Interface ILcdClusterShapeProvider

public interface ILcdClusterShapeProvider
Defines the ILcdShape which will be used to represent the cluster on the map.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getShape(Set<Object> aComposingElements, ILcdModel aOriginalModel)
    Returns the shape in model coordinates for the cluster that will be composed of the given set of elements.
  • Method Details

    • getShape

      ILcdShape getShape(Set<Object> aComposingElements, ILcdModel aOriginalModel)

      Returns the shape in model coordinates for the cluster that will be composed of the given set of elements. This method is called while a read lock on aOriginalModel is already acquired.

      There are some additional things to take into account when using a custom shape.

      • The returned shape should be a standard shape implementation provided by LuciadLightspeed, OR, if it is a custom shape implementation, a shape that does not implement ILcd2DEditableShape.
      • The returned shape's equals and hashCode implementations should be well-behaved.
      • If you include the cluster elements in your styling of the cluster, you must make sure these elements are not edit targets.
      aComposingElements - The composing elements for the cluster for which a shape needs to be provided. Do not modify.
      aOriginalModel - The original model, from which the composing elements originate. It can be used to for example retrieve the model descriptor or model reference from. Do not modify.
      The cluster shape in model coordinates.