Interface ILcdISO19103UnitOfMeasure

All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdAltitudeUnit, TLcdAngleUnit, TLcdDistanceUnit, TLcdSpeedUnit

public interface ILcdISO19103UnitOfMeasure
A quantity adopted as a standard of measurement for other quantities of the same kind.

You can obtain instance using TLcdUnitOfMeasureFactory or by using the constants defined on implementations of this interface.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getUOMName

      String getUOMName()
      The name of the unit of measure
      the name of the unit of measure
    • getUOMSymbol

      String getUOMSymbol()
      The symbol used for the unit of measure
      the symbol used for the unit of measure
    • getMeasureType

      TLcdISO19103MeasureTypeCode getMeasureType()
      The type of measure this unit of measure is used for.
      the type of measure this unit of measure is used for.
    • getNameOfStandardUnit

      String getNameOfStandardUnit()
      The name of the standard unit for this type of measures.
      the name of the standard unit for this type of measures.
    • convertToStandard

      double convertToStandard(double aValue)
      Converts a value which is assumed in this unit of measure to the standard unit of measure.
    • convertFromStandard

      double convertFromStandard(double aValue)
      Converts a value which is assumed in the standard unit of measure to the unit of measure in the measureSFCT.