Interface ILcd2DBinaryTopology

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ALcd2DBasicBinaryTopology, ALcd2DBasicBinaryTopologyMultiShape, TLcdCartesianBasicBinaryTopology, TLcdEllipsoidalBasicBinaryTopology, TLcdSphericalBasicBinaryTopology

public interface ILcd2DBinaryTopology
This interface defines binary topology relations on ILcdShapes.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    Constant to be used to indicate the operation to be performed is to check whether the first shape contains the second shape.
    static final int
    Constant to be used to indicate the operation to be performed is to check whether the first shape is inside the second shape.
    static final int
    Topology relation constant INTERACT Two ILcdShape objects INTERACT if and only if there is some overlap meaning they have at least one point in common.
    static final int
    Constant to be used to indicate the operation to be performed is to check whether the first shape boundary intersects the second shape boundary.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    checkTopology(ILcdShape aS1, ILcdShape aS2, int aRelation)
    Returns true if and only if the binary topology relation aRelation holds true on aS1 and aS2.
  • Field Details


      static final int INTERACT

      Topology relation constant INTERACT Two ILcdShape objects INTERACT if and only if there is some overlap meaning they have at least one point in common.

      The red shapes interact with the respective blue shapes.

      See Also:

      static final int CONTAIN

      Constant to be used to indicate the operation to be performed is to check whether the first shape contains the second shape. This is the inverse of the INSIDE operation.

      This is a more fine-grained check than the INTERACT check. If this check returns true, the INTERACT check will also return true.

      The red shape contains the blue shape.

      See Also:
    • INSIDE

      static final int INSIDE

      Constant to be used to indicate the operation to be performed is to check whether the first shape is inside the second shape. This is the inverse of the CONTAIN operation.

      This is a more fine-grained check than the INTERACT check. If this check returns true, the INTERACT check will also return true.

      The red shape is inside the blue shape.

      See Also:

      static final int LINE_INTERSECT

      Constant to be used to indicate the operation to be performed is to check whether the first shape boundary intersects the second shape boundary.

      This is a more fine-grained check than the INTERACT check. If this check returns true, the INTERACT check will also return true.

      Line intersect
      The red shapes line intersect the respective blue shapes.

      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • checkTopology

      boolean checkTopology(ILcdShape aS1, ILcdShape aS2, int aRelation)
      Returns true if and only if the binary topology relation aRelation holds true on aS1 and aS2.
      aS1 - first shape
      aS2 - second shape
      aRelation - relation to be checked upon. Should be one of the constants in this interface (INTERACT, CONTAIN, INSIDE, LINE_INTERSECT).
      true if and only if the binary topology relation aRelation holds true on aS1 and aS2.