Package com.luciad.ogc.wfs.client

package com.luciad.ogc.wfs.client
Client API for an OGC Web Feature Service (WFS).

The supported WFS versions are 1.0.0, 1.1.0 and 2.0.0. For more information about the specifications, please refer to

The TLcdWFSClient class is the main class through which all communication with a WFS service occurs. It provides the low-level functionality to initialize a connection, to create and send requests, and to interpret the responses. It can also be used to explore the capabilities of a WFS.

To retrieve and visualize map data from a WFS in an application, an ILcdModel has to be created that represents a data link or proxy towards the WFS. For this purpose, the class TLcdWFSProxyModelFactory is provided, which allows to create a WFS model based on a TLcdWFSClient instance. The resulting TLcdWFSProxyModel will transparently obtain data from the WFS and cache it locally in memory. Additionally, it provides various configuration options, including the use of an OGC Filter to restrict the data retrieved from the WFS.
