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Package com.luciad.fusion.client.view.lightspeed

Provides support for visualizing LuciadFusion vector data models in a Lightspeed view.

See: Description

Package com.luciad.fusion.client.view.lightspeed Description

Provides support for visualizing LuciadFusion vector data models in a Lightspeed view.

The main class is TLspFusionVectorLayerBuilder, which is a builder for creating Lightspeed layers that can visualize LuciadFusion vector data models, created by a TLfnTileStoreModelDecoder.

Styling of LuciadFusion vector data can be done using general ALspStyle and builder concepts.

More advanced styling, based for example on properties or geometry types, can be done by implementing a custom ILspStyler. Use an ALspStyleTargetProvider provided by TLspFusionGeometryProvider to apply a style to a subset of geometries, for example area outlines only.

This package has been deprecated. Since 2017.0 support for coverages of type VECTOR has been superseded with other mechanisms. Please refer to the Fusion migration guide for more information.
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