Class ALcyDomainObjectSupplier

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ALcyDomainObjectSupplier extends Object

Groups all functionality related to a specific domain object, in order to easily allow adding new domain objects to the drawing addon.

This class offers support for everything that needs to be done for a domain object:

  • Creation of the domain object
  • Encoding and decoding into the drawing format by providing an XML marshaller and unmarshaller.
  • Conversion of domain objects. For example a circle can be converted to a dome, a polyline to a buffer, ... , or domain objects can be converted to an extruded version of it.
  • Creation of adapter objects for the domain object. For example a domain object containing a circle can return an adapter object which is an instance of ILcdCircle. Altering the adapter object will also change the original object.
  • ILcyCustomizerPanel to customize the domain object. In order to have undo/redo functionality these panels should generate the necessary TLcdUndoableEvents. More information on this can be found in the developer guide.
  • Providing a painter and editor for the domain object

Note: the painter and editor should be able to handle converted domain objects as well. See createDomainObjectConverter for more information about converted domain objects.

Adding or removing support for a domain object can be done by adding or removing the corresponding instance of this class from TLcyDrawingFormat by using the methods addDomainObjectSupplier and removeDomainObjectSupplier.

Class diagram for

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ALcyDomainObjectSupplier

      protected ALcyDomainObjectSupplier(String aDomainObjectID, ALcyProperties aProperties)
      Create a new domain object supplier with unique ID aDomainObjectID.
      aDomainObjectID - a unique ID for this supplier.
      aProperties - The properties object that holds the configuration of this domain object supplier instance.
  • Method Details

    • getDomainObjectID

      public String getDomainObjectID()

      Returns the unique ID of this domain object supplier. Can for example be used to find out which 2D domain object suppliers match with which 3D domain object suppliers.

      The IDs of the default supported domain objects and their corresponding suppliers can be accessed through the constants on the TLcyDrawingFormat class.

      the ID of this domain object supplier.
    • getProperties

      public ALcyProperties getProperties()
      Returns the ALcyProperties that holds the configuration of this domain object supplier instance.
      The ALcyProperties that holds the configuration. May be null.
    • canHandle

      public abstract boolean canHandle(Object aDomainObject)

      Checks whether this domain object supplier is capable of providing several items for aDomainObject. These items are:

      • XML marshallers and unmarshallers
      • A painter provider
      • An editor provider
      • A domain object customizer panel factory
      • A converter

      This method is mainly used to find the correct supplier from a list of suppliers, or from a composite supplier. If for example a painter provider is requested from a composite supplier, the composite supplier will iterate through its known suppliers and check first if the supplier can handle the domain object, before actually asking for the painter provider.

      Before requesting for example marshallers, painter providers, ... directly from an ALcyDomainObjectSupplier it is appropriate to call this method to make sure the marshallers, painter providers, ... which are returned are actually capable of dealing with a certain domain object.

      aDomainObject - the domain object
      true if this domain object supplier can handle aDomainObject
    • canCreateDomainObject

      public abstract boolean canCreateDomainObject(ILcdModel aForModel)
      Indicates if this domain object supplier is capable of creating a domain object in aForModel.
      aForModel - The ILcdModel for which this domain object supplier should create a domain object
      if this domain object supplier can create a domain object in this model.
    • createDomainObject

      public abstract ILcdShape createDomainObject(ILcdModel aForModel)
      Creates a new domain object that matches with the given ILcdModel.
      aForModel - The ILcdModel for which the domain object is created. The implementation of this method can use this model to determine, for instance, the model reference or the ILcdDataModelDescriptor. Never null. The implementation of this method should not insert the created domain object in this ILcdModel.
      A new instance of the domain object represented by this domain object supplier implementation. Must not be null.
    • createXMLSchemaBasedEncoderLibraries

      public abstract ILcdXMLSchemaBasedEncoderLibrary[] createXMLSchemaBasedEncoderLibraries()

      Creates the XML schema encoder libraries that will be used to save domain objects to the native format.

      an array of XML schema encoder libraries that are capable of saving domain objects to the native format.
    • createXMLSchemaBasedDecoderLibraries

      public abstract ILcdXMLSchemaBasedDecoderLibrary[] createXMLSchemaBasedDecoderLibraries()
      Creates the XML schema decoder libraries that will be used to load domain objects from the native format.
      an XML schema decoder libraries that are capable of loading domain objects from the native format.
    • createDomainObjectCustomizerPanelFactory

      public abstract ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory createDomainObjectCustomizerPanelFactory()

      Returns a ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory that creates ILcyCustomizerPanels for this type of domain object.

      This factory is wrapped by a factory that filters for TLcyDomainObjectContext instances.

      a ILcyCustomizerPanelFactory that creates ILcyCustomizerPanels for this type of domain object.
    • createGXYPainterProvider

      public abstract ILcdGXYPainterProvider createGXYPainterProvider()

      Creates the painter provider for the objects of this domain object supplier.

      The provided painters are responsible for painting the geometry of the domain object as well as the style.

      The painter provider. Must not be null.
    • createGXYEditorProvider

      public abstract ILcdGXYEditorProvider createGXYEditorProvider()

      Creates the editor provider for the objects of this domain object supplier.

      The provided editors are responsible for editing the geometry of the domain object as well as the style.

      The editor provider. Must not be null.
    • createDomainObjectConverter

      public abstract ALcyDomainObjectConverter createDomainObjectConverter()

      Creates the domain object converter that can export the domain objects of this supplier to other models or, conversely, import the data of other models as domain objects supported by this domain object supplier.

      This domain object supplier must be able to provide all facilities (ie. painting, editing, encoding, decoding etc.) for a converted domain object if the target model is a drawing model.

      The domain object converter of this domain object supplier. Must not be null.