Package com.luciad.view.gxy.labeling

package com.luciad.view.gxy.labeling

Handles GXY view label placers and GXY labeling algorithms.


The main interface of this package is ILcdGXYViewLabelPlacer. This interface takes a gxy view or a list of layers from a gxy view as input, and places their labels. Label placements are stored using the layers ALcdLabelLocations. The painting of these labels can then be done later by the layer.

This package provides three ILcdGXYViewLabelPlacer implementations :

  • TLcdGXYLabelPlacer : This label placer uses a gxy labeling algorithm to compute label placements synchronously (on the AWT thread).
  • TLcdGXYAsynchronousLabelPlacer : This label placer uses a gxy labeling algorithm to compute label placements asynchronously, i.e. it uses the paint threads to collect labeling info, and it uses a background thread to compute the label placements.
  • TLcdGXYCompositeViewLabelPlacer : This label placer can be used to place labels of groups of layers independently, or to mix synchronous and asynchronous label placing.

Labeling algorithms

This package contains three sub-packages, each handling a different aspect of GXY labeling algorithms.
