Interface ILcdConic

All Superinterfaces:
ILcdProjection, ILcdPropertyChangeSource, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
ALcdConic, TLcdAlbersEqualAreaConic, TLcdLambertConformal

public interface ILcdConic extends ILcdProjection
An ILcdConic is an ILcdProjection that is derived by projection of geodetic points on a cone which is then unrolled.

The cone can be placed on top of the earth globe with the apex or tip along the axis of the earth globe and the sides of the cone tangent to the globe along a specified standard latitude aLatitude which is true to scale.

The cone doesn't have to be tangent to the globe but can also be secant at two specified standard parallels.

An ILcdConic has a first Parallel and a second Parallel, both determined by a latitude. The latitude of the firstParallel must be less than or equal to the latitude of the secondParallel. Its origin is determined by a longitude and a latitude. ILcdConic Structure

  • Method Details

    • setFirstParallel

      void setFirstParallel(double aLatitude)
      Sets the firstParallel of this ILcdConic to the parallel with latitude aLatitude.
      aLatitude - The new firstParallel value.
      See Also:
    • getFirstParallel

      double getFirstParallel()
      Gets the latitude of the firstParallel of this ILcdConic.
      the latitude of the firstParallel of this ILcdConic.
      See Also:
    • setSecondParallel

      void setSecondParallel(double aLatitude)
      Sets the secondParallel of this ILcdConic to the parallel with latitude aLatitude.
      aLatitude - The new secondParallel value.
      See Also:
    • getSecondParallel

      double getSecondParallel()
      Gets the latitude of the secondParallel of this ILcdConic.
      the latitude of the secondParallel of this ILcdConic.
      See Also:
    • setOriginLat

      void setOriginLat(double aLatitude)
      Sets the latitude of the origin of this ILcdConic to aLatitude.
      aLatitude - The new originLat value.
      See Also:
    • getOriginLat

      double getOriginLat()
      Gets the latitude of the origin of this ILcdConic.
      the latitude of the origin of this ILcdConic.
      See Also:
    • setOriginLon

      void setOriginLon(double aLongitude)
      Sets the longitude of the origin of this ILcdConic to aLongitude.
      aLongitude - The new originLon value.
      See Also:
    • getOriginLon

      double getOriginLon()
      Gets the longitude of the origin of this ILcdConic.
      the longitude of the origin of this ILcdConic.
      See Also: