Class ALcyLspCreateControllerModel


public abstract class ALcyLspCreateControllerModel extends ALspCreateControllerModel

Extension of ALspCreateControllerModel which has a currentLayer property. If that property is null, the given action to create a layer is used to make one.

It also changes the visible, selectable and editable properties of the layer to true if needed. For the latter, a confirmation dialog is displayed. Furthermore, it selects the layer that is being drawn on (ILcyLspMapComponent#setSelectedLayersAsList, so that the user knows about it.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getCurrentLayer

      public final ILspInteractivePaintableLayer getCurrentLayer()

      Returns the layer to which new objects will be added. If this is null, the TLcyLspCreateLayerAction which is passed in the constructor will be used to create a new layer.

      The layer to which new objects will be added
    • setCurrentLayer

      public final void setCurrentLayer(ILspInteractivePaintableLayer aCurrentLayer)

      Sets the layer in which new objects will be created.

      aCurrentLayer - The layer to which new objects will be added
    • getCreateLayerAction

      public final TLcyLspCreateLayerAction getCreateLayerAction()

      Returns the action that is used to create a new layer in case no appropriate existing layer can be found.

      The action
    • setCreateLayerAction

      public final void setCreateLayerAction(TLcyLspCreateLayerAction aCreateLayerAction)

      Sets the action that is used to create a new layer in case no appropriate existing layer can be found.

      aCreateLayerAction - The new action
    • getLayer

      public ILspInteractivePaintableLayer getLayer(ILspView aView)
      Description copied from class: ALspCreateControllerModel
      Gets the layer to which the created object should be added.
      Specified by:
      getLayer in class ALspCreateControllerModel
      aView - the view the layer should belong to
      the layer to create objects for, or null if the controller model cannot create objects for the given view
    • getMapComponent

      public final ILcyLspMapComponent getMapComponent()
      Returns the map component on which the selected layers will be updated when new elements are created.
      The map component. Can be null