Class TLcdOWSAbstractReferenceBase

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataObject, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDeepCloneable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TLcdOWSAbstractReferenceBase extends TLcdDataObject
Base for a reference to a remote or local resource.

This type contains only a restricted and annotated set of the attributes from the xlink:simpleAttrs attributeGroup.

  • Field Details


      public static final TLcdDataProperty TYPE_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the type attribute. The possible values for this property are the public QName constants defined in this class.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdOWSAbstractReferenceBase

      public TLcdOWSAbstractReferenceBase()
    • TLcdOWSAbstractReferenceBase

      public TLcdOWSAbstractReferenceBase(TLcdDataType aType)
  • Method Details

    • getType

      public String getType()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the type attribute.

      The possible values for this property are the public QName constants defined in this class.

      the value of the TYPE_PROPERTY property.
    • setType

      public void setType(String aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the type attribute.

      The possible values for this property are the public QName constants defined in this class.

      aValue - the value to set for the TYPE_PROPERTY property.