Interface ILspLabelPlacementEvaluator

public interface ILspLabelPlacementEvaluator
Interface that allows to evaluate a placement for a label.
  • Method Details

    • evaluatePlacement

      This method evaluates the given label placement and returns a PlacementResult to determine if the placement can be used for its label or not. It can make this decision based on a Conflict returned by an ILspLabelConflictChecker and a list of already placed labels.
      aPlacement - the placement to evaluate.
      aConflict - a Conflict returned by an ILspLabelConflictChecker, can be null.
      aPlacements - a list of already placed labels.
      aCurrentLabelLocations - an ALspLabelLocations object containing locations for the currently placed labels.
      a PlacementResult.
    • placementApplied

      void placementApplied(TLspLabelPlacement aPlacement, List<TLspLabelPlacement> aPlacements, ALspLabelLocations aCurrentLabelLocations)
      This method can be called to notify that a given TLspLabelPlacement is chosen as the placement for a label.
      aPlacement - the applied placement.
      aPlacements - the list of currently placed labels.
      aCurrentLabelLocations - an ALspLabelLocations object containing locations for the currently placed labels.
    • noPlacementApplied

      void noPlacementApplied(TLspLabelID aLabel, List<TLspLabelPlacement> aPlacements, ALspLabelLocations aCurrentLabelLocations)
      This method can be called to notify that no TLspLabelPlacement is chosen as placement for the given label.
      aLabel - the label for which no valid placement was found.
      aPlacements - the list of currently placed labels.
      aCurrentLabelLocations - an ALspLabelLocations object containing locations for the currently placed labels.