getSnappedRange

      ILcdInterval getSnappedRange(double aScale, ILcdInterval aRange, TLcdAltitudeUnit aUnit)

      Returns the range required by the vertical view to snap to its grid. This method is used when the vertical view is configured to snap to its grid.

      aScale - The scale of the vertical view grid, defined in pixels per altitude unit.
      aRange - The current range of the vertical view grid.
      aUnit - The altitude unit in which the vertical view grid is defined.
      the range required by the vertical view to snap to its grid.
    • getGridLineOrdinates

      double[] getGridLineOrdinates(double aScale, ILcdInterval aRange, TLcdAltitudeUnit aUnit)

      Returns an array of altitudes for which a grid-line is needed in the vertical view.

      aScale - The scale of the vertical view grid, defined in pixels per altitude unit.
      aRange - The current range of the vertical view grid.
      aUnit - The altitude unit in which the vertical view grid is defined.
      an array of altitudes for which a grid-line is needed in the vertical view.
    • getSubGridLineOrdinates

      double[] getSubGridLineOrdinates(double aScale, ILcdInterval aRange, TLcdAltitudeUnit aUnit)

      Returns an array of altitudes for which a sub grid-line is needed in the vertical view.

      aScale - The scale of the vertical view grid, defined in pixels per altitude unit.
      aRange - The current range of the vertical view grid.
      aUnit - The altitude unit in which the vertical view grid is defined.
      an array of altitudes for which a sub grid-line is needed in the vertical view.