Interface ILcyMapLayerControl

All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcyLspMapLayerControl, TLcyMapLayerControl

public interface ILcyMapLayerControl
Interface describing a layer control for a map. It has an action bar with shortcuts to commonly performed actions on layers, and it has a component that is the visual representation of this widget.

Please do not delegate or implement this interface because it is subject to change. You can use TLcyMapLayerControlFactory or TLcyLspMapLayerControlFactory to create TLcyMapLayerControl instances.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    It is strongly recommended not to access the action bars of the map laye control directly.
    Returns the visual representation of the map layer control.
  • Method Details

    • getActionBar

      @Deprecated ILcyActionBar getActionBar()
      It is strongly recommended not to access the action bars of the map laye control directly. If you want to insert actions or active settables into one of those action bars, use one of the TLcyActionBarUtil#insertInConfiguredActionBars methods instead. Consult the Lucy developer guide for more information about the action bar mechanism.
      Returns the action bar containing the layer actions.
      the action bar containing the layer actions.
    • getComponent

      Component getComponent()
      Returns the visual representation of the map layer control. Can never return null.
      the visual representation of the map layer control.