Class ALcyPrintableComponentFactory

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ALcyPrintableComponentFactory extends ALcyPrintableMapComponentFactory<ILcyMapComponent>
Factory for the creation of a printable component for some ILcyMapComponent. The printable component represents the page layout and its content as a java.awt.Component.
  • Constructor Details

    • ALcyPrintableComponentFactory

      public ALcyPrintableComponentFactory()
  • Method Details

    • createPrintableComponent

      public abstract TLcyGXYViewPrintableComponent createPrintableComponent(ILcyMapComponent aMapComponent, TLcyProperties aProperties)
      Creates a printable component for the given ILcyMapComponent. It will typically return a component that contains the same data as the given map component, possibly decorated with a legend, overview, header text, ...

      The parameter TLcyProperties contains a number of settings, which can be used while creating the TLcyGXYViewPrintableComponent, for example to find out if an overview needs to be added or not. Furthermore, the TLcyGXYViewPrintableComponent should update itself whenever applicable properties in aProperties are changed. What properties are applicable, depends on the implementation of this factory. It could for example show/hide the overview based on a boolean value of the properties object.

      The keys and values that can be expected in aProperties are described in the various _KEY and _VALUE constants of TLcyPrintAddOn.

      Specified by:
      createPrintableComponent in class ALcyPrintableMapComponentFactory<ILcyMapComponent>
      aMapComponent - The map component.
      aProperties - The property node.
      the created printable component