Uses of Interface
Packages that use ILcdRoute
Contains interfaces and algorithms for routing (shortest route, tracing).
Provides functions associating values with edges, used by the routing algorithms to determine the length of a route.
Contains a class for modeling routes and an additional utility class for basic route analysis.
Uses of ILcdRoute in
Methods in that return ILcdRouteModifier and TypeMethodDescription<N,
E> ILcdRoute <N, E> ILcdShortestRouteAlgorithm.getShortestRoute
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aPrecedingRoute, ILcdRoute<N, E> aSucceedingRoute, ILcdEdgeValueFunction<N, E> aEdgeValueFunction, ILcdDistanceFunction<N, E> aHeuristicDistanceFunction) Returns anILcdRoute
describing the shortest route betweenaPrecedingRoute
(ILcdPoint aStartPoint, ILcdPoint aEndPoint, ILcdCrossCountryDistanceFunction aDistanceFunction, ILcdCrossCountryDistanceFunction aHeuristicDistanceFunction, double aMaxSearchDistance) Returns anILcdRoute
describing the shortest route between the start and end point.<N,
E> ILcdRoute <N, E> TLcdPartitionedShortestRouteAlgorithm.getShortestRoute
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aPrecedingRoute, ILcdRoute<N, E> aSucceedingRoute, ILcdEdgeValueFunction<N, E> aEdgeCostFunction, ILcdDistanceFunction<N, E> aHeuristicDistanceFunction) <N,
E> ILcdRoute <N, E> TLcdShortestRouteAlgorithm.getShortestRoute
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aPrecedingRoute, ILcdRoute<N, E> aSucceedingRoute, ILcdEdgeValueFunction<N, E> aEdgeValueFunction, ILcdDistanceFunction<N, E> aDistanceFunction) Methods in with parameters of type ILcdRouteModifier and TypeMethodDescription<N,
E> void ILcdTracingAlgorithm.getPredecessors
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aSucceedingRoute, ILcdEdgeValueFunction<N, E> aEdgeValueFunction, ILcdTracingResultHandler<N, E> aResultHandler, double aDistance) Calculates all traces in the graph leading to the start node ofaSucceedingroute
, within a given maximum range.<N,
E> void TLcdTracingAlgorithm.getPredecessors
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aSucceedingRoute, ILcdEdgeValueFunction<N, E> aEdgeValueFunction, ILcdTracingResultHandler<N, E> aResultHandler, double aDistance) <N,
E> ILcdRoute <N, E> ILcdShortestRouteAlgorithm.getShortestRoute
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aPrecedingRoute, ILcdRoute<N, E> aSucceedingRoute, ILcdEdgeValueFunction<N, E> aEdgeValueFunction, ILcdDistanceFunction<N, E> aHeuristicDistanceFunction) Returns anILcdRoute
describing the shortest route betweenaPrecedingRoute
E> ILcdRoute <N, E> TLcdPartitionedShortestRouteAlgorithm.getShortestRoute
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aPrecedingRoute, ILcdRoute<N, E> aSucceedingRoute, ILcdEdgeValueFunction<N, E> aEdgeCostFunction, ILcdDistanceFunction<N, E> aHeuristicDistanceFunction) <N,
E> ILcdRoute <N, E> TLcdShortestRouteAlgorithm.getShortestRoute
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aPrecedingRoute, ILcdRoute<N, E> aSucceedingRoute, ILcdEdgeValueFunction<N, E> aEdgeValueFunction, ILcdDistanceFunction<N, E> aDistanceFunction) <N,
E> void ILcdTracingAlgorithm.getSuccessors
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aPrecedingRoute, ILcdEdgeValueFunction<N, E> aEdgeValueFunction, ILcdTracingResultHandler<N, E> aResultHandler, double aDistance) Calculates all traces in the graph starting from the end node ofaPrecedingRoute
, within a given maximum range.<N,
E> void TLcdTracingAlgorithm.getSuccessors
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aPrecedingRoute, ILcdEdgeValueFunction<N, E> aEdgeValueFunction, ILcdTracingResultHandler<N, E> aResultHandler, double aDistance) void
(N aNode, ILcdRoute<N, E> aShortestRoute, double aDistance) The handler which is invoked for every node for which is trace is found. -
Uses of ILcdRoute in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type ILcdRouteModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionILcdComplexEdgeValueFunction.getComplexEdgeSequences
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, E aEdge) Returns the list with all routes for which the cost of adding the specified edge is different from the edge value of that edge itself.Methods in with parameters of type ILcdRouteModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal double
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aPrecedingRoute, ILcdRoute<N, E> aSucceedingRoute, TLcdTraversalDirection aTraversalDirection) double
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aPrecedingRoute, ILcdRoute<N, E> aSucceedingRoute, TLcdTraversalDirection aTraversalDirection) Returns the distance between the end node ofaPrecedingRoute
and the start node ofaSucceedingRoute
.final double
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aRoute, E aNextEdge, TLcdTraversalDirection aTraversalDirection) final double
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aRoute, E aNextEdge, TLcdTraversalDirection aTraversalDirection) final double
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aRoute, E aNextEdge, TLcdTraversalDirection aTraversalDirection) double
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aPrecedingRoute, E aEdge, TLcdTraversalDirection aTraversalDirection) Returns the value associated withaEdge
(ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aPrecedingRoute, E aEdge, TLcdTraversalDirection aTraversalDirection) Returns the value associated with the given edge. -
Uses of ILcdRoute in
Classes in that implement ILcdRouteMethods in with parameters of type ILcdRouteModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <N,
E> double TLcdRouteUtil.computeValue
(ILcdRoute<N, E> aRoute, ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N, E> aPrecedingRoute, ILcdEdgeValueFunction<N, E> aEdgeValueFunction) Returns the total value of the given route, which is calculated by calculating the values of each edge in the route with the givenILcdEdgeValueFunction
and adding them.static <N,
E> boolean TLcdRouteUtil.isFullyContainedInGraph
(ILcdRoute<N, E> aRoute, ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph) Returns true if the given route is fully contained in the given graph, false otherwise.static <N,
E> boolean TLcdRouteUtil.isPartlyContainedInGraph
(ILcdRoute<N, E> aRoute, ILcdGraph<N, E> aGraph) Returns true if the given route is partly contained in the given graph, false otherwise.