Class ALcdSLDGXYPainterFactory

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ALcdSLDGXYPainterFactory extends Object
Factory to create painters for feature type styles, rules and symbolizers. A feature type style is the top level element of an SLD for which painters need to be created. The feature type styles contains a set of rules which in turn contain symbolizers. For each of these elements, a factory method is defined. There is a factory method per level, to allow changing just the implementation at a level, without losing the capability to take advantage of the implementations at the other levels.

Depending on the actual implementation of the factory methods, low level factory methods may be called by the higher level factory methods.

  • Constructor Details

    • ALcdSLDGXYPainterFactory

      public ALcdSLDGXYPainterFactory()
  • Method Details

    • createFeatureTypeStylePainter

      public abstract ALcdSLDFeatureTypeStylePainter createFeatureTypeStylePainter(TLcdSLDFeatureTypeStyle aStyle, TLcdSLDContext aSLDContext)
      Creates a feature type style painter that renders objects according to the styling information in the given style, taking into account the context.
      aStyle - the feature type style to apply.
      aSLDContext - the context to render the objects in.
      a feature type style painter that renders objects according to the styling information in
    • createRulePainter

      public abstract ALcdSLDRulePainter createRulePainter(TLcdSLDRule aRule, TLcdSLDContext aSLDContext)
      Creates a rule painter which renders the objects accepted by the rule according to the style information in the rule (contained in the symbolizers).
      aRule - the rule the objects should comply to to be rendered.
      aSLDContext - the context to render the objects in.
      a rule painter which renders the objects accepted by the rule according to the style information in the rule.
    • createSymbolizerPainter

      public abstract ALcdSLDSymbolizerPainter createSymbolizerPainter(ALcdSLDSymbolizer aSLDSymbolizer, TLcdSLDContext aSLDContext)
      Creates a symbolizer painter that renders objects according to the rendering hints defined in the given symbolizer.
      aSLDSymbolizer - the collection of rendering hints to take into account.
      aSLDContext - the context to render the objects in.
      a symbolizer painter that will be used to render according to the rendering hints defined in the given symbolizer.