Class ALcyHelpManager


public abstract class ALcyHelpManager extends Object
A help manager is responsible for offering the possibility to context sensitive help. One can register a string to a component and can later on retrieve that string, given the component. With this string one can retrieve and show the correct help file. So one can retrieve the help file, given the component, which is exactly what we mean by context sensitive help.
  • Field Details


      public static final String HELP_ID_KEY
      This string can be used as a key for storing help id's. Target usage is to give an action a help id (= String value) via the putValue mechanism. Also note that your help id's should also work after obfuscation, so don't use class.getName() or things like that.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ALcyHelpManager

      public ALcyHelpManager()
  • Method Details

    • getHelpIDString

      public abstract String getHelpIDString(Component aComponent)
      Returns a previously registered help id for the given component
      aComponent - The component to retrieve the help id from
      The help id for the given component, or null if no help id was previously registered to that component.
      See Also:
    • putHelpIDString

      public abstract void putHelpIDString(Component aComponent, String aHelpID)
      Registers a help identifier to a component. This is used to retrieve context sensitive help for that component.
      aComponent - The component to associate the help id with
      aHelpID - The help id to associate to the given component
      See Also: