Interface ILcdIntersectionMatrix

public interface ILcdIntersectionMatrix
This interface defines a dimensionally extended nine intersection matrix (DE-9IM). This 3x3 matrix stores information about the way two shapes are topologically related. More specifically, the rows (columns) correspond with the interior, boundary and exterior respectively of the first (second) shape. The row and column index are given as an ELcdGeometryRegion. Each matrix element contains the dimension of the intersection of the two corresponding regions.
See Also:
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getDimension Link icon

      ELcdGeometryDimension getDimension(ELcdGeometryRegion aShape1Region, ELcdGeometryRegion aShape2Region)
      Returns the dimension value stored at the given row and column index.
      aShape1Region - region of the first shape (row index)
      aShape2Region - region of the second shape (column index)
      the dimension value stored at the given row and column index
    • getShapeDimension Link icon

      ELcdGeometryDimension getShapeDimension(int aShapeIndex)
      Returns the dimension of the shape with the given shape index.
      aShapeIndex - the index of the shape (0 for the first shape or 1 for the second shape)
      the dimension of the shape with the given shape index