Class TLcdOWSDataTypes


public class TLcdOWSDataTypes extends Object
This class provides access to the data model and the types of

Refer to the package javadoc for more information about this domain model.

The data model and its types are typically used to:

  • introspect the data structures (types, properties) of the domain model in a generic way
  • create Java instances for XML types which don't have a dedicated Java class equivalent
  • configure an XML decoder for decoding data of this data model:
    new TLcdXMLSchemaBasedDecoder().configure(getDataModel())
  • configure an XML encoder for encoding data of this data model:
    new TLcdXMLSchemaBasedEncoder().configure(getDataModel())
  • set up transformations between data models

This mapping has been automatically generated based on the XML schema net/opengis/ows/super/owsAll.xsd.

The display names of the entities in this data model can be customized by creating a resource bundle with base name com/luciad/ogc/ows/model/TLcdOWSDataTypes. See TLcdResourceBundleDataModelDisplayNameProvider for more details on the required structure of the resource bundle.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • AbstractReferenceBaseType

      public static final TLcdDataType AbstractReferenceBaseType
    • NilValueType

      public static final TLcdDataType NilValueType
    • DomainType

      public static final TLcdDataType DomainType
    • OnlineResourceType

      public static final TLcdDataType OnlineResourceType
    • CodeType

      public static final TLcdDataType CodeType
    • AcceptFormatsType

      public static final TLcdDataType AcceptFormatsType
    • Operation

      public static final TLcdDataType Operation
    • ReferenceGroupType

      public static final TLcdDataType ReferenceGroupType
    • BasicIdentificationType

      public static final TLcdDataType BasicIdentificationType
    • ValueType

      public static final TLcdDataType ValueType
    • LanguageStringType

      public static final TLcdDataType LanguageStringType
    • WGS84BoundingBoxType

      public static final TLcdDataType WGS84BoundingBoxType
    • DomainMetadataType

      public static final TLcdDataType DomainMetadataType
    • AnyValue

      public static final TLcdDataType AnyValue
    • IdentificationType

      public static final TLcdDataType IdentificationType
    • TelephoneType

      public static final TLcdDataType TelephoneType
    • ExceptionReport__version

      public static final TLcdDataType ExceptionReport__version
    • ValuesReference

      public static final TLcdDataType ValuesReference
    • MimeType

      public static final TLcdDataType MimeType
    • AdditionalParameter

      public static final TLcdDataType AdditionalParameter
    • DatasetDescriptionSummaryBaseType

      public static final TLcdDataType DatasetDescriptionSummaryBaseType
    • GetCapabilitiesType_AcceptLanguages

      public static final TLcdDataType GetCapabilitiesType_AcceptLanguages
    • GetResourceByIdType

      public static final TLcdDataType GetResourceByIdType
    • VersionType

      public static final TLcdDataType VersionType
    • OperationsMetadata

      public static final TLcdDataType OperationsMetadata
    • ResponsiblePartyType

      public static final TLcdDataType ResponsiblePartyType
    • ServiceIdentification

      public static final TLcdDataType ServiceIdentification
    • MetadataType

      public static final TLcdDataType MetadataType
    • ServiceProvider

      public static final TLcdDataType ServiceProvider
    • RangeType

      public static final TLcdDataType RangeType
    • KeywordsType

      public static final TLcdDataType KeywordsType
    • UpdateSequenceType

      public static final TLcdDataType UpdateSequenceType
    • SectionsType

      public static final TLcdDataType SectionsType
    • CapabilitiesBaseType

      public static final TLcdDataType CapabilitiesBaseType
    • HTTP

      public static final TLcdDataType HTTP
    • ResponsiblePartySubsetType

      public static final TLcdDataType ResponsiblePartySubsetType
    • ManifestType

      public static final TLcdDataType ManifestType
    • RequestMethodType

      public static final TLcdDataType RequestMethodType
    • DCP

      public static final TLcdDataType DCP
    • CapabilitiesBaseType_Languages

      public static final TLcdDataType CapabilitiesBaseType_Languages
    • ContactType

      public static final TLcdDataType ContactType
    • ContentsBaseType

      public static final TLcdDataType ContentsBaseType
    • ServiceReferenceType

      public static final TLcdDataType ServiceReferenceType
    • ServiceType

      public static final TLcdDataType ServiceType
    • AddressType

      public static final TLcdDataType AddressType
    • AllowedValues

      public static final TLcdDataType AllowedValues
    • ExceptionReport

      public static final TLcdDataType ExceptionReport
    • AdditionalParametersBaseType

      public static final TLcdDataType AdditionalParametersBaseType
    • PositionType2D

      public static final TLcdDataType PositionType2D
    • DescriptionType

      public static final TLcdDataType DescriptionType
    • ReferenceType

      public static final TLcdDataType ReferenceType
    • NoValues

      public static final TLcdDataType NoValues
    • BoundingBoxType

      public static final TLcdDataType BoundingBoxType
    • PositionType

      public static final TLcdDataType PositionType
    • UnNamedDomainType

      public static final TLcdDataType UnNamedDomainType
    • AdditionalParametersType

      public static final TLcdDataType AdditionalParametersType
    • AcceptVersionsType

      public static final TLcdDataType AcceptVersionsType
    • GetCapabilitiesType

      public static final TLcdDataType GetCapabilitiesType
    • ExceptionType

      public static final TLcdDataType ExceptionType
  • Method Details

    • getDataModel

      public static TLcdDataModel getDataModel()
      Returns the data model for
      the data model
    • createSchemaTypeMapping

      public static ILcdXMLSchemaTypeMapping createSchemaTypeMapping(TLcdDataModel aDataModel)