Class ALcyFileTypeDescriptor

Direct Known Subclasses:
TLcyCompositeFileTypeDescriptor, TLcyFileTypeDescriptor, TLcyFilterFileTypeDescriptor

public abstract class ALcyFileTypeDescriptor extends Object
Descriptor that provides more information about the file types a certain ILcdModelEncoder/ILcdModelDecoder/ALcyDataSourceHandler can handle.
  • Constructor Details

    • ALcyFileTypeDescriptor

      protected ALcyFileTypeDescriptor()
      Creates a new ALcyFileTypeDescriptor .
  • Method Details

    • getDisplayName

      public abstract String getDisplayName()
      Returns the display name of this file type descriptor. This message will be displayed to a user, f.i. in a file type combo box of a file chooser.
      The display name.
    • includes

      public abstract boolean includes(String aFileName)
      Returns true if the given filename is included in this file type descriptor. Most likely, implementations will check if the given filename ends with a known extension (f.i. if it ends with '.txt' or so)
      aFileName - The filename to test for validity.
      True if the filename is accepted, false otherwise.
    • getDefaultExtension

      public abstract String getDefaultExtension()
      The default extension of this descriptor. This extension can be added to a filename without extension to create a valid file name.
      The default extension, without the dot.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns the display name of this file type descriptor.
      toString in class Object
      The display name.
      See Also: