Class TLcdRPCModelReferenceDecoder

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdInputStreamFactoryCapable, ILcdModelReferenceDecoder

This model reference decoder constructs model references based on the rational polynomial coefficients read from RPC files, as distributed by GeoEye. Such files typically accompany GeoTIFF files and have an _rpc.txt extension.

The decoder first tries to find the _rpc.txt file by replacing the extension of the source file, or by appending _rpc.txt if there was no suffix. If this fails, the decoder attempts to open the original input file name.

The format is a plain text format containing lines with one parameter/value pair per line. The parameters may be given in any order. The format of a line is

PARAMETER: value [unit-of-measure]
For example:
 LINE_OFF: +000837.00 pixels
 SAMP_OFF: +002522.00 pixels
 LAT_OFF: +32.72160000 degrees
 LAT_SCALE: +00.01580000 degrees
 LINE_NUM_COEFF_1: -1.588273187168747E-03

Sample Code

For instance, creating a GeoTIFF model decoder that retrieves its references from an accompanying RPC text file:

 TLcdGeoTIFFModelDecoder decoder =
   new TLcdGeoTIFFModelDecoder( new TLcdRPCModelReferenceDecoder() );

 ILcdModel model = decoder.decode( "image.tif" );
See Also: