Interface ILcdCollectedLabelInfoDependencyProvider

public interface ILcdCollectedLabelInfoDependencyProvider
Interface that makes it possible to specify dependencies between TLcdCollectedLabelInfo objects. The nature of this dependency is not specified in the interface, and should be correctly specified by implementations using it.
  • Method Details

    • getDependingLabels

      void getDependingLabels(TLcdCollectedLabelInfo aLabel, TLcdCollectedLabelInfoList aLabelInfoList, List<TLcdCollectedLabelInfo> aDependingLabelsSFCT)
      This method adds all TLcdCollectedLabelInfo objects that depend on the given TLcdCollectedLabelInfo objects to the given list. The depending label info objects should be chosen from the label info objects in the given TLcdCollectedLabelInfoList.
      aLabel - a label info object.
      aLabelInfoList - the label infos object.
      aDependingLabelsSFCT - The list to which all depending labels are added.