Package com.luciad.fusion.engine.vector

package com.luciad.fusion.engine.vector
Provides the vector specific functionality for the LuciadFusion engine.

Vector data can be fused by creating a vector session on the TLfnEngineFactory and starting a fusion engine. The fusion engine will tile the vector features and store them in tiles in a Tile Store, using a proprietary format.

For fusion of large vector data sets, it is important to provide a proper geometry provider and enable geometry simplification. The ILfnGeometryProvider allows the removal (and conversion) of features at less detailed levels. If enabled, geometry simplification simplifies geometries at less detailed levels.

The geometry provider and geometry simplifier are independent of each other. The geometry provider is used to determine if a feature exists at a certain level and what its geometry is like. The simplifier is then used at each level to simplify the geometry of each feature, as given by the geometry provider.

Typically a provider will leave out detailed features at certain levels based on meta-data attributes that are specific to the data set, f.i. a road classification attribute. No default provider is available. In contrast, simplification is based on the geometry only. The built-in simplification algorithm is an implementation of the Douglas-Peucker line simplification algorithm.

11.0 This package has been deprecated. Since 2017.0 support for coverages of type VECTOR has been superseded with other mechanisms. Please refer to the Fusion migration guide for more information.