Interface ILcyActiveContextListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ILcyActiveContextListener extends EventListener
Represents a listener that can be notified of changes in the active contexts in the TLcyActionBarManager.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method is called when an active context is added to the TLcyActionBarManager contained in the event.
    This method is called when an active context is removed from the TLcyActionBarManager contained in the event.
  • Method Details

    • activeContextAdded

      void activeContextAdded(TLcyActiveContextEvent aEvent)
      This method is called when an active context is added to the TLcyActionBarManager contained in the event.
      aEvent - The event which contains the detail of which TLcyActionBarManager was changed and which context was added to the list of active contexts.
    • activeContextRemoved

      void activeContextRemoved(TLcyActiveContextEvent aEvent)
      This method is called when an active context is removed from the TLcyActionBarManager contained in the event.
      aEvent - The event which contains the detail of which TLcyActionBarManager was changed and which context was added to the list of active contexts.