Interface ILcdGXYScaleLevelProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcdGXYScaleLevelProvider
Retrieves scale levels for a point in the view.

This interface is used by TLcdGXYZoomWheelController to snap to the provided scale levels when using control-zoom.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getScaleLevels

      ILcdGXYScaleLevelProvider.ScaleLevel[] getScaleLevels(int aX, int aY, ILcdGXYView aView)

      Returns the scale levels for the given view point. The scales should be in order, from smallest to largest. The scale levels can be based on the given view coordinate, for example the ideal scales for a raster under this view position.

      aX - an x view coordinate
      aY - an y view coordinate
      aView - the view
      the scale levels for the given view point.