Interface ILcdFXBalloonContentProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcdFXBalloonContentProvider
This interface provides a method that can return contents for a balloon. It returns a Node that should be used as the content.

You can register your own instances to the service loader to have it picked up by a balloon manager, see LcdService and the Working with the services mechanism article.

  • Method Details

    • canGetContent

      boolean canGetContent(ALcdBalloonDescriptor aBalloonDescriptor)
      Checks if it is possible to return a Node that should be used as the content. The implementation of this method should be consistent with the implementation of getContent(ALcdBalloonDescriptor), i.e. when this method returns false, getContent(ALcdBalloonDescriptor) should return null and vice versa.
      aBalloonDescriptor - An object describing a balloon.
      true if a content Node can be returned for the given ALcdBalloonDescriptor and false otherwise.
    • getContent

      Node getContent(ALcdBalloonDescriptor aBalloonDescriptor)
      Returns the balloon contents of an object. It is allowed to call this method without first calling canGetContent(ALcdBalloonDescriptor). Both implementations should be consistent though, i.e. when canGetContent(ALcdBalloonDescriptor) returns false, this method should return null and vice versa.
      aBalloonDescriptor - An object describing a balloon.
      a Node that should be used as the content of a balloon, or null when this provider cannot provide contents for the given ALcdBalloonDescriptor.