Class TLcdProjectionFactory


public class TLcdProjectionFactory extends Object
Factory class to create ILcdProjection objects from a Properties object or to serialize a given ILcdProjection object as properties into a Properties object as side effect.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdProjectionFactory

      public TLcdProjectionFactory()
  • Method Details

    • createProjection

      public static ILcdProjection createProjection(String aPrefix, Properties aProperties) throws IllegalArgumentException
      This method will, given aPrefix and aProperties, return an ILcdProjection. It will look for the following key : <aPrefix>ILcdProjection.class : the name of the class, that implements ILcdProjection, and of which an instance should be created. The aProperties object should contain entries which will be analyzed by the various instances of ILcdProjection which have a loadProperties method.
      aPrefix - the prefix for the projection property names.
      aProperties - the Properties object from which to construct the ILcdProjection.
      an ILcdProjection created upon the given properties.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the ILcdProjection cannot be created.
      See Also:
    • writeProjectionSFCT

      public static void writeProjectionSFCT(ILcdProjection aProjection, String aPrefix, Properties aPropertiesSFCT)
      This method will, given aProjection, aPrefix and aPropertiesSFCT, write the properties of the projection as a side effect into the aPropertiesSFCT object. It will store the projection class with the following key : <aPrefix>ILcdProjection.class : the name of the class, that implements ILcdProjection, and of which an instance is passed.
      aProjection - the projection to be serialized.
      aPrefix - the prefix for the projection property names.
      aPropertiesSFCT - the Properties object that will contain the serialized properties as side effect.
      See Also: