Class TLcdAxisAlignedRasterReferencer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdAxisAlignedRasterReferencer extends Object implements ILcdRasterReferencer

This implementation of ILcdRasterReferencer computes axis-aligned raster bounds in the given model reference. This means that the raster is simply translated and scaled, based on a least squares approximation of the tie points.

If all tie points are vertically or horizontally aligned, this referencer assumes that the aspect ratio of the image is the same in image and world coordinates.

If rotation is also required, this class can be chained to TLcdRotatedRasterReferencer. For instance:

 ILcdRasterReferencer referencer =
   new TLcdRotatedRasterReferencer(new TLcdAxisAlignedRasterReferencer());

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdAxisAlignedRasterReferencer

      public TLcdAxisAlignedRasterReferencer()
  • Method Details

    • createRasterReference

      public ILcdRasterReference createRasterReference(int aImageWidth, int aImageHeight, ILcdPoint[] aImageTiePoints, ILcdModelReference aModelReference, ILcdPoint[] aModelTiePoints, ILcdPoint[] aMappedModelTiePointsSFCT)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdRasterReferencer
      Creates a raster reference for an image of a given size, based on pairs of tie points.

      An optional array can be provided for obtaining the model tie points transformed to image coordinates on return. These reflect the effects of the referencing. The differences between the transformed model tie points (expressed in pixels) and the original image tie points (also expressed in pixels) provide a measure for the success of the referencing. With a perfect raster reference, the resulting model tie points correspond to the original image tie points.

      Specified by:
      createRasterReference in interface ILcdRasterReferencer
      aImageWidth - the image width of the raster, expressed in pixels.
      aImageHeight - the image height of the raster, expressed in pixels.
      aImageTiePoints - the image tie points, expressed in pixels.
      aModelReference - the reference of the model tie points.
      aModelTiePoints - the model tie points corresponding to the image tie points, expressed in model coordinates.
      aMappedModelTiePointsSFCT - an optional array for obtaining the the model tie points mapped to image coordinates upon return. This parameter may be null, if the mapped points are not required.
      a raster reference containing a new model reference and raster bounds that try to satisfy the given tie points.