Class TLcdSLDCategorize

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataObject, ILcdGenericExpression, ILcdOGCExpression, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDeepCloneable, Cloneable

public class TLcdSLDCategorize extends TLcdSLDFunction
The transformation of continuous values to distinct values.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdSLDCategorize

      public TLcdSLDCategorize()
      Default Constructor
    • TLcdSLDCategorize

      public TLcdSLDCategorize(TLcdDataType aType)
      Default Constructor
  • Method Details

    • getThresholdsBelongTo

      public TLcdSLDCategorize.ThresholdsBelongTo getThresholdsBelongTo()
      Gets the value of the 'thresholdsBelongTo' property.

      Indicates whether a lookup value that is equal to a threshold should be mapped on to the preceeding or the succeeding value.

      the value of the 'thresholdsBelongTo' property.
    • setThresholdsBelongTo

      public void setThresholdsBelongTo(TLcdSLDCategorize.ThresholdsBelongTo aValue)
      Sets the value of the 'thresholdsBelongTo' property.

      Indicates whether a lookup value that is equal to a threshold should be mapped on to the preceeding or the succeeding value.

      aValue - the value to set for the 'thresholdsBelongTo' property.
    • getLookupValue

      public TLcdSLDParameterValue getLookupValue()
      Gets the value of the 'LookupValue' property.

      The lookup value is the input to the function, and is usually dependent on the object that is being styled.

      the value of the 'LookupValue' property.
    • setLookupValue

      public void setLookupValue(TLcdSLDParameterValue aValue)
      Sets the value of the 'LookupValue' property.

      The lookup value is the input to the function, and is usually dependent on the object that is being styled.

      aValue - the value to set for the 'LookupValue' property.
    • getFirstValue

      public TLcdSLDParameterValue getFirstValue()
      Gets the value of the 'FirstValue' property.

      The first value is returned if the lookup value is smaller than the first threshold.

      the value of the 'FirstValue' property.
    • setFirstValue

      public void setFirstValue(TLcdSLDParameterValue aValue)
      Sets the value of the 'FirstValue' property.

      The first value is returned if the lookup value is smaller than the first threshold.

      aValue - the value to set for the 'FirstValue' property.
    • getThreshold

      public List<TLcdSLDParameterValue> getThreshold()
      Gets the value of the 'Threshold' property.
      the value of the 'Threshold' property.
    • getValue

      public List<TLcdSLDParameterValue> getValue()
      Gets the value of the 'Value' property.
      the value of the 'Value' property.
    • addThreshold

      public void addThreshold(TLcdSLDParameterValue aThreshold, TLcdSLDParameterValue aValue)
      Adds a threshold and the value that is to be used if the lookup is larger than that threshold, and smaller than the subsequent threshold. Use setFirstValue(TLcdSLDParameterValue) to set the value used when the lookup is smaller than the first threshold.

      Thresholds should be added in increasing order.

      aThreshold - A threshold, should evaluate to a value that is comparable to the lookup value
      aValue - The value returned when the lookup is larger than aThreshold.