Interface ILcd3DOrientationSettable

All Superinterfaces:
ILcd3DOriented, ILcdOrientationSettable, ILcdOriented

public interface ILcd3DOrientationSettable extends ILcdOrientationSettable, ILcd3DOriented
Describes an object with an editable orientation in three dimensions. This interface extends ILcdOrientationSettable, which only describes an orientation in a plane (i.e. a single angle).

The methods introduced by this interface describe pitch and roll angles. The setOrientation() method of ILcdOrientationSettable describes the yaw angle.

  • Method Details

    • setPitch

      void setPitch(double aPitch)
      Sets the pitch of the object in degrees. The pitch increases in upward direction, with 0 degrees being horizontal.
    • setRoll

      void setRoll(double aRoll)
      Sets the roll of the object in degrees. The roll increases in counterclockwise direction, with 0 degrees being horizontal.