Interface ILcdTransport

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, ILcdDisposable

public interface ILcdTransport extends ILcdDisposable
A transport service based on a request-response protocol. It can be used as an abstract layer for, for example, HTTP implementations.
  • Method Details

    • performRequest

      TLcdTransportResponse performRequest(TLcdTransportRequest aRequest) throws IOException
      Performs the specified request.

      Note that the response's code needs to be checked to see whether the request is successful.

      The content of the response should always be closed when the response has been handled, even if the content is not used or does not contain anything.

      aRequest - the request
      the response
      IOException - if the request failed
    • dispose

      default void dispose()

      Disposes of this object and allows it to release any system resources that it is holding.

      The result of calling any other method (other than finalize) on this object subsequent to a call to this method is undefined.

      The default implementation of this method does nothing. Make sure to override this method if needed.

      Specified by:
      dispose in interface ILcdDisposable