Class TLcdS52DataTypes


public class TLcdS52DataTypes extends Object
Data model and type definition for the S-52 TLcdS52DisplaySettings class.

In order to encode a TLcdS52DisplaySettings as XML, you can create an XML encoder as follows, and pass the TLcdS52DisplaySettings object to it:

new TLcdXMLSchemaBasedEncoder().configure(TLcdS52DataTypes.getDataModel()

The XML schema definition (XSD) can be found in the resources of the ECDIS module, in com/luciad/format/s52/s52.xsd.

The definition of the data object properties and their values is slightly different from the explicit getters and setts on this class. In particular, the color scheme, display category, point symbol type and area symbol type are modelled in the S-52 data type as Java enumerations, rather than integer constants.

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